Started by an SCM change [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] node Still waiting to schedule task Waiting for next available executor Agent basic-wtww7 is provisioned from template basic --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: labels: jenkins: "slave" jenkins/label-digest: "61a7508ed1b04e9ada836fcd14d4d8ef5687c7dd" jenkins/label: "basic" name: "basic-wtww7" namespace: "ditto" spec: containers: - env: - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "jenkins-discovery.ditto.svc.cluster.local:50000" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "basic-wtww7" - name: "JENKINS_REMOTING_JAVA_OPTS" value: "-showversion -XshowSettings:vm -Xmx256m -Dorg.jenkinsci.remoting.engine.JnlpProtocol3.disabled=true\ \ -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.CliGitAPIImpl.useSETSID=true" - name: "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" value: "" - name: "_JAVA_OPTIONS" value: "" - name: "OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS" value: "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+IdleTuningCompactOnIdle -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "basic-wtww7" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "http://jenkins-ui.ditto.svc.cluster.local/ditto/" image: "" imagePullPolicy: "Always" name: "jnlp" resources: limits: cpu: "2000m" memory: "4096Mi" requests: cpu: "1000m" memory: "4096Mi" tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/toolchains.xml" name: "m2-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "toolchains.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.mavenrc" name: "m2-dir" readOnly: true subPath: ".mavenrc" - mountPath: "/opt/tools" name: "volume-0" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins" name: "volume-2" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository" name: "volume-3" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings-security.xml" name: "m2-secret-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "settings-security.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/wrapper" name: "volume-4" readOnly: false - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml" name: "m2-secret-dir" readOnly: true subPath: "settings.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.ssh" name: "volume-1" readOnly: false subPath: "" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false workingDir: "/home/jenkins/agent" nodeSelector: "linux" restartPolicy: "Never" volumes: - name: "volume-0" persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "tools-claim-jiro-ditto" readOnly: true - name: "m2-secret-dir" secret: secretName: "m2-secret-dir" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-2" - configMap: name: "m2-dir" name: "m2-dir" - configMap: name: "known-hosts" name: "volume-1" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-4" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "volume-3" Running on basic-wtww7 in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Tool Install) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Checkout) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] cleanWs [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used... [WS-CLEANUP] done [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] checkout The recommended git tool is: git No credentials specified Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1' > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 Avoid second fetch Checking out Revision cb22e3eee5031e4ee50cc6924560970edbe3b1e0 (refs/remotes/origin/master) Commit message: "Merge pull request #228 from PJGitLan/fixContentType" > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f cb22e3eee5031e4ee50cc6924560970edbe3b1e0 # timeout=10 > git rev-list --no-walk f82d4fbccbda011dae85b9c97ebf86d1d85db9b6 # timeout=10 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Build) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] dir Running in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + mvn clean install javadoc:jar source:jar --batch-mode --errors -DcreateJavadoc=true -DskipITs=true --settings .maven.settings.xml Apache Maven 3.9.5 (57804ffe001d7215b5e7bcb531cf83df38f93546) Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest Java version: 11.0.11, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: /opt/tools/java/adoptopenjdk/hotspot-jdk-11/11.0.11+9 Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "6.2.9-300.fc38.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on. [INFO] Scanning for projects... [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:bundle:0-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [INFO] [INFO] -------------------< org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client >------------------- [INFO] Building Eclipse Ditto :: Java Client 0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] from pom.xml [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- clean:3.2.0:clean (default-clean) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten:1.0.1:clean (flatten.clean) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] [INFO] --- license:3.0:check (default) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Checking licenses... [WARNING] Property 'strictCheck' is not enabled. Please consider adding true in your pom.xml file. [WARNING] See for more information. [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.5:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/jacoco.exec -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 [INFO] [INFO] --- license:2.0.0:add-third-party (default-cli) @ ditto-client --- [WARNING] Parameter 'licenseMergesFile' (user property 'license.licenseMergesFile') is deprecated: prefer use now {@link #licenseMergesUrl} [WARNING] [WARNING] !!! licenseMergesFile is deprecated, use now licenseMergesUrl !!! [WARNING] [WARNING] licenseMerges will be overridden by licenseMergesFile. [WARNING] [INFO] Writing third-party file to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/classes/META-INF/ [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.1.0:resources (default-resources) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] Copying 2 resources to META-INF [INFO] Copying 0 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten:1.0.1:flatten (flatten) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:bundle:0-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 354 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/classes [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.1.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 3 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 160 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/test-classes [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ uses or overrides a deprecated API. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- surefire:3.0.0-M4:test (default-test) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Surefire report directory: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/surefire-reports [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] T E S T S [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Running TestSuite Configuring TestNG with: TestNG60Configurator 10:29:26.007 [Thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.s.SpliteratorSubscriberVerificationTest - ELEMENT: <0> 10:29:26.013 [Thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.s.SpliteratorSubscriberVerificationTest - ELEMENT: <1> 10:29:26.109 [Thread-2] INFO o.e.d.c.s.SpliteratorSubscriberVerificationTest - ELEMENT: <0> 10:29:26.118 [main] WARN o.e.d.c.s.SpliteratorSubscriber - onSubscribe() called a second time; cancelling subscription . 10:29:26.220 [Thread-6] INFO o.e.d.c.s.SpliteratorSubscriberVerificationTest - ELEMENT: <0> 10:29:26.547 [Thread-14] INFO o.e.d.c.s.SpliteratorSubscriberVerificationTest - ELEMENT: <0> 10:29:26.547 [Thread-14] INFO o.e.d.c.s.SpliteratorSubscriberVerificationTest - ELEMENT: <1> Configuring TestNG with: TestNG60Configurator 10:29:52.861 [main] WARN o.e.d.c.l.m.i.DefaultMessageSerializerRegistry - Found multiple candidates as MessageSerializerKey for type 'class java.lang.String' and subject '*' - thus returning none: [ImmutableMessageSerializerKey [contentType=text/plain, javaType=class java.lang.String, subject=*], ImmutableMessageSerializerKey [contentType=application/json, javaType=class java.lang.String, subject=*]] 10:29:52.867 [main] WARN o.e.d.c.l.m.i.DefaultMessageSerializerRegistry - Found no MessageSerializerKey for type 'class java.util.Date' and subject '*' 10:29:52.867 [main] WARN o.e.d.c.l.m.i.DefaultMessageSerializerRegistry - Found no MessageSerializerKey for type 'interface org.eclipse.ditto.json.JsonValue' and subject '*' 10:29:53.908 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTest#concurrentTwinAndLiveSubscriptionWorksForIfTwinAndLiveFail() 10:29:53.999 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:29:54.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=b73898a2-a2e5-4ce0-95a8-0b2f51a12fb7 10:29:54.004 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=3a071c98-b831-43a1-9303-cc6d6f76912e 10:29:54.005 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=801937f1-912e-4bee-a90d-b432b0831279 10:29:54.005 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=be38cbe9-9bba-450b-b8e4-a5c40d5e8e5a 10:29:54.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTest#concurrentTwinAndLiveSubscriptionWorksForIfTwinAndLiveFail() 10:29:54.070 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTest#concurrentTwinAndLiveSubscriptionWorks() 10:29:54.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:29:54.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=c001cdf3-c6ff-4908-be9b-f2afe87cf944 10:29:54.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=5f442c08-e3ff-4ec8-8388-535bb34b2cd5 10:29:54.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=58f868a2-9743-432a-b880-c8eacdfd2593 10:29:54.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=64f907d6-de47-42fe-92c1-f8ba03b71f93 10:29:54.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTest#concurrentTwinAndLiveSubscriptionWorks() 10:29:54.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTest#concurrentTwinAndLiveSubscriptionWorksIfTwinFailsAndLiveSucceeds() 10:29:54.075 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:29:54.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=a496072f-8f9b-4af1-9276-5948fe09bde7 10:29:54.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=404e8383-c514-46ab-a4a8-003bb7d98dfc 10:29:54.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=7a5aed38-6187-4f41-8096-f1b1bbf26207 10:29:54.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=714cfd04-b185-4eb2-8c96-22076383c4e6 10:29:54.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTest#concurrentTwinAndLiveSubscriptionWorksIfTwinFailsAndLiveSucceeds() 10:29:54.876 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:29:54.876 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Client : WebSocket destroyed. 10:29:58.021 [test-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client <7e24cc44-a4a0-4433-8031-27243aad5953>: Failed to : java.lang.RuntimeException: Expected exception in first iteration. 10:29:58.022 [test-1] INFO o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client <7e24cc44-a4a0-4433-8031-27243aad5953>: Waiting for <1> second(s) before retrying to . 10:29:59.023 [Thread-16] ERROR o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client <7e24cc44-a4a0-4433-8031-27243aad5953>: Failed to : java.lang.RuntimeException: Expected exception in first iteration. 10:29:59.023 [Thread-16] INFO o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client <7e24cc44-a4a0-4433-8031-27243aad5953>: Waiting for <1> second(s) before retrying to . 10:30:00.027 [Thread-18] ERROR o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client <6b54d691-3d11-4488-b12f-5df40fa650f4>: Failed to : java.lang.RuntimeException: Expected exception in first iteration. 10:30:00.027 [Thread-18] INFO o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client <6b54d691-3d11-4488-b12f-5df40fa650f4>: Waiting for <1> second(s) before retrying to . 10:30:01.050 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:0c7e5a61-1988-4fc4-81c2-996309098dda-1] INFO o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Connecting WebSocket on endpoint . 10:30:01.231 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:0c7e5a61-1988-4fc4-81c2-996309098dda-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Got exception: Failed to resolve hostname Name or service not known 10:30:01.231 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:0c7e5a61-1988-4fc4-81c2-996309098dda-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client : Permanently failed to initialize WebSocket: org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging.MessagingException: Connect of session failed. 10:30:01.232 [pool-258-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.bus.DefaultAdaptableBus - Waiting for executors termination was interrupted. 10:30:01.232 [pool-258-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Client : WebSocket destroyed. 10:30:03.747 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] INFO o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Connecting WebSocket on endpoint . 10:30:03.773 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Got exception: The status code of the opening handshake response is not '101 Switching Protocols'. The status line is: HTTP/1.0 503 Server hurt itself in its confusion! 10:30:03.773 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client : Failed to : org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging.MessagingException: Connect of session failed. 10:30:03.773 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] INFO o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client : Waiting for <1> second(s) before retrying to . 10:30:04.774 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] INFO o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Connecting WebSocket on endpoint . 10:30:04.777 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Got exception: The status code of the opening handshake response is not '101 Switching Protocols'. The status line is: HTTP/1.0 503 Server hurt itself in its confusion! 10:30:04.777 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client : Failed to : org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging.MessagingException: Connect of session failed. 10:30:04.777 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] INFO o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client : Waiting for <1> second(s) before retrying to . 10:30:05.778 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] INFO o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Connecting WebSocket on endpoint . 10:30:05.781 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Got exception: The status code of the opening handshake response is not '101 Switching Protocols'. The status line is: HTTP/1.0 503 Server hurt itself in its confusion! 10:30:05.781 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] ERROR o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client : Failed to : org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging.MessagingException: Connect of session failed. 10:30:05.781 [ditto-client-reconnect-dummy:39e08c69-57c0-4d63-814d-dcaf4213b1f4-1] INFO o.e.d.c.messaging.internal.Retry - Client : Waiting for <2> second(s) before retrying to . 10:30:05.781 [Time-limited test] INFO o.e.d.c.m.i.WebSocketMessagingProvider - Client : WebSocket destroyed. 10:30:05.793 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.796 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.805 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"3fb5ffe3-cb1c-4b48-a9fe-c20a3c3c04e7","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes"} 10:30:05.815 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.815 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testChangeAttributeWithEmptyPointerThrowsException[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.816 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.817 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testChangeAttributeWithEmptyPointerThrowsException[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.817 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.818 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.820 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"c0ba3436-ecda-47b7-93dc-d2d7d855d82e","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":true} 10:30:05.854 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.854 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.855 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.856 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"516412bc-5036-41ee-9dca-b0cd6a005cbd","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes","value":{"new":42,"reallyNew":true}} 10:30:05.860 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.860 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.861 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.862 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a8788c52-19d2-4f39-b75b-85ffb45013b3","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new"} 10:30:05.864 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.864 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.865 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.866 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1e20138d-b43a-4f3b-b26f-3636fb4a7d33","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":true} 10:30:05.869 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.869 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEvent[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.870 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.870 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=2dbcda65-094e-42e2-97a8-8085939e01d6 10:30:05.890 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEvent[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.891 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.892 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.893 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"4ab10f1a-181a-4c83-a590-2c1b39aaba1b","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:05.896 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.896 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.897 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.898 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"dd498598-5416-4a7d-879d-980b2761a098","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:05.900 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.900 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.902 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.903 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e1ccab02-5fab-46c0-b10d-22f57d53aca8","response-required":true,"if-none-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:05.904 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.905 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.946 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.947 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"239c5332-810f-4ba0-89e5-03ddff43582b","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/old"} 10:30:05.949 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.950 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.950 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.951 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"22bf9472-982f-4ff6-9bff-9690eea040a9","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":{"id":42,"name":"someName"}} 10:30:05.953 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.953 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEventWithActionAdded[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.954 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.955 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=3d99046c-6612-4332-91e7-7e652b46e368 10:30:05.959 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEventWithActionAdded[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.960 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.960 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.961 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"7d861ac5-5eff-403c-a979-5d30daad3004","response-required":true,"if-none-match":"*","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:05.963 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.963 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testPutAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.964 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.965 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"489e13e4-2f21-45a0-91f6-843ca0517c75","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:05.967 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testPutAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.968 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testModifyAttributes_null[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.969 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.970 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"7a3c6350-7746-446f-827c-6eb373c844a2","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes","value":null} 10:30:05.973 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testModifyAttributes_null[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.973 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesEmptyPath[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.974 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.975 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesEmptyPath[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.975 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.976 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.977 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"6156f2dd-ece3-46ed-a776-a109b0506f9b","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:05.979 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.980 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesFailureDueToUnexpectedResponse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.981 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.981 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e970763d-d7af-4065-962b-b649477af87e","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes"} 10:30:05.984 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesFailureDueToUnexpectedResponse[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.984 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddBooleanAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.985 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.985 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"30e47acc-8b9f-45d4-a2f4-23312fafe16b","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":true} 10:30:05.987 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddBooleanAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.987 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddObjectAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.988 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.989 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"51fd9e62-793b-4fef-a038-4c773ca003f7","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":{"id":42,"name":"someName"}} 10:30:05.990 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddObjectAttribute[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.991 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesRootPath[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.991 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.992 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesRootPath[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.992 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributes[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.993 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:05.994 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"b39cdf07-391a-48e2-9a45-e863e5889fa7","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes"} 10:30:05.998 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributes[channel=twin]() 10:30:05.998 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"53f47875-d78e-4877-a220-39a8cdf125ee","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes"} 10:30:06.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testChangeAttributeWithEmptyPointerThrowsException[channel=live]() 10:30:06.054 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.055 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testChangeAttributeWithEmptyPointerThrowsException[channel=live]() 10:30:06.055 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a6225ddd-d687-4cf6-9346-b8c46d5a82cb","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":true} 10:30:06.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"0e7bf8a2-8fbf-4be7-a96e-50b4858e0cbc","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes","value":{"new":42,"reallyNew":true}} 10:30:06.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"b6e293a6-e073-4827-9acd-c7f288e7f5f7","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new"} 10:30:06.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"80c51fb8-e096-4cce-ab3b-c93babf24c1b","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":true} 10:30:06.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddAttributeFailureDueToThingErrorResponse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEvent[channel=live]() 10:30:06.070 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.070 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=f56dab9d-668e-49a8-b747-351408639db3 10:30:06.070 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=690c15eb-4e09-4e56-babf-544897d2286e 10:30:06.070 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=d2515261-126e-4713-ad18-62bafd86397c 10:30:06.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEvent[channel=live]() 10:30:06.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:06.075 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"19deea85-b52b-400c-aa6d-c4639c56a21b","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:06.077 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:06.077 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"c369cd23-a1c2-4423-9a78-970e25d6064c","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:06.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"328ec377-c49e-45c1-a322-2320ebe6c850","if-none-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:06.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.085 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.086 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"aa727832-45e3-4b6c-bfc4-e319cb31a90a","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/old"} 10:30:06.087 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.088 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.089 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.090 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5f1019ac-aabc-430a-8449-08dae0ad3efc","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":{"id":42,"name":"someName"}} 10:30:06.092 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.092 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEventWithActionAdded[channel=live]() 10:30:06.092 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=9a280413-7326-4707-b413-ebfdccd8e338 10:30:06.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=cae60ba9-d367-4eb0-9069-e66f70791413 10:30:06.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=c5b0ddde-2a1f-410f-a761-5f3abee71ade 10:30:06.097 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testReceiveAttributeModifiedEventWithActionAdded[channel=live]() 10:30:06.097 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.098 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.099 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1222aa75-3cbb-4972-ae0b-3c674cec80d2","if-none-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:06.101 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.101 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testPutAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.147 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.148 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"65dde0e9-dffb-4a7f-ace9-ca602f645061","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:06.150 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testPutAttributeWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:06.151 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testModifyAttributes_null[channel=live]() 10:30:06.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.153 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"983d12da-7c8e-4240-991a-ae45eb5e8514","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes","value":null} 10:30:06.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testModifyAttributes_null[channel=live]() 10:30:06.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesEmptyPath[channel=live]() 10:30:06.156 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.157 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesEmptyPath[channel=live]() 10:30:06.157 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:06.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"2ab55023-d021-4528-a3b4-0f955b7221f5","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":"value"} 10:30:06.161 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testMergeStringAttributeWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:06.161 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesFailureDueToUnexpectedResponse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.162 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.163 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e597d481-4f29-400c-afeb-75d73d7fc465","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes"} 10:30:06.168 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributesFailureDueToUnexpectedResponse[channel=live]() 10:30:06.169 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddBooleanAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.170 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.171 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"3d8c41e9-ecd3-4d38-8acc-b1eb7297c47c","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":true} 10:30:06.173 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddBooleanAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.173 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddObjectAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.174 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.175 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"b5166918-5645-4429-bd1e-4c4b3839fe93","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes/new","value":{"id":42,"name":"someName"}} 10:30:06.178 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testAddObjectAttribute[channel=live]() 10:30:06.178 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesRootPath[channel=live]() 10:30:06.180 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.180 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttribute_attributesRootPath[channel=live]() 10:30:06.181 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributes[channel=live]() 10:30:06.182 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.183 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"66a16d07-3b9b-42d9-89eb-8a730f795fe5","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/attributes"} 10:30:06.186 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientAttributesTest#testDeleteAttributes[channel=live]() 10:30:06.574 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithUnsatisfiedPrecondition[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.575 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.578 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e566de7d-a26f-42a5-9cd9-47f9eefd1086","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:06.590 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithUnsatisfiedPrecondition[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.590 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.591 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.592 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"8cba912d-1cb9-423e-acd9-735de39562ec","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}},"_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:06.596 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.596 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameSelector[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.597 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.597 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=50c5c7a0-5175-434c-8e49-f04aa9b2c984 10:30:06.602 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameSelector[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.602 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.647 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.649 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"da3560b1-c6b8-4e3d-a060-8a974a5c94cf","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:06.653 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.653 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.655 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.656 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"3dc1ffd4-4272-4885-9cba-2e08363bd2ab","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:06.658 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.658 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.659 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.662 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"6a978b3b-f3be-496b-9bd8-a3dbf2bbf079","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_copyPolicyFrom":"policy.namespace:policyName"}} 10:30:06.665 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.666 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.667 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.672 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"0ea28a24-1f20-47e3-8c36-2539aac6a854","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}},"_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:06.676 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.676 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWith2Acknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.677 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.680 