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Test Result : JavaScriptCodeFactoryTest

0 failures (±0)
11 tests (±0)
Took 23 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
classInstantiation() creates default instance0 msPassed
classInstantiation() creates instance with parameters0 msPassed
createCommentedString() creates block comment1 msPassed
createCommentedString() creates multi line comment1 msPassed
createCommentedString() creates single line comment0 msPassed
getNullString() == 'null'2 msPassed
getSaveVariableName() creates random string for invalid characters17 msPassed
getSaveVariableName() does not alter save name0 msPassed
getSaveVariableName() prefixes keywords with _1 msPassed
getSaveVariableName() prefixes numbers with _1 msPassed
getSaveVariableName() replaces invalid characters0 msPassed