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Generated Artifacts
    Artifacts generated by this build. Hyperlink added when the artifact has been deployed to a Maven repository.
    Upstream Builds
      Builds that generate artifacts that are dependencies of this build.
      This list is filtered by permissions, you must have the ITEM.Read permission on the job to see it.
      Note that these builds have not necessarily triggered this job: a trigger "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" must be configured on this job.
      Downstream Jobs
        Jobs that have dependencies on artifacts generated by this build.
        This list is filtered by permissions, you must have the ITEM.Read permission on the job to see it.
        Note that these jobs will not necessarily be triggered by this job: a trigger "Build whenever a SNAPSHOT dependency is built" must be configured on the downstream job.
          Dependencies recorded according to the settings of the "Pipeline Graph Publisher"
          By default, only "snapshot" dependencies are recorded and "release" dependencies are ignored to optimize the size on disk of the database of the "Pipeline Maven Plugin".

          Contributions to improve this dashboard are appreciated. Please feel free to submit a Pull Request or to suggest an improvement creating a Jira issue on