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","twin-persisted"],"correlation-id":"05f43004-6a01-42b8-818e-1239825abf45","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":""}} 10:30:06.748 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWith2Acknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.749 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.749 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.750 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5c797b56-882c-48d7-b021-233ccf2eab4c","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:06.753 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.753 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.754 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.755 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","twin-persisted"],"correlation-id":"683eca5c-c743-45bb-bcbe-fd10e566f7b4","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:06.757 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.758 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.758 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.759 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"9817199f-340c-424c-a9b8-8d4a6bcdd5e3","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":""}} 10:30:06.761 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.761 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.762 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.762 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.763 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testDeregisterEventHandler[channel=twin]() 10:30:06.763 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:06.764 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=af1ce8e5-b7b9-4087-9ad4-7e2b4210d264 10:30:07.770 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testDeregisterEventHandler[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.771 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.772 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.773 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.773 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.774 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.775 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"7edd8a10-a708-4281-b848-801991f4e9a5","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:07.781 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.782 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.783 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.784 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.784 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNull[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.785 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.785 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNull[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.786 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.786 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.787 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.787 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.788 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.789 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"d4bbbb72-5091-4d3d-866b-ac9737a08536","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}},"_copyPolicyFrom":"policy.namespace:policyName"}} 10:30:07.791 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.791 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithoutFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.792 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.792 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"demo/mything1/things/twin/commands/create","headers":{"correlation-id":"0181a19d-156a-4fef-ad4a-2608f16a5393","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"demo","thingId":"demo:mything1"}} 10:30:07.794 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithoutFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.794 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithFieldSelectorAndConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.795 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.796 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"cb0d4a73-7707-4857-b802-a429ca6c324d","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","fields":"/attributes/manufacturer"} 10:30:07.801 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithFieldSelectorAndConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.801 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.802 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.802 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.803 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNullable[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.803 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.804 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNullable[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.804 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.805 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.806 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"7a30fa8a-f866-4d6b-9788-5ad65d6867e2","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:07.808 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.808 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveDeletedEvent[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.809 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.809 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=2238b0f2-53de-4ab4-b695-42822e7b294e 10:30:07.814 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveDeletedEvent[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.814 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithMissingId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.815 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.815 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithMissingId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.815 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.816 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.817 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.817 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#deleteThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.818 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.847 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#deleteThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.847 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.848 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.849 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"9ac985f2-1ed9-4056-88f8-b357d059a110","response-required":true,"if-none-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.851 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.851 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithCustomAcknowledgementsOnly[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.852 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.854 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithCustomAcknowledgementsOnly[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.854 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.854 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.855 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5312ccde-4274-45da-9405-5c1edc9f48ab","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:07.857 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.857 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithoutPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.858 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.858 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"4d5e2e13-d74b-47ad-94a0-fb9333fcf0ec","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.860 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithoutPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.861 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.861 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.862 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"7056b4b2-726c-4ddf-a4f3-a2d2369048d9","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.863 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.864 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.864 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.865 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"cc67dc9f-3550-48a1-935c-5b30791d13f4","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:07.867 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.867 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicyFromThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.868 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.868 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"ab3679c3-1748-42a4-a21f-80156309eb32","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_copyPolicyFrom":"{{ ref:things/ }}"}} 10:30:07.870 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicyFromThing[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.870 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.871 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.871 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"3d43b9ca-e0eb-4edb-9c5e-fce47bc2b195","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.873 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.873 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.874 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.875 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"67f536d4-af31-4222-a20b-6cdd99179c75","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.876 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.877 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.877 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.878 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.878 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#updateThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.879 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.880 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#updateThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.880 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testMergePolicyId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.881 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.881 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"2450575e-3461-419c-8b0a-4913110a3774","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/policyId","value":"policy.namespace:policyName"} 10:30:07.884 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testMergePolicyId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.884 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithMissingId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.885 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.885 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithMissingId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.885 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.886 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.887 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.887 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testSetPolicyId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.887 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.888 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1b250f0f-9be1-4660-a933-d23dc2133653","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/policyId","value":"policy.namespace:policyName"} 10:30:07.891 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testSetPolicyId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.891 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.892 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.892 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"ed2fecec-96a5-43b3-a5a5-c1db05a7454f","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:07.894 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.894 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.894 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.895 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"8c2e39b3-1e92-4582-9102-11d7ae956b9f","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:07.948 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.948 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.949 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.950 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5858face-72be-45cf-97ef-2cc0004a1536","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","if-match":"*","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.951 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThingWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.951 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameRegistrationId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.952 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.953 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameRegistrationId[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.953 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveCreatedEvent[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.954 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.954 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=059faa17-bd37-4155-bedf-52050d60d420 10:30:07.958 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveCreatedEvent[channel=twin]() 10:30:07.959 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithUnsatisfiedPrecondition[channel=live]() 10:30:07.959 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.960 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"b133d8e4-dec2-48a4-b25e-86ec3d85de96","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.962 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithUnsatisfiedPrecondition[channel=live]() 10:30:07.963 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.963 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.964 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1227aca3-c43b-4b31-b752-a17e1bf5ba5c","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}},"_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:07.965 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.966 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameSelector[channel=live]() 10:30:07.966 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.966 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=cb219d34-95e1-4641-a84f-f2a056b18fb9 10:30:07.967 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=b21d5707-f88c-4ab1-a2a8-9f4aaf8dc47c 10:30:07.967 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=3c130ac1-10c7-4b6d-98ea-4646e1fcf8eb 10:30:07.969 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameSelector[channel=live]() 10:30:07.970 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.970 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.971 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"c49f1d43-7936-4510-9161-24b87ea07d04","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.972 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.973 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.973 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.974 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"6d840cd0-270c-4a89-91d9-d8dcd50432e4","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:07.975 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.975 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.975 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.976 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"ed833da2-ef7f-4946-9401-1092082c184d","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_copyPolicyFrom":"policy.namespace:policyName"}} 10:30:07.982 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.982 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.983 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.984 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"16963b14-f38e-49e8-b566-d0f881638b45","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}},"_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:07.985 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.986 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWith2Acknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:07.986 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.987 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","live-response"],"correlation-id":"202e711d-d9dc-4d36-9730-be1d23c7bde3","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":""}} 10:30:07.989 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWith2Acknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:07.989 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.989 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.990 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"3461da85-62f4-4fa8-9b65-f67c0adce5f5","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.991 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.991 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:07.992 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.992 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","live-response"],"correlation-id":"d29d4971-c1f4-42cd-b0a2-c7046ef204e7","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:07.994 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:07.994 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.995 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.995 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"41afb8c3-3afa-420a-a418-e52159caabb8","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":""}} 10:30:07.997 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThing[channel=live]() 10:30:07.997 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.997 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:07.998 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:07.998 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testDeregisterEventHandler[channel=live]() 10:30:07.999 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:08.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=891d1244-17e1-4665-8d9f-d4bbb55a5d69 10:30:08.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=4c66ee6a-5f68-4205-859f-6239f56ea3ee 10:30:08.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=572f7e5f-affc-4f25-8d10-2bde73ca5931 10:30:09.052 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testDeregisterEventHandler[channel=live]() 10:30:09.052 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.054 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.054 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"66471d5c-9eb6-439c-b147-de636bd8d0e4","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:09.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testDeleteThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.057 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.057 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.057 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNull[channel=live]() 10:30:09.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNull[channel=live]() 10:30:09.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=live]() 10:30:09.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=live]() 10:30:09.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.061 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"d4a5b59b-2bc9-4cbd-a4f9-06afbc098597","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}},"_copyPolicyFrom":"policy.namespace:policyName"}} 10:30:09.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithoutFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:09.064 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.064 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"demo/mything1/things/live/commands/create","headers":{"correlation-id":"956995a0-4b4a-42d0-ada7-1e6c2403c283","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"demo","thingId":"demo:mything1"}} 10:30:09.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithoutFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:09.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithFieldSelectorAndConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.067 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"df2087e6-2026-459e-bc36-6675923a07cb","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","fields":"/attributes/manufacturer"} 10:30:09.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithFieldSelectorAndConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=live]() 10:30:09.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInitialPolicyNull[channel=live]() 10:30:09.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNullable[channel=live]() 10:30:09.070 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.070 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicyJsonNullable[channel=live]() 10:30:09.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"4c9a9e5b-9a9b-46e3-8e6c-688af35077a0","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:09.073 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.073 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveDeletedEvent[channel=live]() 10:30:09.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=d8af824d-15ec-4963-b30a-36d3ada2eeae 10:30:09.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=22b7cd14-a848-4bba-9986-c3a3b8c22f47 10:30:09.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=21b5603e-29c3-4a8e-b610-39e14adfacf5 10:30:09.077 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveDeletedEvent[channel=live]() 10:30:09.077 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithMissingId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.077 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithMissingId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#createThingFailsWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#deleteThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#deleteThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:09.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"3e39b708-2702-428d-9c9c-96272e8b8dd3","if-none-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:09.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:09.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithCustomAcknowledgementsOnly[channel=live]() 10:30:09.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithCustomAcknowledgementsOnly[channel=live]() 10:30:09.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.085 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.086 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a4408b33-8a30-4575-965c-60aaf10c0c5b","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:09.087 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.087 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithoutPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.088 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.088 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"ffa9c44d-fcb1-4cee-8791-e190a609392d","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:09.090 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithoutPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.090 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:09.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5c1c82f2-74ff-4fad-95c4-ef7d15b62855","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:09.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:09.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.094 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"06a8e454-200e-4f60-bc5d-c6a7812d3d1e","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:09.095 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#retrieveThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.096 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicyFromThing[channel=live]() 10:30:09.096 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.097 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a5651387-8887-4ff6-b9b8-0e34b91d5cdd","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_copyPolicyFrom":"{{ ref:things/ }}"}} 10:30:09.098 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithOptionCopyPolicyFromThing[channel=live]() 10:30:09.098 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.099 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.146 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a8790774-b9c6-4b42-b562-22c8c4c5c562","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:09.148 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.148 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.149 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.150 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e86da2c1-f058-4b5f-8ff2-a3347f01d763","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:09.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testUpdateThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.153 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithAllOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.153 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#updateThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.154 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.154 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#updateThingFailsWithExistsOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.154 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testMergePolicyId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.156 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e65b45d6-fe73-4ef8-bfd0-7c35915ff570","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/policyId","value":"policy.namespace:policyName"} 10:30:09.157 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testMergePolicyId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.157 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithMissingId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.159 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithMissingId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.159 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.159 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.160 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithJsonInlinePolicyAndOptionCopyPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.160 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testSetPolicyId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.161 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.161 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1affeb62-df41-4f5e-85ea-cebaa360b78c","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/policyId","value":"policy.namespace:policyName"} 10:30:09.163 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testSetPolicyId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.163 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.164 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.164 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"4ad105bc-b4ef-46a3-a11e-70115a416118","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","policyId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:09.166 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testPutThingWithInlinePolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.166 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.166 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"96601e35-a3df-45f0-86c2-6e7bd779ce9e","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"","thingId":"","_policy":{"policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}}} 10:30:09.168 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testCreateThingWithInitialJSONPolicy[channel=live]() 10:30:09.168 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.169 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.170 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"8f5db54c-6bb9-43d2-9719-3fe96417bee8","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}}} 10:30:09.171 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testMergeThingWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:09.171 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameRegistrationId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.172 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.172 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testRegisterTwoHandlersWithSameRegistrationId[channel=live]() 10:30:09.173 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveCreatedEvent[channel=live]() 10:30:09.173 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.174 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=0fec90f8-56eb-4910-938d-ddb5ab243de6 10:30:09.174 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=75105424-9f9f-4e50-b501-cee6738b6909 10:30:09.174 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=b591b3d1-f731-471f-92d7-d9eb042a183d 10:30:09.177 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientThingTest#testReceiveCreatedEvent[channel=live]() 10:30:09.180 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenSingleAttributeIsModified() 10:30:09.180 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.181 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=83d4b372-67cc-4054-b1cd-1052196d4d85 10:30:09.184 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:e5440fc8-772d-4d5d-92da-a0b268725278, action=CREATED, path=/attributes/newAttribute, value={"attributes":{"newAttribute":{"complex":{"simple":42}}}}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:e5440fc8-772d-4d5d-92da-a0b268725278}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=null, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes={"newAttribute":{"complex":{"simple":42}}}, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.186 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenSingleAttributeIsModified() 10:30:09.186 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenSingleFeatureIsDeleted() 10:30:09.186 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.187 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=f8de6959-2770-4a43-a22c-93df15acd7d8 10:30:09.189 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableFeatureChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:eb50d3c2-c994-4d5d-a28c-d29e285ec7c4, action=DELETED, path=/features/feature_id_1, value=null, revision=1, timestamp=2024-03-12T10:30:09.187666Z, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:eb50d3c2-c994-4d5d-a28c-d29e285ec7c4}]], feature=null], thing=null] 10:30:09.190 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenSingleFeatureIsDeleted() 10:30:09.191 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testDownwardsRegisterForNestedFeaturePropertyChangeWhenFeatureIsModified() 10:30:09.191 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.192 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=bd592c9d-aa1a-466d-9f7d-81d3ac29c421 10:30:09.250 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received Change ImmutableFeatureChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:20d4bc09-16b9-4a58-81ce-95ef4a40e896, action=UPDATED, path=/, value="lux", revision=1, timestamp=2024-03-12T10:30:09.195264Z, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:20d4bc09-16b9-4a58-81ce-95ef4a40e896}]], feature=ImmutableFeature [featureId=feature_id_2, definition=null, properties={"complex":{"bum":"lux"}}, desiredProperties=null]] 10:30:09.251 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testDownwardsRegisterForNestedFeaturePropertyChangeWhenFeatureIsModified() 10:30:09.252 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForFeatureChangesWhenSingleFeaturePropertyIsUpdated() 10:30:09.252 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.253 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=4f907e73-880a-4c70-880d-037ae967b3ab 10:30:09.256 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received Change ImmutableFeatureChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:74a7f5ea-e932-49b1-94a9-dab438295d52, action=UPDATED, path=/properties/complex/bum, value={"properties":{"complex":{"bum":"bar"}}}, revision=1, timestamp=2024-03-12T10:30:09.254312Z, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:74a7f5ea-e932-49b1-94a9-dab438295d52}]], feature=ImmutableFeature [featureId=feature_id_2, definition=null, properties={"complex":{"bum":"bar"}}, desiredProperties=null]] 10:30:09.258 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForFeatureChangesWhenSingleFeaturePropertyIsUpdated() 10:30:09.258 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenThingIsCreated() 10:30:09.259 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.259 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=cdbff38e-3444-4ded-ba0d-40e324605fb2 10:30:09.261 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:010a2fd3-7832-44d6-b63e-37acbd04c524, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:010a2fd3-7832-44d6-b63e-37acbd04c524"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:010a2fd3-7832-44d6-b63e-37acbd04c524}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:010a2fd3-7832-44d6-b63e-37acbd04c524, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.262 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenThingIsCreated() 10:30:09.263 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForFeaturesChangesWhenSingleFeaturePropertyIsCreated() 10:30:09.263 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.264 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=76b73649-02f8-44e3-86c0-5e7d8a6ad8fb 10:30:09.266 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableFeaturesChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:d9bff83e-9038-4bec-b9b7-143dbca806ea, action=CREATED, path=/feature_id_1/properties/foo, value={"feature_id_1":{"properties":{"foo":"bar"}}}, revision=1, timestamp=2024-03-12T10:30:09.264936Z, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:d9bff83e-9038-4bec-b9b7-143dbca806ea}]], features=ImmutableFeatures [features=[ImmutableFeature [featureId=feature_id_1, definition=null, properties={"foo":"bar"}, desiredProperties=null]]]] 10:30:09.266 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableFeaturesChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:d9bff83e-9038-4bec-b9b7-143dbca806ea, action=CREATED, path=/feature_id_1/properties/foo, value={"feature_id_1":{"properties":{"foo":"bar"}}}, revision=1, timestamp=2024-03-12T10:30:09.264936Z, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:d9bff83e-9038-4bec-b9b7-143dbca806ea}]], features=ImmutableFeatures [features=[ImmutableFeature [featureId=feature_id_1, definition=null, properties={"foo":"bar"}, desiredProperties=null]]]] 10:30:09.268 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForFeaturesChangesWhenSingleFeaturePropertyIsCreated() 