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Started 3 yr 5 mo ago
Took 7.5 sec on basic-439h4

#56 (Oct 27, 2020, 5:02:50 PM)

  1. Update to version 3.14.17 (details)
  2. Remove httpclient 4 tests (details)
  3. Updating to use Tycho 1.7 (details)
  4. Revert of tycho version back to 1.6.0 (details)
  5. Remove uses of new Integer() (details)
  6. Updated feature versions for bug 568048 (details)
  7. Get rid of o.e.ecf.filetransfer.p2.feature (details)
  8. Additional fixes for (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF)  ? → (detail)