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09:44:51.145 [INFO ] [] o.e.d.c.s.m.h.HttpPublisherActor - Got response status <200 OK>
09:44:51.205 [INFO ] [] o.e.d.c.s.m.h.HttpPublisherActor - Publishing mapped message of type <messages.commands:thingMessage> for id <ditto:thing> to PublishTarget <HttpPublishTarget [method=HttpMethod(PATCH), pathWithQuery=/the/quick/brown/fox/jumps/over/the/lazy/dog?someQuery=foo&entity=ditto:thing]>
09:44:51.206 [INFO ] [] o.e.d.c.s.m.h.HttpPublisherActor - Got response status <418 I'm a teapot>
09:44:51.208 [INFO ] [] o.e.d.c.s.m.h.HttpPublisherActor - Ran into a failure when publishing signal - UnsupportedSignalException: Entity ID of live response <namespace:wrongthing> differs from entity ID of command <ditto:thing>.