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Test Result : ModuleTrackerTest

0 failures (±0)
11 tests (±0)
Took 44 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
State.isLoaded() = false when no instance is set0 msPassed
State.isLoaded() = true when instance is set1 msPassed
State.isWrapped() = false after definition is loaded0 msPassed
State.isWrapped() = true after wrapping the module1 msPassed
State.setWrapped() pushes module on top of stack40 msPassed
addModule() adds a module state0 msPassed
addModule() adds on top of stack0 msPassed
getModuleState() = null when module is not available0 msPassed
getOrCreateModuleState() creates new module state2 msPassed
getOrCreateModuleState() returns existing state0 msPassed
new tracker does not contain modules1 msPassed