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Console Output

03:24:04 [2022-07-26T07:24:04.251Z] Triggered by Gerrit:
03:24:20 [2022-07-26T07:24:20.797Z] Obtained jenkins/pipelines/cdt/verify/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline.Jenkinsfile from git
03:24:20 [2022-07-26T07:24:20.870Z] [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
03:24:20 [2022-07-26T07:24:20.960Z] [Pipeline] readTrusted
03:24:22 [2022-07-26T07:24:22.027Z] Obtained jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-plus-eclipse-install.yaml from git
03:24:22 [2022-07-26T07:24:22.029Z] [Pipeline] podTemplate
03:24:22 [2022-07-26T07:24:22.034Z] [Pipeline] {
03:24:22 [2022-07-26T07:24:22.042Z] [Pipeline] node
03:24:24 [2022-07-26T07:24:24.091Z] Created Pod: kubernetes cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q
03:24:24 [2022-07-26T07:24:24.327Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][Scheduled] Successfully assigned cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q to okdnode-10
03:24:26 [2022-07-26T07:24:26.063Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][AddedInterface] Add eth0 [] from openshift-sdn
03:24:26 [2022-07-26T07:24:26.331Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
03:24:26 [2022-07-26T07:24:26.502Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][Created] Created container cdt
03:24:26 [2022-07-26T07:24:26.530Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][Started] Started container cdt
03:24:26 [2022-07-26T07:24:26.567Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine
03:24:26 [2022-07-26T07:24:26.713Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][Created] Created container jnlp
03:24:26 [2022-07-26T07:24:26.751Z] [Normal][cdt/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q][Started] Started container jnlp
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.444Z] Agent cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q is provisioned from template cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline_3929-3sqqm-hpphs
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z] ---
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z] apiVersion: "v1"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z] kind: "Pod"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z] metadata:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   annotations:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.cdt.svc.cluster.local/cdt/job/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline/3929/"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     runUrl: "job/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline/3929/"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   labels:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     jenkins: "slave"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     jenkins/label-digest: "dde4f6453e771d9d2ffd47eacfa1f017d4d85308"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     jenkins/label: "cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline_3929-3sqqm"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   name: "cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   namespace: "cdt"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z] spec:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   containers:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   - args:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - "/bin/sh"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - "-c"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - "/home/vnc/.vnc/ && cat"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     image: ""
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     name: "cdt"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     resources:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       limits:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         memory: "2662Mi"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         cpu: "1"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       requests:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         memory: "2662Mi"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         cpu: "1"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     tty: true
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     volumeMounts:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       name: "settings-xml"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       readOnly: true
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       subPath: "settings.xml"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       name: "m2-repo"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       name: "workspace-volume"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       readOnly: false
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   - env:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - name: "JENKINS_SECRET"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       value: "********"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       value: "jenkins-discovery.cdt.svc.cluster.local:50000"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       value: "cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - name: "JENKINS_NAME"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       value: "cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       value: "/home/jenkins/agent"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - name: "JENKINS_URL"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       value: "http://jenkins-ui.cdt.svc.cluster.local/cdt/"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     image: ""
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     name: "jnlp"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     resources:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       limits:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         memory: "512Mi"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         cpu: "500m"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       requests:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         memory: "512Mi"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         cpu: "200m"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     volumeMounts:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       name: "workspace-volume"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       readOnly: false
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   nodeSelector:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z] "linux"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   restartPolicy: "Never"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   volumes:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   - emptyDir: {}
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     name: "m2-repo"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   - name: "settings-xml"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     secret:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       items:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       - key: "settings.xml"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]         path: "settings.xml"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       secretName: "m2-secret-dir"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]   - emptyDir:
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]       medium: ""
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z]     name: "workspace-volume"
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.446Z] 
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.858Z] Running on cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline-3929-3sqqm-hpphs-q2m3q in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.858Z] [Pipeline] {
