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Reporting / org.eclipse.ease.applications.RunHeadlessScriptTest.start() == -1 when script location is missing

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ERROR: invalid command line argument
	script name is missing

SYNTAX: [-workspace <workspace location> [-refreshWorkspace]] [-engine <engineID>]-script <script name> <script parameters>

		<script name> is a path like 'file://C/myfolder/myscript.js'
		<engineID> provides a dedicated script engine ID. Use org.eclipse.ease.listEngines application.
		<workspace location> is a file system path like 'C:\somefolder\myworkspace'
			if you provide a workspace you can use workspace:// identifiers in your scripts
			if you provide a workspace you may ask to refresh it first prior to script execution
		<script parameters> will be passed to the script as String[] in the variable 'argv'