10:30:09.268 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenThingIsDeleted() 10:30:09.269 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.269 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=232a541f-2bd1-4c9c-b86a-996df26b63c6 10:30:09.271 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:03f951ff-0940-4dbd-ac43-27fbeaabcbe4, action=DELETED, path=/, value=null, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:03f951ff-0940-4dbd-ac43-27fbeaabcbe4}]], thing=null] 10:30:09.272 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenThingIsDeleted() 10:30:09.272 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testDownwardsRegisterForSingleAttributeChangeWhenAttributesAreModified() 10:30:09.273 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.273 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=5cff8a6b-d7fa-49ad-b626-a570cd6b4c34 10:30:09.283 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received Change ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:e3cf17d1-63bd-4136-9b83-24c1129ebb00, action=UPDATED, path=/, value="bumlux", revision=1, timestamp=2024-03-12T10:30:09.274141Z, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:e3cf17d1-63bd-4136-9b83-24c1129ebb00}]] 10:30:09.287 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testDownwardsRegisterForSingleAttributeChangeWhenAttributesAreModified() 10:30:09.288 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testSignalEnrichment() 10:30:09.288 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.289 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=3437c4e9-16cd-4877-a074-f3b1841a55f3 10:30:09.290 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:36a77edf-62b2-4a8d-86fc-74f0766a8bae, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:36a77edf-62b2-4a8d-86fc-74f0766a8bae"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra={"attributes/extra":"extraValue"}, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:36a77edf-62b2-4a8d-86fc-74f0766a8bae}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:36a77edf-62b2-4a8d-86fc-74f0766a8bae, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.291 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testSignalEnrichment() 10:30:09.291 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testMultipleChangeHandlersAreInvokedOnSingleChange() 10:30:09.295 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.296 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=9b18cc65-cbe2-476b-96dc-c8af2ce03dcb 10:30:09.298 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.298 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.298 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.298 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.298 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.298 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.298 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"thingId":"org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25"}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:2bcc3ea6-0eae-4044-8703-44c9b7713f25, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes=null, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.299 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testMultipleChangeHandlersAreInvokedOnSingleChange() 10:30:09.299 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenAttributesAreModified() 10:30:09.299 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.300 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=ef35c24e-4e00-4a57-bdd8-5f2c97c4080e 10:30:09.302 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received ThingChange ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:684c25a8-963f-40e2-8571-34e7902c6eeb, action=CREATED, path=/attributes, value={"attributes":{"foo":"bar","misc":1}}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:684c25a8-963f-40e2-8571-34e7902c6eeb}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=null, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes={"foo":"bar","misc":1}, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.303 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testUpwardsRegisterForThingChangeWhenAttributesAreModified() 10:30:09.303 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testDownwardsRegisterForSingleAttributeChangeWhenThingIsCreated() 10:30:09.303 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.304 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=11797c5f-b620-47f6-a2cc-1a819f16b01a 10:30:09.306 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest - received Change ImmutableThingChange [change=ImmutableChange [entityId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:231b3c2b-1b8c-4c5f-820b-57f78fc8f2ef, action=CREATED, path=/, value={"abc":"def","foo":false}, revision=1, timestamp=null, extra=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{response-required=false, content-type=application/json, ditto-entity-id=thing:org.eclipse.ditto.test:231b3c2b-1b8c-4c5f-820b-57f78fc8f2ef}]], thing=ImmutableThing [thingId=org.eclipse.ditto.test:231b3c2b-1b8c-4c5f-820b-57f78fc8f2ef, policyId=null, definition=null, attributes={"abc":"def","foo":false}, features=null, lifecycle=null, revision=null, modified=null, created=null, metadata=null]] 10:30:09.346 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ChangeUpwardsDownwardsPropagationTest#testDownwardsRegisterForSingleAttributeChangeWhenThingIsCreated() 10:30:09.348 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: ThingSearchPublisherTest#run() 10:30:09.348 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.349 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"d7610264-756e-4f90-a29a-46d0ab2c8f3e"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:09.350 [pool-416-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"9dc410ef-f547-4cbf-862d-55b6965e2d5d","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"subscription1234","demand":2}} 10:30:09.351 [pool-416-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"31f39540-0098-41f4-a89f-77e26ff8d33c","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"subscription1234","demand":1}} 10:30:09.351 [pool-416-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"44b121b1-841b-4234-a5b3-142f602ef787","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"subscription1234","demand":1}} 10:30:09.353 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: ThingSearchPublisherTest#run() 10:30:09.356 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinTest#testFeatureEventAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.357 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.357 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=bb7bd779-35b5-405a-8e91-7798d08de0d9 10:30:09.362 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":409} 10:30:09.362 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":201} 10:30:09.362 [mock-provider-2] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":403} 10:30:09.365 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinTest#testFeatureEventAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.365 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinTest#testThingEventAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.366 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.366 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=5787b9e5-a27c-4d08-81cd-6694908ac129 10:30:09.369 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":100} 10:30:09.369 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":301} 10:30:09.369 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":403} 10:30:09.370 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinTest#testThingEventAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.371 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinTest#testAttributeEventAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.371 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.372 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=93bd4b4c-d544-42ca-9407-2b1575682a56 10:30:09.375 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":200} 10:30:09.375 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":403} 10:30:09.375 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":500} 10:30:09.376 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinTest#testAttributeEventAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.376 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinTest#testStartConsumptionCombinations() 10:30:09.377 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.377 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success 10:30:09.378 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=d0eb8f92-f4a5-4bd6-81e0-0d1de66a45c4 10:30:09.378 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success 10:30:09.378 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=6e473e07-6692-46f6-a87b-131b6517863e 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=c5cc1ef9-169b-42c8-ba30-bc74ff3674cf 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=43678dfd-937e-4674-8f1a-3f98392b9207 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=a07a6480-24e0-41e3-9eb1-dc11e40ebc80 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=de2c7ff8-6478-41a7-870b-2f1b5d9b6027 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=53cb8b0f-eb49-4cd4-a5fc-f43224e64662 10:30:09.379 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=89d2da89-6535-46c9-a3e1-bf6b7b7cb587 10:30:09.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=cfdda91b-2369-49e9-a6c3-033731c8f206 10:30:09.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=94d63e5e-87ae-43e3-9c5f-2f1fe4f5b5bc 10:30:09.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:09.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=867d437a-b52c-425c-a9f3-b5c768fb3457 10:30:09.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=33a506ef-999d-4b58-9195-0038d215e905 10:30:09.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=891dcdea-3e89-4d23-b90d-b355f21580b4 10:30:09.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=77a1fdd6-ea3d-455f-91ed-9089b42f91d3 10:30:09.382 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:09.382 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=8f0a5c1d-51be-495e-bc18-e261a876519b 10:30:09.382 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=a0b3d84d-20ec-4d7b-9ad8-45b63cc2b6ff 10:30:09.382 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=5ea5b6b9-8225-4431-a136-d08b193eb14f 10:30:09.383 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:09.384 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=684a7f46-e107-4161-994b-275d2918f414 10:30:09.384 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=37454e69-d4ca-4d4a-9e28-3253ca2b8fc1 10:30:09.384 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=f859a356-fc7a-4375-be7d-9941270e212f 10:30:09.385 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=966706e6-41ee-4cec-b733-771739b3e414 10:30:09.385 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:09.385 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=13f1bffc-0e03-44f8-8e25-e8f1ca309d4a 10:30:09.386 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=d93d3f16-20f0-4c2f-a532-df937f086e72 10:30:09.386 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=31ac96de-ba84-4384-a9a1-0616a98e5431 10:30:09.387 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=9a342c1e-c61b-4043-9763-3f0ad0a1c858 10:30:09.388 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure 10:30:09.388 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=34fd9fef-ea66-4b3e-ab90-fc8d03f09425 10:30:09.388 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=d9bf45c9-0620-470d-bb5a-6e22cca89805 10:30:09.389 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:09.389 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=33eb729a-64ba-42cf-9f15-e6aa4d8151c2 10:30:09.390 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=e0cfcd25-4cd6-4d84-90d1-554f323f7adb 10:30:09.390 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=45e6a561-192f-4083-8cc0-111a230e7225 10:30:09.391 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:09.391 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=7a9a1063-1344-4e5f-a46c-9b2364dab3d4 10:30:09.391 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=e8320f55-c45e-4e7e-9f40-5d58ac4a8095 10:30:09.392 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=72b639e0-614f-40a7-aa1b-4ea627a0d5a1 10:30:09.392 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=3b9a14bc-61dd-40b9-92c8-74c25563d5b0 10:30:09.392 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:09.392 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=d189cff1-24e5-4396-b44c-b6428fb120db 10:30:09.393 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=14e5c4c3-d77d-4607-95a4-fe0faef295e9 10:30:09.394 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=18659536-99c0-4b9f-a466-b2e2a7b3b356 10:30:09.394 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=d0eef868-ab3d-4fa1-b4cf-0123d39054c3 10:30:09.398 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:09.398 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=1ef23438-2145-4778-af52-ac3ccf4dbcb3 10:30:09.398 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=a08d94b3-3581-4f3e-8db6-a486432502f8 10:30:09.399 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=0c8fa9df-1224-46fd-8158-9765a2ed2556 10:30:09.400 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:09.401 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=e60cd6e5-3d04-4279-a034-e65f9cfae278 10:30:09.401 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=f69b0eec-00cb-4d24-b7d9-735ee0a0f396 10:30:09.402 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=2ed66407-1e04-44b1-8826-f4e5518dfd3a 10:30:09.446 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=bf4cc303-4f63-4eb6-add8-1728c144ab44 10:30:09.447 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:09.447 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=ff1e8a43-3661-4642-af36-a749fc6e6510 10:30:09.447 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=5af30ccd-27e5-4729-9e7f-8aa8cd9e97fb 10:30:09.448 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=93200d98-359d-4dab-9741-b66ab418d41a 10:30:09.449 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=aa89cdc2-f5c5-44cc-9efa-24e663d2c7a3 10:30:09.450 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure 10:30:09.451 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=1917fa7c-250d-4a22-873a-5e05c115ebc4 10:30:09.452 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success 10:30:09.452 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=3b97f1d3-464b-48af-945c-007a956ad1bd 10:30:09.453 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=4e856398-67e9-45fe-825e-8ac745a6b197 10:30:09.453 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:09.453 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=28a52fa8-896e-4d02-8946-06c9463bd502 10:30:09.454 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=6a3b2177-1e64-406e-8bc7-2ae76a917a0a 10:30:09.454 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=4928e399-0753-4839-9e59-4a480b7fe6e9 10:30:09.454 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:09.454 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=77fd1742-4ac2-4a44-90f3-e3cbc1956faa 10:30:09.456 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=29f6b6be-73df-48cc-b13f-1c9dcf613139 10:30:09.456 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=8264580b-23db-4c13-b0bf-e5dac975e78e 10:30:09.456 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=db1d5eae-dfb5-4d03-843c-cabf23e4e332 10:30:09.456 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:09.456 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=577a3be9-21f8-45a5-b0f6-cbab995c494f 10:30:09.457 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=af33c170-cd16-4774-b4b7-890c3e5cee87 10:30:09.457 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=023133ea-5c7c-43a7-8bdd-fb3d18b1eaa4 10:30:09.458 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=b0648a67-5eeb-420b-b7cb-16e1b8b618fe 10:30:09.459 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:09.459 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=0562112d-6720-4d26-9f67-1babbd869b48 10:30:09.460 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=71d0da0e-2de1-4520-bc03-2062fa601f03 10:30:09.460 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=1dea005b-e24d-4ce0-9053-f2c30a0352f0 10:30:09.461 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:09.461 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=b3eb56e8-4d62-4d60-9f8c-0da7feecf67b 10:30:09.462 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=406ab803-8360-4c09-b389-c2ee2b434134 10:30:09.462 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=497185e5-35db-4969-b0bc-4b51f70496dd 10:30:09.463 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=f1cb5456-7580-4990-a8d9-f7a674dc129c 10:30:09.463 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:09.463 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=55c09a5b-b5d9-4cb5-be69-b8612cb40eec 10:30:09.464 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=3d6df16f-5778-42f3-a6cb-b71a66a86df0 10:30:09.464 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=21e47346-7bc7-49e0-8904-fa8652905407 10:30:09.465 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=e68112ee-4749-47e8-a146-f8a5bf0c9bcd 10:30:09.469 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:09.469 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=fd44caf4-3c87-4f0d-85c4-6ae914a36d57 10:30:09.470 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=be961a50-8c8e-4a04-ab67-5430acf6e3e8 10:30:09.471 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:09.471 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=89917480-61e3-4658-9721-33d7d424fc28 10:30:09.471 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=0df5d018-725d-4cb6-8a1e-160fea55a52d 10:30:09.472 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=3764bddb-78e9-4f05-a2cc-5ee35d55fa8b 10:30:09.472 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:09.472 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=7af27522-3540-405d-91cb-e2859316271b 10:30:09.472 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=d76bfa48-e678-420a-b373-84b2875e9ca2 10:30:09.473 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=02b37e79-0c81-458a-a0e8-7f958b6ddd3e 10:30:09.473 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=043113fd-29f7-4dff-b4b4-ffd0f36abd31 10:30:09.473 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:09.473 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=b59d00c8-eb0f-413b-9322-935633ed13a4 10:30:09.474 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=02e491e9-c4ba-48f4-8556-5f1f2def79f9 10:30:09.474 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=e1639c56-4a52-438a-95ee-e5f7f7751213 10:30:09.475 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=3792fb6d-d0d2-4c1a-92d7-377c7e4d33f5 10:30:09.475 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:09.475 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=971d2154-5166-495f-8501-703688005c09 10:30:09.476 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=ead7abdd-c426-4c99-be6a-07de4e03deb8 10:30:09.477 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=4151463a-5069-4517-bfcf-07c6564aec04 10:30:09.478 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:09.478 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=69810925-8270-4a75-87c4-67a4c6a289de 10:30:09.478 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=4c05a5fc-7e6f-437f-b353-12847f814690 10:30:09.479 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=e6e8ab94-2bc5-41d4-bb96-583fb42f5456 10:30:09.480 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=fa00703e-2781-472e-830e-4925fd0f24dd 10:30:09.480 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:09.480 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=5bf66691-3c98-42f3-8158-9133d5a633ea 10:30:09.481 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=646a86d8-8d48-4622-92b4-bf29c3feead2 10:30:09.482 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=fd3fd8ca-af9a-4f93-b787-eeb15a120480 10:30:09.483 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=9e406593-3820-4c98-8a5e-b5cec2abc092 10:30:09.485 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinTest#testStartConsumptionCombinations() 10:30:09.485 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinTest#concurrentStartConsumptionFails() 10:30:09.486 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.487 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-EVENTS?correlation-id=9e899763-c0fb-4110-8b5c-f7e6176ea05f 10:30:09.488 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinTest#concurrentStartConsumptionFails() 10:30:09.681 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForCreateThing() 10:30:09.686 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.686 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=050a9ac5-af6f-43e8-b1d9-d638b4478a90 10:30:09.686 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=e9611e7c-429f-4ca1-b385-2e5f9281e88d 10:30:09.686 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=4d8fd4b8-a12e-41d1-bf8a-05f13a7d4840 10:30:09.692 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"d07d17d0-64c7-4eea-8399-c9c30ec4db5f","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}},"status":201} 10:30:09.693 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"d07d17d0-64c7-4eea-8399-c9c30ec4db5f","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}},"revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.692514Z"} 10:30:09.747 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForCreateThing() 10:30:09.747 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#sendMessageAndGetErrorResponse() 10:30:09.748 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.766 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"TO","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","correlation-id":"b9d9537c-eb3a-47d1-b477-c949fc09260c","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/inbox/messages/request","value":"payload"} 10:30:09.772 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#sendMessageAndGetErrorResponse() 10:30:09.772 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#testThingCommandAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.773 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.773 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e84f518d-252d-47fc-b49d-733e251ab2de 10:30:09.773 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=66c97f6b-ce60-4b2f-8a5e-ccba1d069087 10:30:09.773 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=a91df897-0629-42d7-85f8-874859ea35d4 10:30:09.776 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"56671e79-9dbf-452b-814d-e0c82afb3ac6","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/","status":100} 10:30:09.777 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"56671e79-9dbf-452b-814d-e0c82afb3ac6","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/","status":301} 10:30:09.777 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"56671e79-9dbf-452b-814d-e0c82afb3ac6","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/","status":403} 10:30:09.778 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#testThingCommandAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.778 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#sendFeatureMessage() 10:30:09.779 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.783 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"TO","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","ditto-message-feature-id":"someFeature","correlation-id":"231171dc-8d27-4859-b3fa-b8559d2df6ec","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/features/someFeature/inbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE COFFEE!"} 10:30:09.848 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"TO","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","ditto-message-feature-id":"someFeature","correlation-id":"82de37f6-ca73-4d80-bcfb-7882560260da","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/features/someFeature/inbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE COFFEE!"} 10:30:09.851 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#sendFeatureMessage() 10:30:09.851 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForFeatureMessageAsFeature() 10:30:09.852 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.853 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=fd34a08d-8a96-4b53-b299-fd4d1442c343 10:30:09.853 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=45698a86-1f9e-42bb-bcfd-0cd73f9a9680 10:30:09.853 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=646ea576-f257-4b09-b8a1-43cbcca8a0d9 10:30:09.859 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","response-required":false,"ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","ditto-message-feature-id":"someFeature","status":"418","correlation-id":"54ec2970-51e3-45d0-9dc9-7afd68e39362","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/features/someFeature/outbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE IT THYSELFE.","status":418} 10:30:09.860 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForFeatureMessageAsFeature() 10:30:09.860 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForClaimMessage() 10:30:09.861 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.862 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e16302ee-40af-4e01-9f9f-69daffe3b360 10:30:09.862 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=fcabef7d-8b24-4c91-80d5-b21c06dbae17 10:30:09.862 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=cd8b66de-0a6a-427c-af28-29e9214d4690 10:30:09.865 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","response-required":false,"ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"claim","ditto-message-thing-id":"","status":"402","correlation-id":"731e7b77-c9dd-47ac-876b-c9b4ca03d8c7","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/outbox/messages/claim","value":"THOU WISHEST!","status":402} 10:30:09.866 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForClaimMessage() 10:30:09.866 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#emitThingEvent() 10:30:09.867 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.868 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"4d7ffbca-d4f2-475f-86de-bf6fae6fe146","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/features/someFeature","revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.867747Z"} 10:30:09.868 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#emitThingEvent() 10:30:09.868 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessageAndGetSuccessAcknowledgements() 10:30:09.869 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.871 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","my-header":"my-header-value","requested-acks":["live-response","custom"],"content-type":"text/plain","correlation-id":"78fe7ef0-ceb3-4948-a7c6-e52d12e95e00"},"path":"/outbox/messages/request","value":"payload"} 10:30:09.874 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessageAndGetSuccessAcknowledgements() 10:30:09.874 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForCreateThingAsThing() 10:30:09.875 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.875 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=10492da6-00c7-47e3-9e40-e83f28e9c8fb 10:30:09.875 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=f041c2d0-fb33-4f6d-a715-d892de358de0 10:30:09.875 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=a909b738-5204-48a3-b3ad-98c9c47f936c 10:30:09.877 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"62555da9-49de-43dc-b787-9c259624ad0b","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}},"status":201} 10:30:09.877 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"62555da9-49de-43dc-b787-9c259624ad0b","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"thingId":"","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","attributes":{"new":"value"},"features":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}},"revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.877336Z"} 10:30:09.879 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForCreateThingAsThing() 10:30:09.879 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessageAndGetFailedAcknowledgements() 10:30:09.879 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.881 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","my-header":"my-header-value","requested-acks":["live-response","custom"],"content-type":"text/plain","correlation-id":"872c3c37-dafd-44f7-b391-df0122fde0a1"},"path":"/outbox/messages/request","value":"payload"} 10:30:09.883 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessageAndGetFailedAcknowledgements() 10:30:09.883 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForClaimMessageAsThing() 10:30:09.884 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.885 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=42ecc454-5fca-46e8-b070-4e8688161a96 10:30:09.885 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=7b6e0287-90d5-4101-b389-b75e53f91271 10:30:09.885 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=d723edd0-7446-4581-bfcf-fff3820b0192 10:30:09.887 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","response-required":false,"ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"claim","ditto-message-thing-id":"","status":"402","correlation-id":"ac6a2232-fe4e-4a3e-969e-56f8a5712120","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/outbox/messages/claim","value":"THOU WISHEST!","status":402} 10:30:09.888 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForClaimMessageAsThing() 10:30:09.888 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForThingMessage() 10:30:09.889 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.890 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=28758e1a-2c5a-42ec-80ef-ee466317d941 10:30:09.890 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=2f9d1e2a-7e14-4be2-9a68-53e38917dfc9 10:30:09.890 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9d593606-6961-41fa-90b4-e6b47738b1ec 10:30:09.892 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","response-required":false,"ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","status":"418","correlation-id":"9a6d03b1-8a9a-4bcf-b8fe-eed78dde831d","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/outbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE IT THYSELFE.","status":418} 10:30:09.893 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForThingMessage() 10:30:09.893 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForDeleteFeature() 10:30:09.894 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.894 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=1d43e1d6-696c-48c5-83cc-f823a81083d2 10:30:09.894 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=1224a2f8-f95d-4a20-bea6-934228e71cf5 10:30:09.894 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=e7819b13-802c-4759-ba66-a180c8f6869d 10:30:09.896 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"76daf301-44af-4ba4-957b-02431b90c55a","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","status":204} 10:30:09.897 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"76daf301-44af-4ba4-957b-02431b90c55a","content-type":"application/json","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/features/someFeature","revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.896712Z"} 10:30:09.898 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForDeleteFeature() 10:30:09.898 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForDeleteFeatureAsFeature() 10:30:09.899 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.899 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=8ce3c16b-092f-4839-8566-12733f206ccc 10:30:09.899 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=b56f5c0d-c8da-4f82-bda2-16a90737f0b0 10:30:09.899 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=0fd35430-6816-4e54-a031-0f7fbdd5ecd7 10:30:09.900 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"ee3347f6-f12f-4a03-ab6d-be2b5d0eb1ca","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","status":204} 10:30:09.900 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"ee3347f6-f12f-4a03-ab6d-be2b5d0eb1ca","content-type":"application/json","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/features/someFeature","revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.900625Z"} 10:30:09.947 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForDeleteFeatureAsFeature() 10:30:09.948 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#sendClaimMessage() 10:30:09.948 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.949 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"TO","ditto-message-subject":"claim","ditto-message-thing-id":"","correlation-id":"8224fc5e-1a25-4fae-9d6d-320f11f2fce0","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/inbox/messages/claim","value":"THOU BELONGEST TO ME!"} 10:30:09.952 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"TO","ditto-message-subject":"claim","ditto-message-thing-id":"","correlation-id":"75d6019c-016c-4bc3-96bb-ea1fbc1d7704","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/inbox/messages/claim","value":"THOU BELONGEST TO ME!"