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.875Z] [Pipeline] stage
03:24:35 [2022-07-26T07:24:35.876Z] [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
03:24:36 [2022-07-26T07:24:36.407Z] [Pipeline] checkout
03:24:38 [2022-07-26T07:24:38.051Z] Selected Git installation does not exist. Using Default
03:24:38 [2022-07-26T07:24:38.051Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE
03:24:48 [2022-07-26T07:24:48.158Z] No credentials specified
03:24:48 [2022-07-26T07:24:48.162Z] Cloning the remote Git repository
03:24:52 [2022-07-26T07:24:52.747Z] Avoid second fetch
03:24:52 [2022-07-26T07:24:52.756Z] Checking out Revision 7df58ca881a7f2654b03c3b615c7c0d540f986c3 (refs/remotes/origin/master)
03:24:48 [2022-07-26T07:24:48.259Z] Cloning repository
03:24:51 [2022-07-26T07:24:51.847Z]  > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline # timeout=10
03:24:51 [2022-07-26T07:24:51.951Z] Fetching upstream changes from
03:24:51 [2022-07-26T07:24:51.951Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
03:24:51 [2022-07-26T07:24:51.954Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1'
03:24:51 [2022-07-26T07:24:51.955Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
03:24:52 [2022-07-26T07:24:52.740Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
03:24:52 [2022-07-26T07:24:52.744Z]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
03:24:52 [2022-07-26T07:24:52.751Z]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10
03:24:52 [2022-07-26T07:24:52.845Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
03:24:52 [2022-07-26T07:24:52.849Z]  > git checkout -f 7df58ca881a7f2654b03c3b615c7c0d540f986c3 # timeout=10
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.540Z] Commit message: "Update images to Dockerfiles from commit 8096da4"
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.550Z]  > git rev-list --no-walk 7df58ca881a7f2654b03c3b615c7c0d540f986c3 # timeout=10
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.750Z] [Pipeline] }
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.755Z] [Pipeline] // stage
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.762Z] [Pipeline] withEnv
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.762Z] [Pipeline] {
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.769Z] [Pipeline] timestamps
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.769Z] The timestamps step is unnecessary when timestamps are enabled for all Pipeline builds.
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.770Z] [Pipeline] {
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.777Z] [Pipeline] stage
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.777Z] [Pipeline] { (Git Clone)
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.792Z] [Pipeline] container
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.792Z] [Pipeline] {
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.797Z] [Pipeline] timeout
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.797Z] Timeout set to expire after 20 min without activity
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.798Z] [Pipeline] {
03:24:58 [2022-07-26T07:24:58.803Z] [Pipeline] sh
03:24:59 [2022-07-26T07:24:59.648Z] + git config remote.origin.url
03:25:00 [2022-07-26T07:25:00.841Z] [Pipeline] sh
03:25:01 [2022-07-26T07:25:01.359Z] + git config protocol.version 1
03:25:01 [2022-07-26T07:25:01.368Z] [Pipeline] sh
03:25:01 [2022-07-26T07:25:01.952Z] + git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
03:26:23 [2022-07-26T07:26:23.527Z] warning: no common commits
03:26:23 [2022-07-26T07:26:23.528Z] remote: Counting objects: 1           
remote: Counting objects: 20651           
remote: Counting objects: 38484           
remote: Counting objects: 79554           
remote: Counting objects: 120061           
remote: Counting objects: 171295           
remote: Counting objects: 201555           
remote: Counting objects: 224025           
remote: Counting objects: 244870           
remote: Counting objects: 269485           
remote: Counting objects: 295622           
remote: Counting objects: 316955           
remote: Counting objects: 338465           
remote: Counting objects: 362032           
remote: Counting objects: 389982           
remote: Counting objects: 413848           
remote: Counting objects: 443133           
remote: Counting objects: 474693           
remote: Counting objects: 505112           
remote: Counting objects: 531378           
remote: Counting objects: 561714           
remote: Counting objects: 593811           
remote: Counting objects: 624798           
remote: Counting objects: 658708           
remote: Counting objects: 691804           
remote: Counting objects: 723930           
remote: Counting objects: 756642           
remote: Counting objects: 779346           
remote: Counting objects: 804041           
remote: Counting objects: 808351, done        
03:26:23 [2022-07-26T07:26:23.528Z] remote: Finding sources:   1% (8084/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   2% (16168/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   2% (23231/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   3% (24251/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   4% (32335/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   5% (40418/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   5% (41072/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   6% (48502/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   7% (56585/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   7% (61255/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   8% (64669/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:   9% (72752/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  10% (80836/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  10% (86384/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  11% (88919/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  12% (97003/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  13% (105086/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  13% (108621/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  14% (113170/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  15% (121253/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  15% (125332/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  16% (129337/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  17% (137420/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  17% (142454/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  18% (145504/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  19% (153587/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  19% (158854/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  20% (161671/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  21% (169754/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  22% (177838/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  22% (181170/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  23% (185921/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  24% (194005/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  24% (199829/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  25% (202088/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  26% (210172/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  27% (218255/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  27% (220087/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  28% (226339/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  29% (234422/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  29% (238380/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  30% (242506/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  31% (250589/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  