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Test Result : WorkspaceToolsTest

0 failures (±0)
26 tests (±0)
Took 0.57 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
Reporting / createFile() creates new file in new folder8 msPassed
Reporting / createFile() creates new, empty file35 msPassed
Reporting / createFile() throws when file already exists36 msPassed
Reporting / createFolder() creates new folder26 msPassed
Reporting / createFolder() creates new folders9 msPassed
Reporting / createFolder() returns existing folder7 msPassed
Reporting / createFolder() throws when file with same name exists8 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFile() deletes existing file8 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFile() does not throw when file does not exist8 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFile() throws when resource is a folder9 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFolder() deletes empty folder8 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFolder() deletes folder recursively10 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFolder() does not throw when folder does not exist8 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFolder() throws when resource is a WS file11 msPassed
Reporting / findFiles() detects file with wildcards0.15 secPassed
Reporting / findFiles() detects files in current folder only9 msPassed
Reporting / findFiles() detects multiple files10 msPassed
Reporting / findFiles() detects project file7 msPassed
Reporting / findFiles() returns empty array for no matches11 msPassed
Reporting / getWorkspace() returns workspace root8 msPassed
Reporting / importProject() imports existing project folder into workspace84 msPassed
Reporting / importProject() throws when .project file is missing15 msPassed
Reporting / importProject() throws when target is a file9 msPassed
Reporting / linkProject() links existing project folder into workspace26 msPassed
Reporting / linkProject() throws when .project file is missing40 msPassed
Reporting / linkProject() throws when target is a file12 msPassed