} 10:30:09.953 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#sendClaimMessage() 10:30:09.954 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#testFeatureMessageAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.954 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.955 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=2b2ca70a-a486-4977-8042-d47338b2887a 10:30:09.955 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=101b1838-f67d-4d43-863c-cf1adc7a45ec 10:30:09.955 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=4189cb09-4709-4ef9-82df-d732804864cf 10:30:09.959 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":100} 10:30:09.959 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":301} 10:30:09.959 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":403} 10:30:09.960 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#testFeatureMessageAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.960 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#emitEvent() 10:30:09.961 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.961 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e6c8fb41-41e6-478c-97fa-06b5d0e0cdc3","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/features/someFeature","revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.961619Z"} 10:30:09.962 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#emitEvent() 10:30:09.962 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#emitFeatureEvent() 10:30:09.963 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.963 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a8fcdb4b-8f27-44d7-9684-1c4f1ec0e53c","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/features/someFeature","revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.963660Z"} 10:30:09.964 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#emitFeatureEvent() 10:30:09.964 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#testThingMessageAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.965 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.965 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e36a3786-44f5-4f9c-a5f7-a1aebbbdc13e 10:30:09.965 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=5458f0cd-6ac2-4ad2-a224-7ffada6f5779 10:30:09.965 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=a482e23b-7a3e-4b06-a621-d0eaa5b4c6f2 10:30:09.968 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":100} 10:30:09.968 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":301} 10:30:09.968 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"response-required":false},"path":"/","status":403} 10:30:09.969 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#testThingMessageAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.969 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessage() 10:30:09.970 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.970 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"TO","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","correlation-id":"45114cc2-1c2e-4b0a-859f-388fba5d1aca","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/inbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE COFFEE!"} 10:30:09.973 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","ditto-message-direction":"TO","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","correlation-id":"fbda362c-854d-4a73-92ff-ac41af6a54c9","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/inbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE COFFEE!"} 10:30:09.974 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessage() 10:30:09.975 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForThingMessageAsThing() 10:30:09.975 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.976 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=8bb6acd5-9bf5-48e6-98ea-61666a067f03 10:30:09.976 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=b5084a14-73a1-4a75-bc1e-fa9bcdca92fe 10:30:09.976 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=e05f8a56-82e7-4f4b-bddc-8f9bf22f2b6d 10:30:09.978 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","response-required":false,"ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","status":"418","correlation-id":"868fefb0-c6a0-4298-83a4-3a94a9391cb0","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/outbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE IT THYSELFE.","status":418} 10:30:09.980 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForThingMessageAsThing() 10:30:09.980 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForFeatureMessage() 10:30:09.980 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.981 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=86b72917-14db-4b9c-b5ff-4bd6e522ba75 10:30:09.981 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=dd680b19-e989-47c0-afc3-8975256d3971 10:30:09.981 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=d72bf70b-7aaa-4808-8667-d9275ff43181 10:30:09.984 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"channel":"live","response-required":false,"ditto-message-direction":"FROM","ditto-message-subject":"request","ditto-message-thing-id":"","ditto-message-feature-id":"someFeature","status":"418","correlation-id":"a35419b6-993d-4412-8b5e-71f2cdd165a7","content-type":"text/plain"},"path":"/features/someFeature/outbox/messages/request","value":"MAKE IT THYSELFE.","status":418} 10:30:09.985 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForFeatureMessage() 10:30:09.985 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessageWithoutLiveResponseAckRequest() 10:30:09.985 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.986 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#sendThingMessageWithoutLiveResponseAckRequest() 10:30:09.987 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#testFeatureMessageResponseAndAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.987 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.988 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=0cbe2bda-a03a-47df-ac55-29aca8003b1e 10:30:09.988 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=567898ba-3319-4fb2-a2bd-e90141d3f0ab 10:30:09.988 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=5dad98a5-0c10-4c02-aae6-51623c01acd3 10:30:09.991 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"correlation-id","response-required":false},"path":"/","status":100} 10:30:09.991 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"correlation-id","response-required":false},"path":"/","status":301} 10:30:09.991 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"correlation-id","response-required":false},"path":"/","status":403} 10:30:09.996 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#testFeatureMessageResponseAndAcknowledgement() 10:30:09.996 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForDeleteFeatureAsThing() 10:30:09.996 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:09.997 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=381c03f8-90c2-42cc-96f6-39a52b3a5a46 10:30:09.997 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=fb828d2d-113e-4ae8-9890-1909f175ad8b 10:30:09.997 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=3b5e3dee-c5f1-490c-9600-1fd10ee1ec6e 10:30:09.998 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a261852e-eeb0-4f9d-b3f6-7c64e8ee4d10","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","status":204} 10:30:09.998 [mock-provider-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a261852e-eeb0-4f9d-b3f6-7c64e8ee4d10","content-type":"application/json","ditto-entity-id":"","channel":"live","response-required":false},"path":"/features/someFeature","revision":-1,"timestamp":"2024-03-12T10:30:09.997977Z"} 10:30:09.999 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#subscribeForDeleteFeatureAsThing() 10:30:09.999 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#testStartConsumptionCombinations() 10:30:09.999 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.000 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success 10:30:10.000 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=0bbc7171-9fdb-481f-af96-6a63f52a0f6d 10:30:10.000 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=afff6b02-6afa-4c91-a421-a801b4390e5d 10:30:10.000 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=204fac3a-19a8-4d21-9fc2-fdca5ac5917d 10:30:10.000 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success 10:30:10.000 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=5c4e9334-20e1-4f6c-8e25-2c63f313395b 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=f6ae6635-24ac-44ba-81db-f08ec5ff01ea 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=3a649fcf-49dd-4148-a0b5-5fa51410cf34 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=c1338da9-760f-4000-8895-32118e05cb16 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=bc247d56-8ba5-4cf3-870f-35420f0cb98c 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=8c8264cd-c0b5-4876-870a-ba9523e9e77b 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=84a08b78-c0c7-4f66-badd-95cb6e96e961 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=dc83f597-7e83-4a9a-aa61-73fb343cc006 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=e3abc1a6-b947-483a-82e7-b7afe11a1db8 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=343243d3-4a7b-4ad8-9504-cb43ad8a2e96 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=a3f5ab06-a31b-4f5b-94d2-ee22dab7b1e0 10:30:10.001 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=4f5ad9be-f6fb-48da-a475-1740fefdd6b9 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=bbf27507-2981-4f74-bb19-19da27d75740 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=fc60e45d-393c-40e5-aa25-38d50c67c343 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=723f3a16-e3e3-4ff9-bb79-b9f64a22e91a 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=adc687ea-94ed-460d-a172-1ee464f03280 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=f39d2017-080f-4cd5-be2a-fa26d198e2eb 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=97477623-64c7-4daa-be7f-33a371b88881 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=4f4a9711-bb0e-484d-870f-0af45750f989 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=498d275f-a668-4da2-8c9c-827750666960 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=34ac9a17-2827-41d3-a0d3-29647afcf7d9 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=b061380f-e72c-490f-b864-792a8750537e 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=19eaa026-8c6e-4533-94a4-252bd9ad4095 10:30:10.002 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9f65b049-970c-4b1d-8576-896f0a668021 10:30:10.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=a6a140b5-6db9-42ee-bcba-206e43ecf394 10:30:10.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=67f8186c-c876-4101-93f4-99da34fd6394 10:30:10.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=cc674fa5-faca-4cf5-851f-ea87fe6939f5 10:30:10.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:10.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=fa57ad30-03ab-47d7-a29f-493738f8e25e 10:30:10.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=8b21dd5b-bc91-43de-b78c-2273b2a69d13 10:30:10.003 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=0b13358f-a81f-476e-a29a-4897685d423b 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=6fde0db7-f441-4640-a564-098a7d60a790 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=68a84a63-4fe7-4b0c-977c-5cfe708577c8 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=91198f91-65d6-41c1-ac39-7d650bdeb084 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=368fa5c8-3912-47fe-af59-ff52bae9b965 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=3a230ec9-9b1b-48b9-a821-2dfca04801fc 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=f101027c-4e1f-43db-8899-3afdef9e7b3a 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=2cb33670-5ede-436e-9255-60bc68752787 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=0737e33e-fc2c-4017-a8b8-67eaeaf61813 10:30:10.047 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=4f3dff3d-d00b-44a2-b8e1-3ea16eebdd4a 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=f564e606-4810-4181-8b12-17b6c6d5dcb2 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=4eb17983-3bcb-4eb3-9b84-bfcae65ab63b 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=75b92fc5-de2d-4407-9b4a-437743200760 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=29677264-e9bc-4c7f-a7ed-a0f0e1ca0f03 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=8e9bdbc7-e05e-4781-9731-cb7ab901eec3 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=b669d0e3-d3b9-4526-8759-77b656bce94b 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=c7990a4e-9f87-4c2a-8159-3ddf61dbf34b 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=9bd041e5-29e1-4388-b25b-a348c16ea9c4 10:30:10.049 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=d375bd70-fd6a-4918-9390-08b51e2418c5 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=b708c5db-4298-4951-ab27-4d47314ba5c4 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=1946d4cf-43f5-4307-bfa0-26988961bb45 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=52a98e36-1fd9-4b67-b1fb-6a5352753c91 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=026b5ef8-d09a-4e63-9bbf-63b4498577f0 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=7969a148-14a4-4c56-a988-536ff2ee786a 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=39e8e98f-ee74-409f-8c38-d5e2417ef9c3 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e88cfaee-33e1-49ed-ac91-b53fa2da8fc6 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=0c76d6cf-46ab-482f-92f8-d47e364f3fc0 10:30:10.051 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=f975b7c2-2bed-4b5f-b861-99f3d3f4af0f 10:30:10.052 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=1741b682-9df7-4c71-88ea-1f433a36f258 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=74f6b335-e62e-44df-ae43-03dd6424d909 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=ae3edcb1-8fe3-4880-9702-f774bb2b1723 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=709ac381-c6e2-434a-af80-827d2e766c0b 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=478240ff-93c9-45ef-bbed-71177106401b 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=5d05c288-be71-40fd-9314-4b4346217146 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=145d00d8-8c41-45cb-93ca-8d882b51b1be 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=5dbf1242-c760-4f8f-bd53-b2da0db23bd0 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=20cd788b-43a2-41e4-9753-a938e04c7e59 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=7feacf9c-f801-4f70-8031-4c94290820e9 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=bbdec2f8-5d74-4e6c-9651-a40ff8f1aac0 10:30:10.053 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=35cd7443-6e11-463e-ad0f-441908852300 10:30:10.055 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=75b2554c-49f7-4c25-bebf-71b2abfd1deb 10:30:10.055 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=b6372a7b-5c77-4cfa-9a22-e9d684776618 10:30:10.055 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9d0fef17-d6e1-458b-bfcd-d2876db3ee9e 10:30:10.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure 10:30:10.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=bcddde86-96bb-4bc7-ae99-a900ee7cf34b 10:30:10.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=cd98c699-c8f7-4696-875c-86ca991e6e6c 10:30:10.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=17822194-df87-4022-adee-841560561f9c 10:30:10.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=285a1abc-9f91-4ffe-b5b7-eb9d7d21472a 10:30:10.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=980e5bc5-1db6-4f16-8c0d-ae8d2eb72f5d 10:30:10.056 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=782b8012-28bb-43ea-912f-4c7178f1de45 10:30:10.057 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:10.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=d2afa66c-0677-4f54-b30a-4939abb32af5 10:30:10.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=41d1b1b7-750a-4177-b5a0-fe69d3148e6a 10:30:10.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=dc308e97-1435-4c9c-9475-c574e0a68e4d 10:30:10.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=7dcf70e3-d19d-41ae-b738-7b6df5d416d3 10:30:10.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=7f74b251-938b-445e-8808-5f9e35697315 10:30:10.058 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=ce7bbfda-e07f-422a-aebc-f34ec60b31cc 10:30:10.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=241245bc-7f3a-47cd-a446-c89c3ce4e995 10:30:10.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=9ee6304b-80e8-49ee-858f-4256ab9a730a 10:30:10.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=1dbde877-c323-4ac1-a9a1-4cf54ab0dd69 10:30:10.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:10.059 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=52944dc5-0028-4063-a572-c88c19d3f7e9 10:30:10.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=2e82a8f9-caee-4a30-ab35-ca239c5deda8 10:30:10.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9d436ebf-5ae0-49c8-ac43-456bb908a5b7 10:30:10.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=4db9f09e-1577-444b-91f7-c8ef934bc146 10:30:10.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=ea9d3589-970b-4583-8e76-9ef9d22bab08 10:30:10.060 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=6f23e578-0056-4bc4-9b49-2600f9abfdd1 10:30:10.061 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=122ac0d3-fbdc-41e8-9d99-8ae058f9362b 10:30:10.061 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=07d9b916-424e-439c-bcd0-96e71165d483 10:30:10.061 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=5f96c7a3-ab28-4f60-a8c4-18354254ef97 10:30:10.061 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=2a23b31a-99a0-4e89-b0cd-75c81e69d1f6 10:30:10.061 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=91a4a3f3-2450-43f1-a530-3d033a40f97b 10:30:10.061 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=5b333d30-3bb0-46cf-ba10-4ab795d8d3a2 10:30:10.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:10.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=376b83ae-f10e-4721-bd84-cbfc93093ac6 10:30:10.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=91acf9d0-95ea-4b2c-9d57-b4b3aa069305 10:30:10.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=2957f89c-e464-494f-b583-0fb763f3c327 10:30:10.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=73b187cf-f35e-445d-9de0-41ed0e8b8fa4 10:30:10.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=6645f9db-c03f-447d-8f2a-3b4ac10c2d8b 10:30:10.062 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=ded5f07e-25b5-4578-b525-934ed424ed6b 10:30:10.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=821f4e8a-2584-4f9b-a6ec-2d85c78a5091 10:30:10.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=d124e382-4652-4007-b93b-c251a2683494 10:30:10.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=d6169af7-ad39-46d6-84e7-d52dc0723f06 10:30:10.063 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=cde73ba4-e37d-4e2c-9ba2-bd0a37bbca1b 10:30:10.064 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=f1cdd563-16e8-4023-8f32-6c8b0d7f1704 10:30:10.064 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=8e7bc9af-7ddf-496d-9b0c-0dde0b616f6b 10:30:10.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:10.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=f561b6d3-c63b-4792-9fde-322950094f42 10:30:10.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=0aec1cff-c8b4-4d59-bf38-f2a6e4a12841 10:30:10.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=2188a19f-733f-46e6-b8d8-2da64013d83c 10:30:10.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=5b37ed9b-40ea-455b-9cf6-b48bd1bd754c 10:30:10.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=c79d5731-0aa9-4d4c-a866-308c367c0d45 10:30:10.065 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=db168949-bc6f-4577-b629-5748ce53eb63 10:30:10.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=d24c46da-f858-42a0-9071-4a5666d0dd41 10:30:10.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=57634646-5eec-461c-a68c-68bbc819b7fc 10:30:10.066 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=a23145d7-314a-42af-9db3-e7d1e84656cd 10:30:10.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:10.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=b34f85e2-b10c-4db1-9611-d99774adf23d 10:30:10.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=40806c21-7b44-4cc1-82ee-df623ea26e6c 10:30:10.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=5643f4fb-2222-4d0d-aee3-4f127a9c0693 10:30:10.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=8ffcb8aa-eac3-46da-83ea-d22938b7849c 10:30:10.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=a77dd78b-bd2a-48a5-b2a4-76fa7630f2c7 10:30:10.068 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=50652615-c01c-4058-83bb-c8fc9c607380 10:30:10.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=93da3298-dd44-47df-898a-d9a58851009d 10:30:10.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=7beb1802-0d46-48ac-9b7a-f6dd6bdd6aa9 10:30:10.069 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=94348a12-62a2-4b54-896d-99b50d87b08c 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=6ad1a875-59de-4e88-b4ab-aa3a237b394d 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=fcb27770-d925-4d04-8b2f-ae0932efeb87 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9a6fbe15-8c1f-4d07-88cf-4fae693add78 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=bcab3267-235c-4ff3-8df1-b417098ef1c1 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=e052539f-7e5c-470b-802b-a073366d1a87 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9d98526a-2c32-482a-b51b-ee8475e69c75 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=b058db8a-50ea-4b26-875a-14d7892fead4 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=f68bc79b-dddf-424e-86b9-75aee5842ab6 10:30:10.071 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=557fd857-8809-42a7-83c9-0cde0edec121 10:30:10.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=15af7ef0-a3e3-4652-bdf4-ec6d754f04e2 10:30:10.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=231a066d-434c-4c3c-ae9d-169cb13eb46d 10:30:10.072 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=89d949b8-b243-4171-8220-d0c1fdbff1e5 10:30:10.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=21f33abb-1876-4b2b-9148-4e6357c64de6 10:30:10.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=4f308a5f-fd18-4dd8-a46c-2a567c8b6143 10:30:10.074 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=005abbed-f15e-4baf-aaf8-a43700944174 10:30:10.075 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure 10:30:10.075 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=070a4d4e-a7f2-4e71-a86c-50dc80f16e6c 10:30:10.075 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=bb5d26c8-f3e4-4f2b-9533-0e671a6006ef 10:30:10.075 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=6f22d768-6e8c-4f99-a956-7e609456474b 10:30:10.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success 10:30:10.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=ce602595-cf3c-4dca-9135-9eb75b8eddc7 10:30:10.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=7fa95eb9-12f4-4588-8fc0-0444fb099476 10:30:10.076 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=c78cbfeb-7e92-497f-ab22-da7c7e177450 10:30:10.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e15d6e09-3303-41e4-b48d-b82ef56b9a14 10:30:10.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=f0fc1d6e-bc61-432b-a03a-d3871aad98c1 10:30:10.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=7e6fa9cc-7069-41b5-8208-4edafcd90f27 10:30:10.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:10.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=dfd2260f-5f6b-44bf-a248-3aaf2d633f2f 10:30:10.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=c180b1f7-bed1-45b6-af83-ee0d50d5f986 10:30:10.078 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=1178023f-0410-4cb1-8702-f2fde15fbbc3 10:30:10.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=8ef4a159-6696-44c9-a39b-a409b79ab8f1 10:30:10.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=e13f3941-7320-4ba9-93dd-f191166d40df 10:30:10.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=ea9c3b4b-ea0a-4e41-9fa8-a2eafb5b1fd2 10:30:10.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=b1f57c31-0f45-4c6d-ae61-0cf42042919c 10:30:10.079 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=51e2a06b-6a50-4eda-80bb-76225c0fb75b 10:30:10.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=b8e09a63-da55-49fe-b1ba-034bd28462f2 10:30:10.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:10.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=ffe22c8e-a70f-4955-bbdb-fa1ed520105e 10:30:10.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=040e8e14-b814-4daf-a6d9-01899548d8a9 10:30:10.080 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=2347004b-d436-4be5-be79-a52b8b0000e9 10:30:10.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=4edb827a-3a4c-4bc5-ba7f-6138045492f3 10:30:10.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=0b2c5125-028b-4655-a904-6de8669de05a 10:30:10.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=dd8cca0c-cbe6-4a92-843b-620656ee0d4d 10:30:10.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=f7764707-035c-4daf-a64a-59a131f4bc23 10:30:10.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=f0f215c1-a03d-42e3-9c3b-00b056f25e0e 10:30:10.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=ca68c89f-c37a-4b28-997a-e6cad873c018 10:30:10.081 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=af126c9b-72b0-494b-98a4-555c8e1f2459 10:30:10.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=a59a675c-7496-421c-9a3d-25cb745fa081 10:30:10.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=691d6099-4c62-430c-a30a-91e382d6fd37 10:30:10.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:10.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=2dc07791-aee1-478f-9c36-79391a9f7ab9 10:30:10.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=9df50c4c-bc01-4b35-9c5d-3509a7e56075 10:30:10.082 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=6d3fc03a-751d-4a6c-a645-43ad5a39aac2 10:30:10.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=426b0c1e-e50c-469b-a352-430df96809ab 10:30:10.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=00ee39f6-91ec-4562-9e58-21071823a6cf 10:30:10.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=31497b88-012f-45f7-a738-0fc15cabf2d1 10:30:10.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=5ecd9cd8-6df7-440a-a393-91b8452c4d9d 10:30:10.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=451a3b14-e3d5-48b2-a55e-2baf58c0c2a3 10:30:10.083 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=36ea7a2f-982a-48bf-a8ee-7e6616178a4c 10:30:10.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=86e5734c-f2c3-498d-9660-75be5d33c0e6 10:30:10.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=a904fc9f-3b62-43ca-8224-c57bb59213b8 10:30:10.084 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=23e2c921-be8d-409b-862b-6130ef855d84 10:30:10.085 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:10.085 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=2d5ee170-73de-4e50-a027-b85b8e440830 10:30:10.085 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=8bf2fa1c-b4b7-4241-91d5-7858dfcd647d 10:30:10.085 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=b7af82aa-31d1-418e-acdb-9e459e59b4fe 10:30:10.086 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=5ab84c0c-5bc0-4593-8509-c8e0c10dc5c5 10:30:10.086 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=e91bf4cc-f76c-4ccb-9aa9-d7af993bb52b 10:30:10.086 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=120f2675-babd-4595-967b-48289a444188 10:30:10.087 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=01e1a4b4-329e-467d-a4af-2e29326486ac 10:30:10.087 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=1466cf00-d6e6-4dee-b14c-e3e3c46d91d2 10:30:10.087 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=20ea1d33-7fcc-4c21-87f0-2d75ea01bb9f 10:30:10.088 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:10.088 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e9b14971-8bfc-4eea-9b57-451acff9fbc2 10:30:10.088 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=0ea1b5aa-63c7-439f-910c-12a9eb764bb8 10:30:10.088 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=12b6dbcc-8498-4faa-b389-51c1abc8445a 10:30:10.089 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=7f800370-0d3b-413d-80d8-91f2c0300389 10:30:10.089 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=97548e45-da7d-4b6e-9781-37b7bbbce80b 10:30:10.089 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=284f8975-291c-4a79-9f5d-6340d519a731 10:30:10.089 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=2b41a2d0-7ae3-4ed2-ade4-7f92a9bfc4ca 10:30:10.089 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=937713c2-2962-4371-bd58-5efc209175f2 10:30:10.089 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=59a1651c-6f9d-4897-8c4e-a82fc43acdcf 10:30:10.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=540c0a01-2fa3-461e-abe8-1756c86a4352 10:30:10.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=a9ba5e95-c873-42a9-ac43-6cf6f977d507 10:30:10.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=197ecc09-8153-413f-aa6f-e9db2af6da26 10:30:10.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:10.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=ee8ccb9a-0955-41b3-bff4-f85cba2c8d52 10:30:10.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=1b2a8236-6f67-48f3-a16f-5295bb3db7dc 10:30:10.091 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=132a66af-aeea-430b-8e7b-be8677f2ac73 10:30:10.092 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=6673931b-6823-41a9-93a1-9bdd6fbd17e1 10:30:10.092 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=8268a623-1c1c-492e-8f3b-f9270fdeab2f 10:30:10.092 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=60b6ba7a-8ffd-4c1a-acc2-6ee9ad4721c1 10:30:10.092 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=842d8575-987c-4a1f-8e5e-2ef2b6fd980d 10:30:10.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=8444fa14-147e-4df4-8dda-5cdb1c0feada 10:30:10.093 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=0fb930b5-fe27-4e6a-a0f0-f973f14245e7 10:30:10.094 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=ab16f9fc-40ca-4b99-8fce-99a9eba4a7b7 10:30:10.094 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=b5effb8c-7dec-433f-8b39-415d847ba301 10:30:10.094 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=388daf23-3193-494d-8049-ed240ad4f583 10:30:10.147 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:10.147 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=a7a8df22-587f-4e46-993d-9b32502c9107 10:30:10.147 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=ef4dacbb-e173-406f-ab12-6d9301f6c7a5 10:30:10.147 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9fff7909-6d85-4b54-9c5d-14f077aa58bf 10:30:10.148 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=f8d13ca1-02e9-4faa-a024-a3e0e45f314e 10:30:10.148 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=41a560e5-bf55-4eca-a27e-cfb4d9f1f4e1 10:30:10.148 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=8697661d-f4e1-4058-a623-5ac515b48bf1 10:30:10.149 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:10.149 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e74ff3e4-b464-4bb0-bbba-dc6028a61628 10:30:10.150 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=abba5741-2e00-4084-822b-bcd42adf8650 10:30:10.150 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=da7afa25-09c1-4d51-bf01-ee02f6286ebb 10:30:10.151 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=ec2cde7a-c119-4440-a7f1-21acf2197871 10:30:10.151 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=c40d23bd-7c47-4b9c-88f6-7ef94676fd11 10:30:10.151 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=b66cdb44-f00a-4c09-8c6f-8933a9cea21a 10:30:10.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=404108d0-5f85-4996-9b36-c51ebfd3e2db 10:30:10.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=e146e23e-f7ed-43de-8d18-496a087ed6b9 10:30:10.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=23fad1fc-d9d7-4f3d-81f0-43b3cb70aa4d 10:30:10.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect success 10:30:10.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=20e7393f-835e-4ad1-a5c5-c65a80362b3a 10:30:10.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=2892de46-c691-43af-a5a8-c808231c4131 10:30:10.152 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=63b3a001-0810-49ec-992e-fa3a49f9a310 10:30:10.154 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=03aa39b8-c6b2-4b75-bd38-e1794e4cee5d 10:30:10.154 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=8b9c6174-6d39-4b3b-8057-9e3e0b41c55a 10:30:10.154 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=82493e1a-baa2-4e45-b1e0-e317512f60ab 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=f4059fc7-5f5b-4d22-8dd2-06f620e76cd7 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=729cd8de-c46a-4326-90fc-32b8dd8e9355 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=cdbcbb4a-ad34-4398-af9f-8f18aa107220 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=fe65863b-6055-444b-9b0a-34e25d033e20 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=7d2cb015-59ce-4d2c-af47-9fa6556b1eb8 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=00df9fcc-4229-4db5-9fd6-5138b6456a22 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success -> expect failure 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=8909f9c3-b750-4741-b05b-10c8e7dad66f 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=cd44a7cc-c1e2-46e8-b807-9dc0fd2a94fd 10:30:10.155 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=d0f07e4d-baa8-4672-b535-b75c13990e62 10:30:10.157 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=0a6ef98f-776e-4952-baaa-d2487a359a13 10:30:10.157 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=9c1e9368-c796-4739-aca3-65cf3c1cfb31 10:30:10.157 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=f5bff96d-d748-42e3-adf2-b32cf095f2ec 10:30:10.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=11ffddd2-275d-4c7c-bf24-aeef4eed4e19 10:30:10.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=d1c695c7-f356-4301-9d65-0487735fb906 10:30:10.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=5c4c8537-059a-4fbf-b820-c9068d44fff3 10:30:10.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=e4361c3f-4761-4e17-8298-20df6c8d08c3 10:30:10.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=6609ecc5-5f70-4196-9c7f-d9cff6c5cff4 10:30:10.158 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=b9bcd670-79b5-4fe7-96c2-04266d43e8a4 10:30:10.159 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:10.159 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=16e81d61-28f8-4f75-a2d9-3590d043825f 10:30:10.160 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=335f05c6-2c5e-453f-810c-ce69d6570261 10:30:10.160 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=d8c228b4-66ec-461b-a42b-73e61cfd7332 10:30:10.161 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=10ace097-4009-4d78-b859-e9876036172e 10:30:10.161 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=e7e90f41-d09d-4115-8d36-600a10bea286 10:30:10.161 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=c265971c-82ba-4c32-91c1-a3a47d013612 10:30:10.162 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=0e81b3e2-fca2-4428-89df-b23f38db55f5 10:30:10.162 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=5a6d9870-bd52-47ed-af9d-b5e27e23d88b 10:30:10.162 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=9f63e3e3-b797-4e3c-8ab2-99d05e7405da 10:30:10.163 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect success 10:30:10.163 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=eab6fff0-021d-43b3-9645-77609c5dd82b 10:30:10.163 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=df3088dd-d422-4846-86ca-36afb0dcf10b 10:30:10.163 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=4684560d-2a83-4fb0-8f95-b8faadbbffaf 10:30:10.165 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=87f12d47-c46b-428b-a870-6f8a51d05ffd 10:30:10.165 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=ce5eea5e-ba20-49ad-a509-24d31c18a746 10:30:10.165 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=e1e2153c-d285-4b3d-bd49-4eee4a86b62a 10:30:10.166 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=5e48ce80-16d8-47c6-b20f-0871897fe6b3 10:30:10.166 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=534683d1-b593-4f1e-8f5f-df521bf5b68a 10:30:10.166 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=ec6a4e03-4cab-42b5-bdb5-8610b2a590d5 10:30:10.