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Standard Output

2024-01-29 19:53:11,085 INFO  [][] o.a.p.e.s.Slf4jLogger  - Slf4jLogger started
2024-01-29 19:53:11,110 INFO  [][] o.e.d.g.s.e.r.RootRouteExceptionHandler  - Correlation ID was missing in headers of <ThingIdInvalidException>!
2024-01-29 19:53:11,110 INFO  [][] o.e.d.g.s.e.r.RootRouteExceptionHandler  - <ThingIdInvalidException> occurred in gateway root route: <ThingIdInvalidException [message='Thing ID '' is not valid!', errorCode=things:id.invalid, httpStatus=HttpStatus [code=400, category=CLIENT_ERROR], description='It must conform to the namespaced entity ID notation (see Ditto documentation)', href=, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{}]]>!