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Test Result : EnvironmentModuleTest

0 failures (±0)
52 tests (±0)
Took 0.92 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
addModuleListener() informs listener on module loading0.2 secPassed
addModuleListener() sends reloaded event2 msPassed
execute() injects script code0 msPassed
exit() sets script return code0 msPassed
exit() throws exception0 msPassed
formatText() resolves formatter instructions0 msPassed
formatText() resolves static string0 msPassed
formatText() resolves system property1 msPassed
formatText() resolves variables0.52 secPassed
formatText() throws ... for unknown token1 msPassed
getModule(class) = null ... for unknown module0 msPassed
getModule(class) finds Environment module1 msPassed
getModule(class) finds loaded module2 msPassed
getModule(name) = null ... for unknown module0 msPassed
getModule(name) finds Environment module0 msPassed
getModule(name) finds loaded module2 msPassed
getModuleDefinition(env) returns environment definition1 msPassed
getModules() contains environment module1 msPassed
getModules() contains loaded module1 msPassed
getScriptEngine() returns engine instance1 msPassed
getWrappedVariableName() returns unique name per class0 msPassed
hasMethodCallback() = false ... when method is not registered0 msPassed
hasMethodCallback() = false ... when no callbackProvider is registered0 msPassed
hasMethodCallback() = true ... when a callbackProvider is registered for a method16 msPassed
include() executes referenced resource0.12 secPassed
include() throws ... on invalid resource1 msPassed
loadJar() registers URL2 msPassed
loadModule() throws ... on unknown module1 msPassed
postMethodCallback() calls callbackProvider1 msPassed
preMethodCallback() calls callbackProvider3 msPassed
print(false) writes to output stream1 msPassed
print(true) appends line feed0 msPassed
printError() writes to error stream1 msPassed
printError(multiple) prints same error multiple times1 msPassed
printError(once) prints same error only once0 msPassed
readInput() filters carriage return0 msPassed
readInput(blocking) reads single line on each call1 msPassed
readInput(blocking) stops when stream is closed1 msPassed
readInput(non-blocking) = '' when ... no data is available0 msPassed
readInput(non-blocking) = 'firstLine' ... when data is available24 msPassed
removeModuleListener() stops sending events to listener2 msPassed
toDouble() converts double value0 msPassed
toDouble() converts int value0 msPassed
toDouble() converts string value0 msPassed
toDouble() throws ... for invalid input1 msPassed
toInt() converts double value1 msPassed
toInt() converts int value1 msPassed
toInt() converts string value0 msPassed
toInt() throws ... for invalid input1 msPassed
toString() converts Object value1 msPassed
toString() converts string value0 msPassed
wrap() wraps instance methods2 msPassed