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=55699dba-5aee-4ba5-ba2d-fb584d02804f 10:30:10.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=06b4eb6f-9005-4e65-820b-31a3e8e29e27 10:30:10.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=2a48afbe-c8ba-417e-999b-c3de9d354c38 10:30:10.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing startConsumption sequence: expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure -> expect failure 10:30:10.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=d6529b1d-74ae-4e81-aa7a-2326f9536f23 10:30:10.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=20d13394-a349-4cdd-8da9-df0065970ecc 10:30:10.167 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=624bd9ae-7c8b-4cee-af7f-85f76b0c3817 10:30:10.168 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=b8a56160-aef3-4abc-b0d3-35efc727d5d2 10:30:10.169 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=46a59d94-163c-45a8-8225-3139ac6314c8 10:30:10.169 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=50232137-32b5-44fe-8cbc-aebe48318d64 10:30:10.170 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=8495cb7e-301e-4959-bedc-627b8e5ae279 10:30:10.170 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=89d6a570-de5a-49aa-926e-2612bf41b6f7 10:30:10.170 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=ca0db410-5ef3-4546-bcb7-68bd569fb8ae 10:30:10.171 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=58484274-9fad-430b-a357-a46ad25f4cf2 10:30:10.171 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=fd175b44-22f5-4720-b7ad-d95dcdc80d1a 10:30:10.171 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=03d1e548-bf25-4767-b164-a2ecfedf1821 10:30:10.174 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#testStartConsumptionCombinations() 10:30:10.174 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientLiveTest#concurrentStartConsumptionFails() 10:30:10.174 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.175 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-EVENTS?correlation-id=4bcd5d79-7420-4509-a389-b1851805dddb 10:30:10.175 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-MESSAGES?correlation-id=b8caa7d6-6eb6-408d-96d9-d94fbb6c655d 10:30:10.175 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: START-SEND-LIVE-COMMANDS?correlation-id=2386128c-4cb7-455a-a008-9d1e45a15048 10:30:10.176 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientLiveTest#concurrentStartConsumptionFails() 10:30:10.178 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#someResults[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.179 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.181 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"82c92b2c-9299-4e37-a86c-fc12bf0eeb28"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:10.183 [pool-450-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"4712c6c3-7320-4be5-9d7c-a47dd6d8decd","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-nonempty-subscription-0","demand":2}} 10:30:10.186 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#someResults[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.186 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#emptyResults[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.187 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.188 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"8a7b5018-028f-415f-8e28-97a0d05af196"},"path":"/","value":{"filter":"not(or(exists(/features/f1/properties/p1),eq(/attributes/a/b/c,5),exists(thingId)))","options":"size(5),sort(+/thingId,-/attributes/x)","namespaces":[""]},"fields":"/thingId,/policyId"} 10:30:10.189 [pool-452-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"5d6cbc66-1953-402b-91e0-876f6d807662","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-empty-subscription-1","demand":2}} 10:30:10.191 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#emptyResults[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.191 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#exceptionInHandlerCancelsStream[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.191 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.192 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"1d86946a-f181-43c4-b787-4e1f8e504d84"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:10.193 [pool-454-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"2d7b6072-9406-4441-8a21-6f0ec9d0a2a7","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-cancelled-subscription-2","demand":2}} 10:30:10.194 [pool-454-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/cancel","headers":{"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-cancelled-subscription-2"}} 10:30:10.195 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#exceptionInHandlerCancelsStream[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.195 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#partialFailure[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.195 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.196 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"951563eb-d4c3-43ad-9b18-d2da3e0c2440"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:10.197 [pool-456-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"c3f642e6-e4ef-4685-a1dd-3820446c9155","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-failed-subscription-3","demand":2}} 10:30:10.247 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#partialFailure[method=PUBLISHER]() 10:30:10.247 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#someResults[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.248 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.248 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"75f4ccfa-cdd6-41eb-a2fb-c0e768ea6b65"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:10.249 [pool-458-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"6c2b633d-ea47-439d-92b5-b8f5dcdfb9eb","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-nonempty-subscription-4","demand":2}} 10:30:10.252 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#someResults[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.252 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#emptyResults[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.252 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.253 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"5203a09f-d7ea-415a-b227-53c991e668aa"},"path":"/","value":{"filter":"not(or(exists(/features/f1/properties/p1),eq(/attributes/a/b/c,5),exists(thingId)))","options":"size(5),sort(+/thingId,-/attributes/x)","namespaces":[""]},"fields":"/thingId,/policyId"} 10:30:10.254 [pool-460-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"9bcc60e0-3224-40ef-a939-5074674feb2f","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-empty-subscription-5","demand":55}} 10:30:10.255 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#emptyResults[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.255 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#exceptionInHandlerCancelsStream[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.255 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.256 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"eda54110-f225-4e9e-af29-7fba0b8bfb5c"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:10.256 [pool-462-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"5a568c63-14a3-4a0c-8c53-736d3cce9ad8","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-cancelled-subscription-6","demand":2}} 10:30:10.257 [pool-462-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/cancel","headers":{"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-cancelled-subscription-6"}} 10:30:10.258 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#exceptionInHandlerCancelsStream[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.258 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#partialFailure[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.259 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.259 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"2954d017-14e4-4dff-a66e-4c34938c07fa"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:10.260 [pool-464-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"2a46453f-55f3-42f7-ae84-f43cef04ff72","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-failed-subscription-7","demand":2}} 10:30:10.261 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchTest#partialFailure[method=STREAM]() 10:30:10.262 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientTwinSearchPublisherTest#cancellation() 10:30:10.263 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.263 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/subscribe","headers":{"content-type":"application/json","correlation-id":"c0c8a479-6246-431f-afd9-b48cac1d258e"},"path":"/","value":{}} 10:30:10.265 [pool-466-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/request","headers":{"correlation-id":"b4328bb4-e303-4c5f-912b-60ab145392f9","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-cancelled-subscription","demand":99}} 10:30:10.265 [pool-466-thread-1] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"_/_/things/twin/search/cancel","headers":{"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"subscriptionId":"my-cancelled-subscription"}} 10:30:10.266 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientTwinSearchPublisherTest#cancellation() 10:30:10.269 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturePropertiesWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.270 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.271 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","twin-persisted"],"correlation-id":"2ec094be-5364-4db7-a804-0c5440c88295","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties"} 10:30:10.273 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturePropertiesWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.273 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testRetrieveFeature[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.274 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.274 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"06074f9c-ac57-48c0-aa1d-a4453aa05f0a","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.276 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testRetrieveFeature[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.276 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#mergeFeatureDefinition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.277 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.277 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"f49e2dcb-ed31-41cd-bd8c-ed43f3b21ede","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/definition","value":["org.eclipse.ditto:test:0.1.0"]} 10:30:10.280 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#mergeFeatureDefinition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.280 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperties[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.281 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.281 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"c6900a7e-6a9c-451b-a95c-85a78e57e6e8","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties","value":{"density":42}} 10:30:10.287 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperties[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.287 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperty[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.288 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.289 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"0d927112-be8d-4c8d-a841-7239fa9e6cf5","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties/density","value":42} 10:30:10.291 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperty[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.291 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.291 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.292 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"75cadda0-f12d-4197-b901-201bd339bef9","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.293 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.294 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.294 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.295 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"89f15816-f49b-4f12-a109-d3f208617451","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features"} 10:30:10.296 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.296 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperties[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.297 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.297 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"79045f6a-7a29-45d9-87ad-83eb2d470879","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties","value":{"density":42}} 10:30:10.299 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperties[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.299 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperty[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.299 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.300 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"2b9b89f8-174a-4ef5-a84d-71e9bef55753","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties/density"} 10:30:10.301 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperty[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.302 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.302 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.302 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5efb28f8-1e34-44ca-bd4e-c3f9e31963b7","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.304 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.304 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWith2Acknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.304 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.347 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","twin-persisted"],"correlation-id":"e88bda39-7ccb-4f30-99f7-804daebbf124","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.349 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWith2Acknowledgements[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.349 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.350 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.350 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"078cee01-5547-4fd0-9b4f-7d66048f341a","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features","value":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}} 10:30:10.352 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.352 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.353 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.353 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"33db7ba4-f4f0-4383-bf30-bfa2298fe3a0","response-required":true,"if-none-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.355 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.355 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperty[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.356 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.356 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"114d2469-5da9-4f25-9d7c-e0b942effaab","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties/density","value":42} 10:30:10.358 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperty[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.358 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.359 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.359 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1efd2cba-203f-44da-93fe-0fbcdac360be","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features","value":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}} 10:30:10.361 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.361 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#retrieveFeatureWithCondition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.362 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.362 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"02999c96-6e4b-41c0-ac17-8ced7c8ac4bf","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.364 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#retrieveFeatureWithCondition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.364 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.364 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.365 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"3debccf2-163d-4b80-a4f8-73a0f8b60300","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.366 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.367 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#setFeatureDefinition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.367 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.368 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"bd9f63a0-da59-45e0-8cae-a5a6d2e4f7ba","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/definition","value":["org.eclipse.ditto:test:0.1.0"]} 10:30:10.370 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#setFeatureDefinition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.370 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.370 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.371 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5859e095-1bd2-4e3d-849b-e05ac402efbd","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features"} 10:30:10.372 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.372 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeature[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.373 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.373 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e85c2a04-821c-4ca8-9162-16cc6427ae5c","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.374 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeature[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.374 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.375 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.375 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"81e2f6bf-24bb-405c-a78c-3ad9653c5251","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.377 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.377 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.377 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.378 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"6d0b39e7-3ece-4aea-92eb-7fbccc7755b3","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features","value":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}} 10:30:10.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatures[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.380 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.381 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.381 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"48031708-daff-4f4a-aed4-ea3583df0da8","response-required":true,"condition":"ne(attributes/test)","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.382 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.382 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#deleteFeatureDefinition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.383 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.384 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"43e0a211-39eb-49b8-8a21-93268cf066ca","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/definition"} 10:30:10.385 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#deleteFeatureDefinition[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.385 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperties[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.386 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.386 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"6408961c-2a03-49be-83d7-d3d666ef89fc","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties"} 10:30:10.387 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperties[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.387 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.388 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.388 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"e85b6de1-4864-465f-86f3-3a509bcd3a86","response-required":true,"if-none-match":"*","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.390 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=twin]() 10:30:10.390 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturePropertiesWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:10.390 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.391 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","live-response"],"correlation-id":"607ee75c-a415-463b-93ed-5a9f313bbe29","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties"} 10:30:10.393 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturePropertiesWithFailedAcknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:10.393 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testRetrieveFeature[channel=live]() 10:30:10.393 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.394 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"f9fe316c-995e-4a24-bdcc-335125904e3d","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.395 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testRetrieveFeature[channel=live]() 10:30:10.395 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#mergeFeatureDefinition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.396 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.396 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"b4a07b52-6b5a-4cd5-8c61-54bec9e7e052","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/definition","value":["org.eclipse.ditto:test:0.1.0"]} 10:30:10.397 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#mergeFeatureDefinition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.397 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperties[channel=live]() 10:30:10.398 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.398 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"6bbe159e-4287-4fe8-be67-7db170b34aae","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties","value":{"density":42}} 10:30:10.400 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperties[channel=live]() 10:30:10.400 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperty[channel=live]() 10:30:10.400 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.446 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a7098c20-4b58-4dab-baf3-96aabefa7010","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties/density","value":42} 10:30:10.448 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperty[channel=live]() 10:30:10.448 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.449 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.449 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"863f4516-4d6d-4648-a51c-eb7b01714399","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.450 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.451 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.451 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.452 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"b9c68b76-4866-4d2d-911b-18d1e7f128ad","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features"} 10:30:10.453 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.453 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperties[channel=live]() 10:30:10.453 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.454 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"476a4999-b830-4d5f-a4d3-ecd13c10b211","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties","value":{"density":42}} 10:30:10.455 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureProperties[channel=live]() 10:30:10.455 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperty[channel=live]() 10:30:10.456 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.456 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"99e0986b-a862-4bde-a98a-155ad95cf030","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties/density"} 10:30:10.457 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperty[channel=live]() 10:30:10.458 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:10.458 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.459 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"52162179-b2b8-439c-bcc4-66fc8040942f","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.460 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:10.460 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWith2Acknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:10.461 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.461 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"requested-acks":["custom-ack-1","live-response"],"correlation-id":"9b57158d-f64e-46d3-9bef-0a7673fc1c74","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.463 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWith2Acknowledgements[channel=live]() 10:30:10.463 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.464 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.464 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"92644826-b49c-4945-baec-e68f7b8aa2de","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features","value":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}} 10:30:10.465 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeaturesWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.466 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:10.466 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.466 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1a3b9313-1210-45ad-88ea-fb62aa8f005f","if-none-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.468 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:10.468 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperty[channel=live]() 10:30:10.468 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.469 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a7b3a52e-0075-4a0c-8672-e80e8d13f47c","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties/density","value":42} 10:30:10.470 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureProperty[channel=live]() 10:30:10.470 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:10.471 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.471 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"5520b357-fd30-4aa3-9378-5251efe8796f","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features","value":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}} 10:30:10.472 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:10.472 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#retrieveFeatureWithCondition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.473 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.473 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"fa804e9b-b1f6-43b6-9645-310c8fd159b1","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.474 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#retrieveFeatureWithCondition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.474 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:10.475 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.475 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"1b39b03f-a110-4797-b3e8-cbf6db610ce4","if-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.477 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionTrue[channel=live]() 10:30:10.477 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#setFeatureDefinition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.477 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.478 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"90f73282-9857-41bc-916e-5e738a7bdae1","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/definition","value":["org.eclipse.ditto:test:0.1.0"]} 10:30:10.483 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#setFeatureDefinition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.483 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:10.483 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.484 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"6f2231e4-0607-4b4e-8ad1-75a427058f5e","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features"} 10:30:10.485 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:10.485 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeature[channel=live]() 10:30:10.486 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.486 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"a7f4cab4-1376-4c09-aaca-d37a1b404acb","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.488 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeature[channel=live]() 10:30:10.488 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.488 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.489 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"ef03dc2b-4fda-4a0c-af54-96eda897ceec","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.491 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.491 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:10.492 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.492 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"d0ec216b-bd9b-4f44-a0b4-e0afd1175552","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features","value":{"someFeature":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}}} 10:30:10.494 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testSetFeatures[channel=live]() 10:30:10.494 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.495 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.495 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"aa7d229d-7af8-4b08-8e74-6d2e4bf36f1c","condition":"ne(attributes/test)","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature"} 10:30:10.497 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureWithConditionOption[channel=live]() 10:30:10.497 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#deleteFeatureDefinition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.498 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.498 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"c51725c2-7936-4305-9a00-442ad24f5dd4","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/definition"} 10:30:10.499 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#deleteFeatureDefinition[channel=live]() 10:30:10.500 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperties[channel=live]() 10:30:10.500 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.547 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"c08094aa-354e-4c7c-9323-4dc30f8b0fb6","channel":"live","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/features/someFeature/properties"} 10:30:10.549 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testDeleteFeatureProperties[channel=live]() 10:30:10.549 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:10.550 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.551 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"","headers":{"correlation-id":"b97e46ae-24fb-4cdd-a307-16337852e354","if-none-match":"*","channel":"live","content-type":"application/merge-patch+json"},"path":"/features/someFeature","value":{"properties":{"propertyPointer":"propertyValue"}}} 10:30:10.552 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientFeaturesTest#testMergeFeatureWithExistsOptionFalse[channel=live]() 10:30:10.555 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithFieldSelectorAndOptions() 10:30:10.555 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.559 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/retrieve","headers":{"correlation-id":"abc","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","fields":"/_revision"} 10:30:10.563 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithFieldSelectorAndOptions() 10:30:10.563 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithFieldSelector() 10:30:10.564 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.564 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/retrieve","headers":{"correlation-id":"236ddb99-9c10-409b-a642-9c6a488f8f79","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","fields":"/_revision"} 10:30:10.566 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithFieldSelector() 10:30:10.566 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyFails() 10:30:10.567 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.567 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/retrieve","headers":{"correlation-id":"1607aa8b-2c5e-44ae-814b-2ab46244c505","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:10.571 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyFails() 10:30:10.572 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicy() 10:30:10.573 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.577 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/create","headers":{"correlation-id":"ce242578-4714-45bc-939f-dc1fbac39536","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.581 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicy() 10:30:10.581 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithFieldSelectorAndInvalidOptions() 10:30:10.582 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.584 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithFieldSelectorAndInvalidOptions() 10:30:10.584 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicyWithMissingId() 10:30:10.584 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.585 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicyWithMissingId() 10:30:10.585 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testPutPolicyWithForbiddenOption() 10:30:10.586 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.587 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testPutPolicyWithForbiddenOption() 10:30:10.587 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testUpdatePolicyWithForbiddenOption() 