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19:20:15.887 [WARN ] [] o.a.p.a.ActorSystemImpl - Illegal request, responding with status '400 Bad Request': CONNECT requests are not supported
19:20:15.904 [WARN ] [] o.a.p.a.ActorSystemImpl - Illegal request, responding with status '400 Bad Request': CONNECT requests are not supported
19:20:15.909 [WARN ] [] o.a.p.a.ActorSystemImpl - Illeg
...[truncated 178 chars]...
SystemImpl - Illegal request, responding with status '400 Bad Request': CONNECT requests are not supported
19:20:15.918 [WARN ] [] o.a.p.a.ActorSystemImpl - Illegal request, responding with status '400 Bad Request': CONNECT requests are not supported
19:20:15.923 [WARN ] [] o.a.p.a.ActorSystemImpl - Illegal request, responding with status '400 Bad Request': CONNECT requests are not supported