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Test Result : TestEntityTest

0 failures (±0)
28 tests (±0)
Took 0.3 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
Reporting / addError() adds error result0 msPassed
Reporting / getDuration() = 0 for not executed test0 msPassed
Reporting / getDuration() returns current execution time for running test0.2 secPassed
Reporting / getDuration() returns execution time for completed test0.1 secPassed
Reporting / getEstimatedDuration() = -1 by default0 msPassed
Reporting / getFullPath() = /parent/test name0 msPassed
Reporting / getFullPath() = test name0 msPassed
Reporting / getResource() returns parent resource1 msPassed
Reporting / getResults(FAILURE) returns only matching results1 msPassed
Reporting / getRoot() returns root element0 msPassed
Reporting / getStatus() = DISABLED when 1 result is disabled1 msPassed
Reporting / getStatus() = DISABLED when entity status is disabled1 msPassed
Reporting / getStatus() = entity status if it is the worst status1 msPassed
Reporting / getStatus() = status of worst result0 msPassed
Reporting / getTestSuite() returns master suite0 msPassed
Reporting / getWorstResult() returns worst execution result1 msPassed
Reporting / hasError() = false when no error exists0 msPassed
Reporting / hasError() = true when error exists0 msPassed
Reporting / isDisabled() = false for finished test0 msPassed
Reporting / isDisabled() = true when 1 result is DISABLED0 msPassed
Reporting / isDisabled() = true when status = DISABLED0 msPassed
Reporting / reset() clears metadata0 msPassed
Reporting / reset() clears results0 msPassed
Reporting / reset() clears status0 msPassed
Reporting / reset() clears timestamps0 msPassed
Reporting / setDisabled() marks test as disabled0 msPassed
Reporting / setEntityStatus(FINISHED) sets end timestamp0 msPassed
Reporting / setEntityStatus(RUNNING) sets start timestamp0 msPassed