32% (258673/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  32% (264882/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  33% (266756/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  34% (274840/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  35% (282923/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  35% (287868/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  36% (291007/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  37% (299090/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  38% (307174/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  38% (309977/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  39% (315257/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  40% (323341/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  41% (331424/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  41% (333760/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  42% (339508/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  43% (347591/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  44% (355675/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  44% (358265/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  45% (363758/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  46% (371842/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  46% (378629/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  47% (379925/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  48% (388009/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  49% (396092/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  49% (400897/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  50% (404176/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  51% (412260/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  52% (420343/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  52% (422395/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  53% (428427/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  54% (436510/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  54% (441285/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  55% (444594/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  56% (452677/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  57% (460761/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  57% (461468/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  58% (468844/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  59% (476928/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  59% (481108/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  60% (485011/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  61% (493095/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  62% (501178/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  62% (502347/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  63% (509262/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  64% (517345/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  64% (524987/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  65% (525429/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  66% (533512/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  67% (541596/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  67% (546354/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  68% (549679/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  69% (557763/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  70% (565846/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  71% (573930/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  71% (574588/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  72% (582013/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  73% (590097/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  73% (591582/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  74% (598180/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  75% (606264/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  75% (612887/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  76% (614347/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  77% (622431/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  78% (630514/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  78% (632930/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  79% (638598/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  80% (646681/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  80% (652068/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  81% (654765/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  82% (662848/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  82% (669914/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  83% (670932/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  84% (679015/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  85% (687099/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  85% (688025/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  86% (695182/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  87% (703266/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  87% (707479/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  88% (711349/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  89% (719433/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  89% (726161/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  90% (727516/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  91% (735600/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  92% (743683/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  92% (746573/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  93% (751767/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  94% (759850/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  95% (767934/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  95% (770260/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  96% (776017/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  97% (784101/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  97% (790909/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  98% (792184/808351)           
remote: Finding sources:  99% (800268/808351)           
remote: Finding sources: 100% (808351/808351)           
remote: Finding sources: 100% (808351/808351)        
03:26:29 [2022-07-26T07:26:29.246Z] Receiving objects:   0% (1/808351)
Receiving objects:   1% (8084/808351)
Receiving objects:   2% (16168/808351)
Receiving objects:   3% (24251/808351)
Receiving objects:   4% (32335/808351), 5.38 MiB | 10.30 MiB/s
Receiving objects:   5% (40418/808351), 5.38 MiB | 10.30 MiB/s
Receiving objects:   6% (48502/808351), 5.38 MiB | 10.30 MiB/s
Receiving objects:   7% (56585/808351), 5.38 MiB | 10.30 MiB/s
Receiving objects:   8% (64669/808351), 5.38 MiB | 10.30 MiB/s
Receiving objects:   8% (67383/808351), 5.38 MiB | 10.30 MiB/s
