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16:21:20.220 [WARN ] [main] o.e.d.c.s.m.k.KafkaBootstrapServerSpecificConfig - Kafka connection <connection-bedf9b6d-7c62-455c-874a-e0218d299089> contains invalid configuration for its bootstrap servers. Either they are empty, or don't match the pattern <host:port[,host:port]>. This should never happen as the connection should not have been stored with the invalid pattern.
16:21:20.221 [WARN ] [main] o.e.d.c.s.m.k.KafkaBootstrapServerSpecificConfig - Kafka connection <connection-07f64d44-1e49-4565-999c-d420c5addd06> contains invalid configuration for its bootstrap servers. Either they are empty, or don't match the pattern <host:port[,host:port]>. This should never happen as the connection should not have been stored with the invalid pattern.