10:30:10.587 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.588 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testUpdatePolicyWithForbiddenOption() 10:30:10.588 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testUpdatePolicyWithMissingId() 10:30:10.589 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.589 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testUpdatePolicyWithMissingId() 10:30:10.589 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#updatePolicyFailsWithExistsOption() 10:30:10.590 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.590 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#updatePolicyFailsWithExistsOption() 10:30:10.591 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testUpdatePolicy() 10:30:10.591 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.594 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/modify","headers":{"correlation-id":"6c22b556-4a7b-4e74-9be3-42c84579c249","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.597 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testUpdatePolicy() 10:30:10.598 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testPutPolicy() 10:30:10.598 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.599 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/modify","headers":{"correlation-id":"7cb6ac34-f497-48ca-a599-05ed156e7469","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.600 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/modify","headers":{"correlation-id":"c36e50df-11fc-48bf-9bb1-46174795e7f1","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.601 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/modify","headers":{"correlation-id":"109fad6e-fcd8-47fb-a7e3-ff85ad6a177a","response-required":true,"if-none-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.651 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testPutPolicy() 10:30:10.652 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testDeletePolicy() 10:30:10.652 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.655 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/delete","headers":{"correlation-id":"266489bc-f62f-41d7-b4a3-b12ff02e81fe","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:10.657 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testDeletePolicy() 10:30:10.657 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicy() 10:30:10.658 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.659 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/retrieve","headers":{"correlation-id":"a6f1255c-7a4b-4959-8c7e-e89748b88129","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:10.661 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicy() 10:30:10.662 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#createPolicyFailsWithExistsOption() 10:30:10.662 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.663 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#createPolicyFailsWithExistsOption() 10:30:10.664 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithOptions() 10:30:10.665 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.665 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/retrieve","headers":{"correlation-id":"abc","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/"} 10:30:10.666 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithOptions() 10:30:10.666 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicyJsonObject() 10:30:10.667 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.669 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/create","headers":{"correlation-id":"08d7fbca-2566-48d5-87f0-bb5a01de7b5c","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.672 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicyJsonObject() 10:30:10.672 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithInvalidOptions() 10:30:10.673 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.674 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testRetrievePolicyWithInvalidOptions() 10:30:10.674 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#deletePolicyFailsWithExistsOption() 10:30:10.675 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.675 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#deletePolicyFailsWithExistsOption() 10:30:10.676 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testDeletePolicyWithForbiddenOption() 10:30:10.676 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.677 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testDeletePolicyWithForbiddenOption() 10:30:10.677 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testPutPolicyJsonObject() 10:30:10.678 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.680 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/modify","headers":{"correlation-id":"c0aa62ab-fe33-45c7-b128-df32e3fffc45","response-required":true,"content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.681 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/modify","headers":{"correlation-id":"41bdc2fb-bab1-4b88-9db5-d18d3bd9c137","response-required":true,"if-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.682 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Send message: {"topic":"policy.namespace/policyName/policies/commands/modify","headers":{"correlation-id":"39487ef6-5a34-4398-8dc6-202e8983674d","response-required":true,"if-none-match":"*","content-type":"application/json"},"path":"/","value":{"_namespace":"policy.namespace","policyId":"policy.namespace:policyName","imports":{},"entries":{"maker":{"subjects":{"{{ request:subjectId }}":{"type":"suite-auth"}},"resources":{"policy:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"thing:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]},"message:/":{"grant":["READ","WRITE"],"revoke":[]}},"importable":"implicit"}}}} 10:30:10.687 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testPutPolicyJsonObject() 10:30:10.687 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Testing: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicyWithForbiddenOption() 10:30:10.687 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.internal.DefaultDittoClient - Ditto Client [0-SNAPSHOT//2024-03-12] initialized successfully 10:30:10.688 [main] INFO o.e.d.c.i.AbstractDittoClientTest - Finished: DittoClientPoliciesTest#testCreatePolicyWithForbiddenOption() [WARNING] Tests run: 1043, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 28, Time elapsed: 46.768 s - in TestSuite [INFO] [INFO] Results: [INFO] [WARNING] Tests run: 1043, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 28 [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- bundle:4.2.1:bundle (default-bundle) @ ditto-client --- [WARNING] Include-Resource: overriding {},META-INF/LICENSE=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/legal/LICENSE,META-INF/ with META-INF=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/classes/META-INF, (add {maven-resources} if you want to include the maven resources) [WARNING] Bundle org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:bundle:0-SNAPSHOT : Export org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging, has 1, private references [org.eclipse.ditto.client.internal.bus] [INFO] [INFO] --- assembly:3.1.0:single (osgi-bin-assembly) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: ./src/main/assembly/assembly.xml [INFO] Building zip: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ [INFO] [INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Copying nv-websocket-client-2.14.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/nv-websocket-client-2.14.jar [INFO] Copying slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar [INFO] Copying reactive-streams-1.0.4.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/reactive-streams-1.0.4.jar [INFO] Copying minimal-json-0.9.5.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/minimal-json-0.9.5.jar [INFO] Copying classindex-3.13.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/classindex-3.13.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-json-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-json-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-base-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-base-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-jwt-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-jwt-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-messages-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-messages-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-things-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-things-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-thingsearch-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-thingsearch-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-policies-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-policies-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-protocol-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-protocol-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-placeholders-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-placeholders-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Copying ditto-connectivity-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/dependencies/ditto-connectivity-model-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- javadoc:3.2.0:jar (attach-javadocs) @ ditto-client --- [WARNING] Unable to derive module descriptor for /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] No previous run data found, generating javadoc. [INFO] Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.ack... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.ack.internal... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.changes... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.changes.internal... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.configuration... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.internal... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.internal.bus... Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging.internal... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.options... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.options.internal... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.policies... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.policies.internal... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.registration... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.streaming... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.twin... Loading source files for package org.eclipse.ditto.client.twin.internal... Constructing Javadoc information... Standard Doclet version 11.0.11 Building tree for all the packages and classes... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/DisconnectedDittoClient.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/DittoClient.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/DittoClients.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ack/Acknowledgeable.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ack/ResponseConsumer.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ack/internal/AcknowledgementRequestsValidator.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ack/internal/ImmutableAcknowledgementRequestHandle.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/AcknowledgementRequestHandle.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/Change.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/ChangeAction.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/FeatureChange.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/FeaturesChange.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/ThingChange.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/internal/ImmutableChange.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/internal/ImmutableFeatureChange.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/internal/ImmutableFeaturesChange.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/changes/internal/ImmutableThingChange.html... 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Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/configuration/BasicAuthenticationConfiguration.BasicAuthenticationConfigurationBuilder.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/configuration/BusConfiguration.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/configuration/BusConfiguration.BusConfigurationBuildable.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/configuration/BusConfiguration.BusConfigurationBuilder.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/configuration/BusConfiguration.BusExecutorServiceOptionsSettable.html... 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Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/management/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/management/internal/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/messaging/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/messaging/internal/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/options/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/options/internal/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/policies/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/policies/internal/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/registration/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/streaming/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/twin/package-use.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/org/eclipse/ditto/client/twin/internal/package-use.html... Building index for all the packages and classes... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/overview-tree.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/index-all.html... Building index for all classes... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/allclasses-index.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/allpackages-index.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/deprecated-list.html... Building index for all classes... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/allclasses.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/allclasses.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/index.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/overview-summary.html... Generating /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/apidocs/help-doc.html... 1 warning [WARNING] Javadoc Warnings [WARNING] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ warning: no @param for options [WARNING] public Message sendMessage(final MessageSerializerRegistry registry, final Message message, [WARNING] ^ [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- failsafe:3.0.0-M4:integration-test (integration-test) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- failsafe:3.0.0-M4:integration-test (run-integration-tests) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- failsafe:3.0.0-M4:verify (verify) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- japicmp:0.14.3:cmp (default) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Written file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/japicmp/japicmp.diff'. WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector$1 (file:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/2.2.7/jaxb-impl-2.2.7.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int) WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector$1 WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release [INFO] Written file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/japicmp/japicmp.xml'. [INFO] Written file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/japicmp/japicmp.html'. [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.5:report (report) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'Eclipse Ditto :: Java Client' with 318 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- install:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- bundle:4.2.1:install (default-install) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Writing OBR metadata [INFO] Installing org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Writing OBR metadata [INFO] [INFO] --- javadoc:3.2.0:jar (default-cli) @ ditto-client --- [WARNING] Unable to derive module descriptor for /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Skipping javadoc generation, everything is up to date. [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar [WARNING] artifact org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:javadoc:javadoc:0-SNAPSHOT already attached, replace previous instance [INFO] [INFO] >>> source:3.1.0:jar (default-cli) > generate-sources @ ditto-client >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- license:3.0:check (default) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Checking licenses... [WARNING] Property 'strictCheck' is not enabled. Please consider adding true in your pom.xml file. [WARNING] See for more information. [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.5:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/jacoco.exec -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 [INFO] [INFO] <<< source:3.1.0:jar (default-cli) < generate-sources @ ditto-client <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- source:3.1.0:jar (default-cli) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 01:54 min [INFO] Finished at: 2024-03-12T10:30:33Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Deploy to Eclipse) [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] tool [Pipeline] envVarsForTool [Pipeline] withEnv [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] dir Running in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + mvn deploy --batch-mode --errors -PsignArtifactsEclipse,publishToEclipseMavenRepo,attachSources,attachJavadocs -DcreateJavadoc=true -DskipTests=true -DskipITs=true Apache Maven 3.9.5 (57804ffe001d7215b5e7bcb531cf83df38f93546) Maven home: /opt/tools/apache-maven/latest Java version: 11.0.11, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: /opt/tools/java/adoptopenjdk/hotspot-jdk-11/11.0.11+9 Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "6.2.9-300.fc38.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on. [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:pom:6.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:pom:6.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.bundlerepository:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.bundlerepository:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:pom:4.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:pom:4.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.utils:pom:1.6.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.utils:pom:1.6.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:27 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:27 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:37 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:37 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-builder-support:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-builder-support:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact javax.enterprise:cdi-api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.enterprise:cdi-api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-api-parent:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-api-parent:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-api-bom:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-api-bom:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.annotation:jsr250-api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.annotation:jsr250-api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.inject:javax.inject:pom:1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.inject:javax.inject:pom:1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact aopalliance:aopalliance:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact aopalliance:aopalliance:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:2.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:2.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:2.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:2.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:pom:1.1-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:pom:1.1-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0-alpha-30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0-alpha-30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:1.2-alpha-9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:1.2-alpha-9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact backport-util-concurrent:backport-util-concurrent:pom:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact backport-util-concurrent:backport-util-concurrent:pom:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:pom:1.0-alpha-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:pom:1.0-alpha-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:2.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:2.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:23 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:23 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-build-api:pom:0.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-build-api:pom:0.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:pom:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:pom:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:pom:1.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:pom:1.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0-alpha-20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0-alpha-20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:1.2-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:1.2-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact oro:oro:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact oro:oro:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-apt:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-apt:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xdoc:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xdoc:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.jdom:jdom:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.jdom:jdom:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:jar:6.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:jar:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.bundlerepository:jar:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.utils:jar:1.6.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium:jar:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-builder-support:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.annotation:jsr250-api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:jar:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:2.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact backport-util-concurrent:backport-util-concurrent:jar:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-build-api:jar:0.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:jar:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:jar:1.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact oro:oro:jar:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-apt:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xdoc:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.jdom:jdom:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:jar:6.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:jar:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.bundlerepository:jar:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.utils:jar:1.6.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium:jar:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-builder-support:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:1.0.2.v20150114 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact javax.enterprise:cdi-api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.annotation:jsr250-api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:jar:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.3.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:2.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact backport-util-concurrent:backport-util-concurrent:jar:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-build-api:jar:0.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:jar:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:jar:1.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact oro:oro:jar:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-apt:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xdoc:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.jdom:jdom:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [WARNING] The project org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:bundle:0-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [INFO] [INFO] -------------------< org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client >------------------- [INFO] Building Eclipse Ditto :: Java Client 0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] from pom.xml [INFO] -------------------------------[ bundle ]------------------------------- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:pom:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:pom:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:jar:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:jar:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:23 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:23 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:license-maven-plugin-parent:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:license-maven-plugin-parent:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:mycila-pom:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:mycila-pom:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:50 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:50 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:jar:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:jar:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:31 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:31 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:31 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:31 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:40 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:40 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin:jar:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin:jar:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:pom:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:pom:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:jar:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:jar:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:pom:3.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:pom:3.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:jar:3.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:jar:3.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin:pom:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin:pom:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-base:pom:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-base:pom:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin:jar:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin:jar:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:pom:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:pom:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugins:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:jar:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:jar:2.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:pom:2.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:pom:2.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:jar:2.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:jar:2.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client:pom:2.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client:pom:2.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.36 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.36 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.36 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.36 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:pom:0.9.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:pom:0.9.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo.classindex:classindex:pom:3.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo.classindex:classindex:pom:3.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo.classindex:parent:pom:3.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo.classindex:parent:pom:3.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo:parent:pom:1.17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo:parent:pom:1.17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:pom:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:pom:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-parent:pom:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-parent:pom:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-core:pom:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-core:pom:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.32 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.32 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.32 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.32 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:4.13.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:4.13.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-parent:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-parent:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-core:pom:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-core:pom:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-parent:pom:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-parent:pom:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-build:pom:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-build:pom:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.junit:junit-bom:pom:5.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.junit:junit-bom:pom:5.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.mockito:mockito-bom:pom:4.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.mockito:mockito-bom:pom:4.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:pom:1.12.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:pom:1.12.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-parent:pom:1.12.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-parent:pom:1.12.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.awaitility:awaitility:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.awaitility:awaitility:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.awaitility:awaitility-parent:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.awaitility:awaitility-parent:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.mutabilitydetector:MutabilityDetector:pom:0.10.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.mutabilitydetector:MutabilityDetector:pom:0.10.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), ossrh (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), ossrh (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), ossrh (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), ossrh (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier:pom:3.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier:pom:3.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis-parent:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis-parent:pom:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:pom:1.12.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:pom:1.12.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-parent:pom:1.12.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-parent:pom:1.12.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.mockito:mockito-core:pom:4.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.mockito:mockito-core:pom:4.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:pom:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:pom:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-parent:pom:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-parent:pom:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:pom:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:pom:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.skyscreamer:jsonassert:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.skyscreamer:jsonassert:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-junit4:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-junit4:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:exam:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:exam:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:exam-reactor:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:exam-reactor:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:master:pom:4.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:master:pom:4.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-spi:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-spi:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-exec:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-exec:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:base:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:base:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.5.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.5.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.5.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.5.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-io:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-io:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-lang:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-lang:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-monitors:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-monitors:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-store:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-store:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-util-property:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-util-property:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-spi:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-spi:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles:tinybundles:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles:tinybundles:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:master:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:master:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-store:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-store:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:base:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:base:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:master:pom:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j:master:pom:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-io:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-io:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-lang:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-lang:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-monitors:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-monitors:pom:1.