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Standard Output

2022-12-16 08:07:00,539 INFO  [] org.eclipse.ditto.base.service.signaltransformer.SignalTransformers - Instantiated the following signal transformers: .
2022-12-16 08:07:00,563 INFO  [] org.eclipse.ditto.things.service.enforcement.ThingEnforcerActor - Failed to create Policy with ID <thing:458d5ee0-0016-4e13-9081-5aafa3249ed2> because it already exists. The CreateThing command which would have created a Policy for the Thing with ID <thing:458d5ee0-0016-4e13-9081-5aafa3249ed2> is therefore not ha
...[truncated 1059 chars]...
249ed2' could not be created because creation of its implicit Policy ID 'thing:458d5ee0-0016-4e13-9081-5aafa3249ed2' failed.', errorCode=things:thing.notcreatable, httpStatus=HttpStatus [code=400, category=CLIENT_ERROR], description='If you want to use an existing Policy, specify it as 'policyId' in the Thing JSON you create.', href=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{ditto-auth-context={"type":"unspecified","subjects":["google:defaultSubject"]}, ditto-originator=google:defaultSubject}]]