Receiving objects:   9% (72752/808351), 13.50 MiB | 13.19 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  10% (80836/808351), 13.50 MiB | 13.19 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  11% (88919/808351), 13.50 MiB | 13.19 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  12% (97003/808351), 18.87 MiB | 12.35 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  13% (105086/808351), 18.87 MiB | 12.35 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  13% (111429/808351), 18.87 MiB | 12.35 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  14% (113170/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  15% (121253/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  16% (129337/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  17% (137420/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  18% (145504/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  19% (153587/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  20% (161671/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  21% (169754/808351), 23.12 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  22% (177838/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  23% (185921/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  24% (194005/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  25% (202088/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  26% (210172/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  27% (218255/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  28% (226339/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  29% (234422/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  30% (242506/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  31% (250589/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  32% (258673/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  33% (266756/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  34% (274840/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  35% (282923/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  36% (291007/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  37% (299090/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  38% (307174/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  39% (315257/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  40% (323341/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  41% (331424/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  41% (332356/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  42% (339508/808351), 29.62 MiB | 11.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  43% (347591/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  44% (355675/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  45% (363758/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  46% (371842/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  47% (379925/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  48% (388009/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  49% (396092/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  50% (404176/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  51% (412260/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  52% (420343/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  53% (428427/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  54% (436510/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  55% (444594/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  56% (452677/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  57% (460761/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  58% (468844/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  59% (476928/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  60% (485011/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  61% (493095/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  62% (501178/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  63% (509262/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  64% (517345/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  65% (525429/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  66% (533512/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  67% (541596/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  68% (549679/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  69% (557763/808351), 39.86 MiB | 13.16 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  70% (565846/808351), 52.38 MiB | 14.84 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  71% (573930/808351), 52.38 MiB | 14.84 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  72% (582013/808351), 52.38 MiB | 14.84 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  72% (582667/808351), 52.38 MiB | 14.84 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  73% (590097/808351), 72.54 MiB | 15.93 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  73% (590413/808351), 72.54 MiB | 15.93 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  73% (597256/808351), 86.79 MiB | 15.86 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  74% (598180/808351), 86.79 MiB | 15.86 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  74% (606156/808351), 100.10 MiB | 16.67 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  75% (606264/808351), 100.10 MiB | 16.67 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  76% (614347/808351), 112.33 MiB | 15.67 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  76% (614650/808351), 112.33 MiB | 15.67 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  76% (619647/808351), 117.50 MiB | 11.74 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  77% (622431/808351), 122.65 MiB | 10.86 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  77% (629182/808351), 128.16 MiB | 10.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  78% (630514/808351), 128.16 MiB | 10.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  79% (638598/808351), 138.58 MiB | 9.29 MiB/s 
Receiving objects:  79% (639090/808351), 138.58 MiB | 9.29 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  80% (646681/808351), 148.90 MiB | 9.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  80% (648684/808351), 148.90 MiB | 9.81 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  80% (654492/808351), 160.14 MiB | 9.86 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  81% (654765/808351), 160.14 MiB | 9.86 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  81% (656125/808351), 164.83 MiB | 9.26 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  81% (658575/808351), 169.45 MiB | 7.86 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  82% (662848/808351), 172.68 MiB | 7.52 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  83% (670932/808351), 179.38 MiB | 7.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  83% (674241/808351), 179.38 MiB | 7.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  84% (679015/808351), 179.38 MiB | 7.70 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  85% (687099/808351), 190.59 MiB | 9.19 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  86% (695182/808351), 190.59 MiB | 9.19 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  87% (703266/808351), 190.59 MiB | 9.19 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  88% (711349/808351), 190.59 MiB | 9.19 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  89% (719433/808351), 202.89 MiB | 10.05 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  90% (727516/808351), 202.89 MiB | 10.05 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  90% (735127/808351), 202.89 MiB | 10.05 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  91% (735600/808351), 202.89 MiB | 10.05 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  92% (743683/808351), 202.89 MiB | 10.05 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  93% (751767/808351), 213.25 MiB | 11.24 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  94% (759850/808351), 213.25 MiB | 11.24 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  95% (767934/808351), 213.25 MiB | 11.24 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  96% (776017/808351), 213.25 MiB | 11.24 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  97% (784101/808351), 223.40 MiB | 12.87 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  97% (784611/808351), 223.40 MiB | 12.87 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  98% (792184/808351), 223.40 MiB | 12.87 MiB/s
Receiving objects:  99% (800268/808351), 223.40 MiB | 12.87 MiB/s
remote: Total 808351 (delta 428917), reused 786984 (delta 428917)        
03:26:29 [2022-07-26T07:26:29.247Z] Receiving objects: 100% (808351/808351), 223.40 MiB | 12.87 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 100% (808351/808351), 232.47 MiB | 12.67 MiB/s, done.