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:pom:2.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:pom:2.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:parent:pom:2.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:parent:pom:2.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:4.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:4.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix.bundles:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax-inject:pom:1_2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix.bundles:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax-inject:pom:1_2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix.bundles:bundles-pom:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix.bundles:bundles-pom:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix:servicemix-pom:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix:servicemix-pom:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-container-native:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-container-native:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-core:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-core:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:swissbox:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:swissbox:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-lifecycle:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-lifecycle:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-tracker:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-tracker:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-net:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-net:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-link:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-link:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:url:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax:url:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-commons:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-commons:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-property:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-property:pom:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-classpath:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-classpath:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-link-mvn:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-link-mvn:pom:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether-support:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether-support:pom:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-impl:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-impl:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-spi:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-spi:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-util:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-util:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:pom:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.framework:pom:7.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.framework:pom:7.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-parent:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-parent:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:28 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:28 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus:codehaus-parent:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus:codehaus-parent:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-tck:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-tck:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.testng:testng:pom:7.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.testng:testng:pom:7.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.beust:jcommander:pom:1.78 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.beust:jcommander:pom:1.78 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.ant:ant:pom:1.10.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.ant:ant:pom:1.10.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.ant:ant-parent:pom:1.10.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.ant:ant-parent:pom:1.10.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:pom:1.10.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:pom:1.10.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.checkerframework:checker-compat-qual:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.checkerframework:checker-compat-qual:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-parent:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-parent:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:mojo-parent:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus:codehaus-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus:codehaus-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.yaml:snakeyaml:pom:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.yaml:snakeyaml:pom:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-examples:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-examples:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.testng:testng:pom:7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.testng:testng:pom:7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.webjars:jquery:pom:3.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.webjars:jquery:pom:3.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client:jar:2.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.36 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:jar:0.9.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo.classindex:classindex:jar:3.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-core:jar:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:4.13.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-core:jar:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:jar:1.12.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.awaitility:awaitility:jar:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.mutabilitydetector:MutabilityDetector:jar:0.10.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier:jar:3.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.mockito:mockito-core:jar:4.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:jar:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.skyscreamer:jsonassert:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-junit4:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-spi:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-spi:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles:tinybundles:jar:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:jar:2.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-lang:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix.bundles:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax-inject:jar:1_2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-container-native:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-exec:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-io:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-store:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-util-property:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-core:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-lifecycle:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-tracker:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-net:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-monitors:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-link:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-commons:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-classpath:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-property:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-link-mvn:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether-support:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-impl:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-spi:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-util:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.framework:jar:7.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-tck:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-examples:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.testng:testng:jar:7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.beust:jcommander:jar:1.78 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.webjars:jquery:jar:3.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client:jar:2.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.36 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:jar:0.9.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.atteo.classindex:classindex:jar:3.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:jar:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact ch.qos.logback:logback-core:jar:1.2.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:4.13.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.assertj:assertj-core:jar:3.24.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:jar:1.12.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.awaitility:awaitility:jar:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.hamcrest:hamcrest:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.mutabilitydetector:MutabilityDetector:jar:0.10.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier:jar:3.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.mockito:mockito-core:jar:4.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent:jar:1.12.13 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.skyscreamer:jsonassert:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-junit4:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-spi:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-spi:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles:tinybundles:jar:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:jar:2.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-lang:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.servicemix.bundles:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.javax-inject:jar:1_2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-container-native:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-exec:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-io:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-store:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-util-property:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-core:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-lifecycle:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-tracker:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-net:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.base:ops4j-base-monitors:jar:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-link:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-commons:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-classpath:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.swissbox:pax-swissbox-property:jar:1.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-link-mvn:jar:4.13.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether-support:jar:2.6.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-impl:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-spi:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-util:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.6.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.apache.felix.framework:jar:7.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-tck:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams-examples:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.testng:testng:jar:7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.beust:jcommander:jar:1.78 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.webjars:jquery:jar:3.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] [INFO] --- license:3.0:check (default) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-parent:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-parent:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact asm:asm:pom:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact asm:asm:pom:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact asm:asm-parent:pom:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact asm:asm-parent:pom:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact log4j:log4j:pom:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact log4j:log4j:pom:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging-api:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging-api:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:pom:3.2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:pom:3.2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact stax:stax-api:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact stax:stax-api:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:model-builder:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:model-builder:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:spice-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project-builder:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project-builder:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-core:pom:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-core:pom:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-parent:pom:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-parent:pom:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-asm:pom:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-asm:pom:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-pool2:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-pool2:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:no_aop:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact asm:asm:jar:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-beta-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:jar:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging-api:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:4.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:jar:3.2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact stax:stax-api:jar:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:model-builder:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project-builder:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-core:jar:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-asm:jar:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-pool2:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:no_aop:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.0.0.M2a is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact asm:asm:jar:3.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-beta-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-beta-3.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:jar:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging-api:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:4.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:jar:3.2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact stax:stax-api:jar:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice:model-builder:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project-builder:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.5.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-core:jar:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.springframework:spring-asm:jar:3.1.3.RELEASE is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-pool2:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Checking licenses... [WARNING] Property 'strictCheck' is not enabled. Please consider adding true in your pom.xml file. [WARNING] See for more information. [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.5:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-plexus:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-plexus:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-bean:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-bean:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-parent:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-parent:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:pom:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:2.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:2.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-parent:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-parent:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:pom:1.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:pom:1.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:4.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:pom:4.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xerces:xercesImpl:pom:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xerces:xercesImpl:pom:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:pom:1.3.03 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:pom:1.3.03 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:pom:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:pom:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:pom:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:39 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:39 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:pom:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:pom:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:pom:1.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:pom:1.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:pom:1.0.b2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:pom:1.0.b2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:pom:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:pom:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.core:pom:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.core:pom:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2:ow2:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2:ow2:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:pom:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:jar:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:jar:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:noaop:2.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:jar:1.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:4.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:jar:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.0.b2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:jar:runtime:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.core:jar:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:jar:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:jar:1.4.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:noaop:2.1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:jar:1.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact junit:junit:jar:4.8.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.0.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:jar:1.1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:jar:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:jar:1.7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.0.b2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.agent:jar:runtime:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.jacoco:org.jacoco.core:jar:0.8.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:jar:7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/jacoco.exec -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 [INFO] [INFO] --- license:2.0.0:add-third-party (default-cli) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:41 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:41 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:pom:1.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:pom:1.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver:pom:1.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver:pom:1.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:30 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-parent:pom:10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.4.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.4.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.4.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.4.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-parent:pom:9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:35 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:35 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact xmlunit:xmlunit:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact xmlunit:xmlunit:pom:1.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), plexus.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact logkit:logkit:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact logkit:logkit:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact avalon-framework:avalon-framework:pom:4.1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact avalon-framework:avalon-framework:pom:4.1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.servlet:servlet-api:pom:2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.servlet:servlet-api:pom:2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-chain:commons-chain:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-chain:commons-chain:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:pom:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact dom4j:dom4j:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact dom4j:dom4j:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact sslext:sslext:pom:1.2-0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact sslext:sslext:pom:1.2-0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-core:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-core:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-parent:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-parent:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-master:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-master:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact antlr:antlr:pom:2.7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact antlr:antlr:pom:2.7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:pom:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:pom:1.6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:pom:2.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis-java5-flava:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis-java5-flava:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis-default-flava:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis-default-flava:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.geronimo.genesis:genesis:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton.processor:nuiton-processor:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton.processor:nuiton-processor:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:processor:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:processor:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:mavenpom4redmineAndCentral:pom:3.4.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:mavenpom4redmineAndCentral:pom:3.4.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:mavenpom4redmine:pom:3.4.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:mavenpom4redmine:pom:3.4.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:mavenpom:pom:3.4.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton:mavenpom:pom:3.4.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:42 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:42 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.freemarker:freemarker:pom:2.3.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.freemarker:freemarker:pom:2.3.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:jar:1.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:jar:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:jar:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-chain:commons-chain:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact sslext:sslext:jar:1.2-0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-core:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton.processor:nuiton-processor:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.freemarker:freemarker:jar:2.3.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.resolver:maven-resolver-api:jar:1.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.7.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.xbean:xbean-reflect:jar:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:jar:1.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-velocity:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-digester:commons-digester:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-chain:commons-chain:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-validator:commons-validator:jar:1.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact sslext:sslext:jar:1.2-0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-core:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:jar:1.3.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:1.7.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.nuiton.processor:nuiton-processor:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.freemarker:freemarker:jar:2.3.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [WARNING] Parameter 'licenseMergesFile' (user property 'license.licenseMergesFile') is deprecated: prefer use now {@link #licenseMergesUrl} [WARNING] [WARNING] !!! licenseMergesFile is deprecated, use now licenseMergesUrl !!! [WARNING] [WARNING] licenseMerges will be overridden by licenseMergesFile. [WARNING] [INFO] Writing third-party file to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/classes/META-INF/ [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.1.0:resources (default-resources) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-filtering:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-filtering:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-filtering:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-filtering:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] Copying 2 resources to META-INF [INFO] Copying 0 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- flatten:1.0.1:flatten (flatten) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:3.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:3.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-parent:pom:3.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-parent:pom:3.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:38 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:38 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:no_aop:3.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:1.0.0.v20140518 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.3.0.M1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:no_aop:3.2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.24 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:bundle:0-SNAPSHOT... [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-incremental:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-incremental:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache:apache:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:pom:0.9.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:pom:0.9.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-languages:pom:0.9.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-languages:pom:0.9.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:pom:2.0-M9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:pom:2.0-M9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-api:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-api:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-manager:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-manager:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-javac:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-javac:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compilers:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compilers:pom:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:2.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-incremental:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:jar:0.9.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:jar:2.0-M9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-api:jar:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-manager:jar:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-javac:jar:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:2.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-incremental:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:jar:0.9.10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:jar:2.0-M9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-api:jar:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-manager:jar:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-compiler-javac:jar:2.8.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 354 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/classes [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/main/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- resources:3.1.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 3 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 160 source files to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/test-classes [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ uses or overrides a deprecated API. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [INFO] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/src/test/java/org/eclipse/ditto/client/internal/ Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- surefire:3.0.0-M4:test (default-test) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:maven-surefire-common:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:maven-surefire-common:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-api:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-api:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-logger-api:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-logger-api:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-extensions-api:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-extensions-api:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-booter:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-booter:pom:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-toolchain:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-toolchain:pom:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:pom:0.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:pom:0.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:33 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-languages:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-languages:pom:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:maven-surefire-common:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-api:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-logger-api:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-extensions-api:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-booter:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-toolchain:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:jar:0.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:jar:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:maven-surefire-common:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-api:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-logger-api:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-extensions-api:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.surefire:surefire-booter:jar:3.0.0-M4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-toolchain:jar:3.0-alpha-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:jar:0.11.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:jar:1.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- bundle:4.2.1:bundle (default-bundle) @ ditto-client --- [WARNING] Include-Resource: overriding {},META-INF/LICENSE=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/legal/LICENSE,META-INF/ with META-INF=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/classes/META-INF, (add {maven-resources} if you want to include the maven resources) [WARNING] Bundle org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:bundle:0-SNAPSHOT : Export org.eclipse.ditto.client.messaging, has 1, private references [org.eclipse.ditto.client.internal.bus] [INFO] [INFO] --- assembly:3.1.0:single (osgi-bin-assembly) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:pom:0.9.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:pom:0.9.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:22 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-parent:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.iq80.snappy:snappy:pom:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.iq80.snappy:snappy:pom:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:pom:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:jar:0.9.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.iq80.snappy:snappy:jar:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:jar:0.9.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.14 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.iq80.snappy:snappy:jar:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:file-management:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-io:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Reading assembly descriptor: ./src/main/assembly/assembly.xml [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:pom:1.6.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:pom:1.6.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:public-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:public-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:buildsupport:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:buildsupport:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.intellij:annotations:pom:9.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.intellij:annotations:pom:9.