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Test Result : AbstractReplScriptEngineTest

0 failures (±0)
65 tests (±0)
Took 3.5 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
Reporting / Constructor sets job name0 msPassed
Reporting / addExecutionListener() adds an engine listener2 msPassed
Reporting / addSecurityCheck() adds failing check2 msPassed
Reporting / addSecurityCheck() adds passing check12 msPassed
Reporting / buffered variables are injected into the eninge0 msPassed
Reporting / engine notification handles exceptions gracefully3 msPassed
Reporting / execute errorous code and terminate2 msPassed
Reporting / execute valid code and terminate1 msPassed
Reporting / execute() processes script when engine is started1 msPassed
Reporting / execute() schedules script0 msPassed
Reporting / getDefinedVariables() returns debug variables2 msPassed
Reporting / getDescription() = null by default1 msPassed
Reporting / getDescription() returns engine description0 msPassed
Reporting / getErrorStream() defaults to System.err0 msPassed
Reporting / getExecutedFile() = null for dynamic code1 msPassed
Reporting / getExecutedFile() returns execution root file1 msPassed
Reporting / getExecutedFile() returns script resource2 msPassed
Reporting / getInputStream() defaults to System.in0 msPassed
Reporting / getLastExecutionResult() = null after engine termination0 msPassed
Reporting / getLastExecutionResult() = null on new engine1 msPassed
Reporting / getLastExecutionResult() returns last result1 msPassed
Reporting / getLaunch() = null by default0 msPassed
Reporting / getLaunch() returns previously set launch21 msPassed
Reporting / getOutputStream() defaults to System.out0 msPassed
Reporting / getStackTrace() returns empty trace for fresh engine1 msPassed
Reporting / getStackTrace() returns empty trace for terminated engine0 msPassed
Reporting / getStackTrace() returns stack of size 1 during execution1 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Boolean) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE1 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Byte) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE1 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Character) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE0 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Double) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE0 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Float) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE0 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Integer) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE1 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Long) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE0 msPassed
Reporting / getType(Short) = JAVA_PRIMITIVE1 msPassed
Reporting / getType(String) = JAVA_OBJECT0 msPassed
Reporting / getType(VOID) = VOID1 msPassed
Reporting / getType(null) = NULL0 msPassed
Reporting / getVariable() = null for non existing variable0 msPassed
Reporting / getVariable() returns buffered variable1 msPassed
Reporting / getVariables() returns all buffered variables1 msPassed
Reporting / hasVariable() = false when no variable is set1 msPassed
Reporting / hasVariable() = true when variable is set1 msPassed
Reporting / inject() executes code in the middle of a script0 msPassed
Reporting / instance extends Job.class0 msPassed
Reporting / interactive engine executes incoming code1 msPassed
Reporting / isFinished() = false for not started engine1 msPassed
Reporting / isFinished() = true for finished engine0 msPassed
Reporting / joinEngine() waits for engine to terminate1 secPassed
Reporting / joinEngine(x) waits for x ms1 secPassed
Reporting / removeExecutionListener() removes an engine listener9 msPassed
Reporting / setCloseStreamsOnTerminate(false) keeps streams open1 msPassed
Reporting / setCloseStreamsOnTerminate(true) closes streams75 msPassed
Reporting / setErrorStream() changes error stream0 msPassed
Reporting / setErrorStream(null) resets error stream0 msPassed
Reporting / setInputStream() changes input stream0 msPassed
Reporting / setInputStream(null) resets input stream0 msPassed
Reporting / setOutputStream() changes output stream1 msPassed
Reporting / setOutputStream(null) resets output stream1 msPassed
Reporting / setTerminateOnIdle(false) keeps engine running1 secPassed
Reporting / streams are not closed by default on engine termination1 msPassed
Reporting / terminate() does nothing for non-launched engine0 msPassed
Reporting / terminate() from other thread stops running engine0.1 secPassed
Reporting / terminate() stops interactive engine1 msPassed
Reporting / terminate() stops running engine0.2 secPassed