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13:50:30.148 [main] WARN kamon.Init -- Your application is running without the Kanela instrumentation agent. None of Kamon's automatic instrumentation will be applied to the current JVM. Consider using the kamon-bundle dependency or setting up the Kanela agent via the -javaagent:/path/to/kanela.jar command-line option
13:50:30.151 [main] INFO kamon.prometheus.PrometheusReporter -- Started the embedded HTTP server on
13:50:30.151 [main] INFO kamon.otel.OpenTelemetryTra
...[truncated 177 chars]...
] INFO kamon.otel.OtlpTraceService -- Configured endpoint for OpenTelemetry trace reporting [http://localhost:4317] using grpc protocol
13:50:30.153 [main] INFO kamon.Init -- 
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Initializing Kamon Telemetry &amp#27;[1m&amp#27;[32mv2.7.0&amp#27;[0m&amp#27;[0m / Kanela &amp#27;[1m&amp#27;[31mnot found&amp#27;[0m&amp#27;[0m