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:pom:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:pom:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream-parent:pom:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream-parent:pom:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact xmlpull:xmlpull:pom: is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xmlpull:xmlpull:pom: is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xpp3:xpp3_min:pom:1.1.4c is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xpp3:xpp3_min:pom:1.1.4c is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact joda-time:joda-time:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact joda-time:joda-time:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:pom:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils-core:pom:1.8.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils-core:pom:1.8.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-client:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-client:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:public-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:public-parent:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:buildsupport:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.buildsupport:buildsupport:pom:5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-common:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-common:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-project:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-project:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact javax.validation:validation-api:pom:1.1.0.Final is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.validation:validation-api:pom:1.1.0.Final is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-client:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-client:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-apache-client4:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-apache-client4:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-contribs:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-contribs:pom:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, releases+snapshots, blocked), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-jackson:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-jackson:pom:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml:oss-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml:oss-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml:oss-parent:pom:12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml:oss-parent:pom:12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:pom:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:pom:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-providers:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-providers:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-base:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-base:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations:pom:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice.zapper:spice-zapper:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice.zapper:spice-zapper:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf-proto:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf-proto:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf-project:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf-project:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource:fusesource-pom:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource:fusesource-pom:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:pom:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:jar:1.6.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:jar:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.intellij:annotations:jar:9.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:jar:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact xmlpull:xmlpull:jar: is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xpp3:xpp3_min:jar:1.1.4c is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact joda-time:joda-time:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils-core:jar:1.8.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-client:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-common:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:jar:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.validation:validation-api:jar:1.1.0.Final is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-client:jar:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-apache-client4:jar:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-jackson:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-base:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice.zapper:spice-zapper:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf-proto:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:jar:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:jar:1.6.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-sec-dispatcher:jar:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.plexus:plexus-cipher:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.intellij:annotations:jar:9.0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:jar:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact xmlpull:xmlpull:jar: is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact xpp3:xpp3_min:jar:1.1.4c is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact joda-time:joda-time:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-lang:commons-lang:jar:2.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils-core:jar:1.8.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-client:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-common:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:jar:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.validation:validation-api:jar:1.1.0.Final is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey:jersey-client:jar:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-apache-client4:jar:1.17.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.siesta:siesta-jackson:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-base:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations:jar:2.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.3.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), rso-public-grid (, default, releases+snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.spice.zapper:spice-zapper:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf-proto:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.fusesource.hawtbuf:hawtbuf:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:jar:1.7.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:2.5.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:2.5.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:pom:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:pom:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:parent:pom:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:parent:pom:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:pom:4.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:pom:4.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:17 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:2.5.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:jar:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:jar:4.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:jar:1.0-alpha-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:2.5.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:bndlib:jar:2.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.core:jar:4.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:jar:1.0-alpha-4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:jar:2.0.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:2.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:2.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-util:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-providers:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-providers:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.jcraft:jsch:pom:0.1.44-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact com.jcraft:jsch:pom:0.1.44-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh-common:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh-common:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity:pom:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.jcraft:jsch:jar:0.1.44-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh-common:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:jar:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact com.jcraft:jsch:jar:0.1.44-1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh-common:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:jar:1.0-alpha-6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:1.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:1.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix:pom:1.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix:pom:1.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute:bndlib:pom:0.0.238 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute:bndlib:pom:0.0.238 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact net.sf.kxml:kxml2:pom:2.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact net.sf.kxml:kxml2:pom:2.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.core:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.core:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.service.obr:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.service.obr:pom:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:pom:1.0-alpha-8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:pom:2.0.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-osgi:pom:0.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-osgi:pom:0.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute:bndlib:pom:0.0.203 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute:bndlib:pom:0.0.203 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:1.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute:bndlib:jar:0.0.238 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact net.sf.kxml:kxml2:jar:2.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.core:jar:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.service.obr:jar:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-osgi:jar:0.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-beta-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:1.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute:bndlib:jar:0.0.238 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact net.sf.kxml:kxml2:jar:2.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.core:jar:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:org.osgi.service.obr:jar:1.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-osgi:jar:0.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-beta-2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:1.0-alpha-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.4.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:pom:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:pom:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock-parent:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock-parent:pom:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis-parent:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis-parent:pom:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:pom:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:jar:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.easymock:easymock:jar:3.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-parameter-documenter:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:jar:1.5.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-error-diagnostics:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-descriptor:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-monitor:jar:2.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:5.1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:pom:5.1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:felix-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:pom:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:pom:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.dto:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.dto:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.resource:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.resource:pom:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.framework:pom:1.8.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.framework:pom:1.8.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.tracker:pom:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.tracker:pom:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:osgi.annotation:pom:8.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:osgi.annotation:pom:8.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.log:pom:1.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.log:pom:1.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.repository:pom:1.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.repository:pom:1.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:pom:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:pom:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.promise:pom:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.promise:pom:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:pom:1.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:pom:1.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bnd.util:pom:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bnd.util:pom:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-components:pom:34 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-plexus:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:pom:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:3.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:48 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:48 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.4.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.4.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.21 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:52 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:52 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:5.1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:jar:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.dto:jar:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.resource:jar:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.framework:jar:1.8.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.tracker:jar:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:osgi.annotation:jar:8.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.log:jar:1.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.repository:jar:1.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:jar:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.promise:jar:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bnd.util:jar:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:jar:5.1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bndlib:jar:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.dto:jar:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.resource:jar:1.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.framework:jar:1.8.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.tracker:jar:1.5.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:osgi.annotation:jar:8.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.log:jar:1.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.service.repository:jar:1.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.function:jar:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.osgi:org.osgi.util.promise:jar:1.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact biz.aQute.bnd:biz.aQute.bnd.util:jar:6.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.5.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-spi:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-impl:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.aether:aether-api:jar:0.9.0.M2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.plexus:jar:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.sisu:org.eclipse.sisu.inject:jar:0.0.0.M5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-classworlds:jar:2.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:3.3.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.20 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.26 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.3.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Building zip: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ [INFO] [INFO] --- dependency:3.1.2:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-containers:pom:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:4.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:4.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:project:pom:4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:pom:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:pom:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-client:pom:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-parent:pom:11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:pom:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcomponents-core:pom:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:pom:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:pom:1.0-beta-10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:pom:1.0-beta-10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:pom:3.8.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:47 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:47 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:6.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:6.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:pom:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer:pom:1.11.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer:pom:1.11.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:7.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:7.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.5.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:2.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:pom:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:jar:1.0-beta-10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact antlr:antlr:jar:2.7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer:jar:1.11.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-component-annotations:jar:2.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.5.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.4.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:jar:1.9 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-i18n:jar:1.0-beta-10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact antlr:antlr:jar:2.7.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.2.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.8 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-analyzer:jar:1.11.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:7.3.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-dependency-tree:jar:3.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client:jar:2.14 already exists in destination. [INFO] org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.36 already exists in destination. [INFO] org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams:jar:1.0.4 already exists in destination. [INFO] com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:jar:0.9.5 already exists in destination. [INFO] org.atteo.classindex:classindex:jar:3.13 already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-json:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-base-model:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-jwt-model:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-messages-model:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-things-model:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-thingsearch-model:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-policies-model:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-protocol:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-placeholders:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-connectivity-model:jar:0-SNAPSHOT already exists in destination. [INFO] [INFO] --- javadoc:3.2.0:jar (attach-javadocs) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:pom:1.25 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-invoker:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-invoker:pom:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:pom:0.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:pom:0.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:pom:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:pom:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:pom:2.0-M10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:pom:2.0-M10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:pom:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:pom:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-languages:pom:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-languages:pom:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus:pom:6.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:pom:1.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-invoker:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:jar:0.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:jar:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:jar:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:jar:2.0-M10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:jar:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:jar:1.13.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-invoker:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-common-artifact-filters:jar:3.0.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-artifact-transfer:jar:0.10.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:jar:1.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-skin-model:jar:1.9.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml5:jar:1.9.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:2.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:jar:2.0-M10 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-java:jar:1.0.5 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [WARNING] Unable to derive module descriptor for /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Skipping javadoc generation, everything is up to date. [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar [INFO] [INFO] >>> source:3.1.0:jar (attach-sources) > generate-sources @ ditto-client >>> [INFO] [INFO] --- license:3.0:check (default) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Checking licenses... [WARNING] Property 'strictCheck' is not enabled. Please consider adding true in your pom.xml file. [WARNING] See for more information. [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.5:prepare-agent (prepare-agent) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/0.8.5/org.jacoco.agent-0.8.5-runtime.jar=destfile=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/jacoco.exec -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 [INFO] [INFO] <<< source:3.1.0:jar (attach-sources) < generate-sources @ ditto-client <<< [INFO] [INFO] [INFO] --- source:3.1.0:jar (attach-sources) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:pom:3.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:pom:4.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:pom:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:pom:1.18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-archiver:jar:3.4.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver:jar:4.1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io:jar:3.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.18 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), apache.snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- failsafe:3.0.0-M4:integration-test (integration-test) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- failsafe:3.0.0-M4:integration-test (run-integration-tests) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- failsafe:3.0.0-M4:verify (verify) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- japicmp:0.14.3:cmp (default) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-plexus:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-plexus:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-bean:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-bean:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-parent:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-parent:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.forge:forge-parent:pom:7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:pom:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:2.9.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:pom:2.9.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-parent:pom:2.9.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu.inject:guice-parent:pom:2.9.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-parent:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-parent:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:pom:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp:pom:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp:pom:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.javassist:javassist:pom:3.24.0-GA is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.javassist:javassist:pom:3.24.0-GA is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:pom:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:pom:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-core:pom:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-core:pom:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:pom:2.16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:pom:2.16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.istack:istack-commons:pom:2.16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.istack:istack-commons:pom:2.16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:pom:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:pom:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:FastInfoset:pom:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:FastInfoset:pom:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:fastinfoset-project:pom:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:fastinfoset-project:pom:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jsr173_api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jsr173_api:pom:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.activation:activation:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.activation:activation:pom:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:pom:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:pom:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon:pom:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:pom:2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:pom:2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-parent:pom:19 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-logging-api:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sitetools:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-modules:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:pom:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-jsr223:pom:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-jsr223:pom:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:pom:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:pom:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:jar:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:jar:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:no_aop:2.9.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp:jar:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.javassist:javassist:jar:3.24.0-GA is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:jar:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-core:jar:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:jar:2.16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:jar:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:FastInfoset:jar:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jsr173_api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.activation:activation:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:jar:2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-jsr223:jar:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:jar:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-core:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings-builder:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model-builder:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-aether-provider:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-spi:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-impl:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-api:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.aether:aether-util:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-plexus:jar:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-inject-bean:jar:2.1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.sonatype.sisu:sisu-guice:jar:no_aop:2.9.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:2.0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp:jar:0.14.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.javassist:javassist:jar:3.24.0-GA is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:jar:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-core:jar:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:jar:2.16 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:jar:2.2.7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact com.sun.xml.fastinfoset:FastInfoset:jar:1.2.12 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.xml.bind:jsr173_api:jar:1.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), (, default, releases+snapshots), jvnet-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact javax.activation:activation:jar:1.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-compat:jar:3.0.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-provider-api:jar:1.0-beta-7 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-impl:jar:2.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:0.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-sink-api:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-core:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.0.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.0.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.3 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-decoration-model:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-xhtml:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-module-fml:jar:1.2 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.reporting:maven-reporting-api:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-jsr223:jar:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:jar:2.4.6 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), sonatype-nexus-snapshots (, default, snapshots)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Artifact org.eclipse.ditto:ditto-client:jar:3.5.0 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases)] [INFO] Written file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/japicmp/japicmp.diff'. WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector$1 (file:/home/jenkins/.m2/repository/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/2.2.7/jaxb-impl-2.2.7.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int) WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.opt.Injector$1 WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release [INFO] Written file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/japicmp/japicmp.xml'. [INFO] Written file '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/japicmp/japicmp.html'. [INFO] [INFO] --- jacoco:0.8.5:report (report) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Loading execution data file /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/jacoco.exec [INFO] Analyzed bundle 'Eclipse Ditto :: Java Client' with 318 classes [INFO] [INFO] --- eclipse-jarsigner:1.3.1:sign (sign-jars) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Signing of nested jars of '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar' is disabled. [INFO] Signing jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Signing of nested jars of '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar' is disabled. [INFO] Signing jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar [INFO] Signing of nested jars of '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar' is disabled. [INFO] Signing jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- install:2.5.2:install (default-install) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:pom:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.11 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-repository-metadata:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.2.1 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.apache.maven.shared:maven-shared-utils:jar:0.4 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:3.0.15 is present in the local repository, but cached from a remote repository ID that is unavailable in current build context, verifying that is downloadable from [eclipse-repo (, default, releases), eclipse.maven.central.mirror (, default, releases), maven-default-http-blocker (, default, snapshots, blocked)] [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/.flattened-pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar [INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ditto-client-java-ci/java/target/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- bundle:4.2.1:install (default-install) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Installing org/eclipse/ditto/ditto-client/0-SNAPSHOT/ditto-client-0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Writing OBR metadata [INFO] [INFO] --- deploy:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] [INFO] --- bundle:4.2.1:deploy (default-deploy) @ ditto-client --- [INFO] Remote OBR update disabled (enable with -DremoteOBR) [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 53.735 s [INFO] Finished at: 2024-03-12T10:31:28Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // dir [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions) [Pipeline] junit Recording test results [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found. [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withEnv [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS