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Test Result : breakpoints

0 failures (±0) , 3 skipped (-9)
12 tests (-36)
Took 0.23 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source2 msPassed
fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file2 msPassed
handles breakpoints in multiple files49 msPassed
hits a conditional breakpoint47 msPassed
hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >27 msPassed
hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >27 msPassed
hits a standard breakpoint47 msPassed
maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file4 msPassed
maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated0 msSkipped
maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces0 msSkipped
reports back relocated line number0 msSkipped
resolves breakpoints28 msPassed