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Test Result : ResourcesModuleTest

0 failures (±0)
71 tests (±0)
Took 2.1 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
Reporting / closeFile() closes existing file handle8 msPassed
Reporting / copyFile() copies existing file10 msPassed
Reporting / copyFile() overwrites existing file12 msPassed
Reporting / copyFile() throws when source does not exist8 msPassed
Reporting / createFile() creates new file in WS8 msPassed
Reporting / createFile() creates new file on FS8 msPassed
Reporting / createFile() throws on invalid location11 msPassed
Reporting / createFolder() creates new folder in WS8 msPassed
Reporting / createFolder() creates new folder on FS6 msPassed
Reporting / createFolder() throws on invalid location8 msPassed
Reporting / createProblemMarker() creates a new marker on a file13 msPassed
Reporting / createProject() creates and opens new project8 msPassed
Reporting / createProject() returns existing project6 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFile() deletes FS file7 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFile() deletes WS file28 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFolder() deletes FS folder6 msPassed
Reporting / deleteFolder() deletes WS folder8 msPassed
Reporting / deleteProject() deletes existing project by name reference7 msPassed
Reporting / deleteProject() deletes existing project by resource reference13 msPassed
Reporting / deleteProject() throws when input_is null8 msPassed
Reporting / deleteProject() throws when project does not exist8 msPassed
Reporting / fileExists() = false for existing FS folder6 msPassed
Reporting / fileExists() = false for existing WS folder7 msPassed
Reporting / fileExists() = false for non-existing FS file7 msPassed
Reporting / fileExists() = false for non-existing WS file6 msPassed
Reporting / fileExists() = true for existing FS file7 msPassed
Reporting / fileExists() = true for existing WS file8 msPassed
Reporting / findFiles() detects files in WS7 msPassed
Reporting / getChecksum() calculates MD5 checksum of file34 msPassed
Reporting / getChecksum() throws if resource does not exist12 msPassed
Reporting / getChecksum() throws if resource is a folder37 msPassed
Reporting / getFile() returns existing FS file6 msPassed
Reporting / getFile() returns existing WS file8 msPassed
Reporting / getFile() returns non-existing FS file8 msPassed
Reporting / getFile() returns non-existing WS file6 msPassed
Reporting / getFile() throws for non-existing FS file25 msPassed
Reporting / getFile() throws for non-existing WS file8 msPassed
Reporting / getProject() returns existing project28 msPassed
Reporting / getProject() returns non-existing project6 msPassed
Reporting / getWorkspace() returns workspace root7 msPassed
Reporting / importProject() imports existing project folder into workspace31 msPassed
Reporting / importProject() throws for invalid location6 msPassed
Reporting / importProject() throws for workspace resources7 msPassed
Reporting / linkProject() links existing project folder into workspace12 msPassed
Reporting / linkProject() throws for invalid location8 msPassed
Reporting / linkProject() throws for workspace resources15 msPassed
Reporting / loadModule1.3 secPassed
Reporting / openFile() creates non-existing FS file in WRITE mode10 msPassed
Reporting / openFile() creates non-existing WS file in WRITE mode6 msPassed
Reporting / openFile() returns FS handle for existing file6 msPassed
Reporting / openFile() returns WS handle for existing file6 msPassed
Reporting / openFile() returns existing handle for FS8 msPassed
Reporting / openFile() returns existing handle for WS7 msPassed
Reporting / openFile() throws for non-existing FS file in READ mode7 msPassed
Reporting / openFile() throws for non-existing WS file in READ mode8 msPassed
Reporting / readFile() continues reading bytes for FileHandle8 msPassed
Reporting / readFile() reads bytes7 msPassed
Reporting / readFile() reads whole file content8 msPassed
Reporting / readFile() restarts reading bytes for location6 msPassed
Reporting / readLine() reads FileHandle line by line9 msPassed
Reporting / readLine() reads first line of file7 msPassed
Reporting / readStream() converts an InputStream to a string6 msPassed
Reporting / refreshResource() detects file system changes in the workspace9 msPassed
Reporting / unzip() extracts zip file75 msPassed
Reporting / writeFile() appends to existing file32 msPassed
Reporting / writeFile() creates non-existing file7 msPassed
Reporting / writeFile() creates non-existing file and folders7 msPassed
Reporting / writeFile() replaces existing file7 msPassed
Reporting / writeFile() writes byte[]9 msPassed
Reporting / writeLine() appends to existing file7 msPassed
Reporting / zip() creates a new zip file18 msPassed