03:26:51 [2022-07-26T07:26:51.250Z] Resolving deltas:   0% (0/428917)
Resolving deltas:   1% (4291/428917)
Resolving deltas:   2% (8580/428917)
Resolving deltas:   3% (12868/428917)
Resolving deltas:   4% (17157/428917)
Resolving deltas:   5% (21446/428917)
Resolving deltas:   6% (25736/428917)
Resolving deltas:   7% (30025/428917)
Resolving deltas:   8% (34314/428917)
Resolving deltas:   9% (38603/428917)
Resolving deltas:  10% (42892/428917)
Resolving deltas:  11% (47181/428917)
Resolving deltas:  12% (51472/428917)
Resolving deltas:  13% (55760/428917)
Resolving deltas:  13% (56471/428917)
Resolving deltas:  14% (60049/428917)
Resolving deltas:  15% (64338/428917)
Resolving deltas:  16% (68627/428917)
Resolving deltas:  17% (72916/428917)
Resolving deltas:  18% (77206/428917)
Resolving deltas:  19% (81495/428917)
Resolving deltas:  20% (85784/428917)
Resolving deltas:  21% (90073/428917)
Resolving deltas:  22% (94362/428917)
Resolving deltas:  23% (98651/428917)
Resolving deltas:  24% (102941/428917)
Resolving deltas:  25% (107230/428917)
Resolving deltas:  26% (111519/428917)
Resolving deltas:  27% (115808/428917)
Resolving deltas:  28% (120097/428917)
Resolving deltas:  29% (124386/428917)
Resolving deltas:  29% (126752/428917)
Resolving deltas:  30% (128676/428917)
Resolving deltas:  31% (132965/428917)
Resolving deltas:  32% (137254/428917)
Resolving deltas:  33% (141543/428917)
Resolving deltas:  34% (145832/428917)
Resolving deltas:  35% (150121/428917)
Resolving deltas:  36% (154411/428917)
Resolving deltas:  37% (158700/428917)
Resolving deltas:  38% (162989/428917)
Resolving deltas:  39% (167278/428917)
Resolving deltas:  40% (171567/428917)
Resolving deltas:  41% (175857/428917)
Resolving deltas:  42% (180146/428917)
Resolving deltas:  43% (184435/428917)
Resolving deltas:  44% (188725/428917)
Resolving deltas:  45% (193013/428917)
Resolving deltas:  46% (197302/428917)
Resolving deltas:  47% (201591/428917)
Resolving deltas:  47% (202245/428917)
Resolving deltas:  48% (205881/428917)
Resolving deltas:  49% (210170/428917)
Resolving deltas:  50% (214459/428917)
Resolving deltas:  51% (218749/428917)
Resolving deltas:  52% (223037/428917)
Resolving deltas:  53% (227327/428917)
Resolving deltas:  54% (231616/428917)
Resolving deltas:  55% (235905/428917)
Resolving deltas:  56% (240194/428917)
Resolving deltas:  56% (240974/428917)
Resolving deltas:  57% (244483/428917)
Resolving deltas:  58% (248772/428917)
Resolving deltas:  59% (253062/428917)
Resolving deltas:  59% (254889/428917)
Resolving deltas:  60% (257351/428917)
Resolving deltas:  61% (261640/428917)
Resolving deltas:  62% (265929/428917)
Resolving deltas:  62% (268081/428917)
Resolving deltas:  63% (270218/428917)
Resolving deltas:  64% (274507/428917)
Resolving deltas:  65% (278797/428917)
Resolving deltas:  65% (281098/428917)
Resolving deltas:  66% (283086/428917)
Resolving deltas:  67% (287375/428917)
Resolving deltas:  67% (291199/428917)
Resolving deltas:  68% (291664/428917)
Resolving deltas:  69% (295953/428917)
Resolving deltas:  70% (300242/428917)
Resolving deltas:  71% (304532/428917)
Resolving deltas:  71% (306432/428917)
Resolving deltas:  72% (308821/428917)
Resolving deltas:  73% (313110/428917)
Resolving deltas:  74% (317399/428917)
Resolving deltas:  75% (321688/428917)
Resolving deltas:  75% (323625/428917)
Resolving deltas:  76% (325977/428917)
Resolving deltas:  77% (330267/428917)
Resolving deltas:  78% (334556/428917)
Resolving deltas:  79% (338846/428917)
Resolving deltas:  79% (340083/428917)
Resolving deltas:  80% (343134/428917)
Resolving deltas:  81% (347424/428917)
Resolving deltas:  82% (351712/428917)
Resolving deltas:  82% (352780/428917)
Resolving deltas:  83% (356002/428917)
Resolving deltas:  84% (360291/428917)
Resolving deltas:  84% (360341/428917)
Resolving deltas:  84% (361474/428917)
Resolving deltas:  85% (364580/428917)
Resolving deltas:  86% (368869/428917)
Resolving deltas:  86% (369269/428917)
Resolving deltas:  87% (373158/428917)
Resolving deltas:  87% (375172/428917)
Resolving deltas:  88% (377447/428917)
Resolving deltas:  89% (381737/428917)
Resolving deltas:  89% (385620/428917)
Resolving deltas:  90% (386028/428917)
Resolving deltas:  91% (390315/428917)
Resolving deltas:  91% (393693/428917)
Resolving deltas:  92% (394605/428917)
Resolving deltas:  93% (398893/428917)
Resolving deltas:  94% (403182/428917)
Resolving deltas:  94% (403748/428917)
Resolving deltas:  95% (407472/428917)
Resolving deltas:  96% (411761/428917)
Resolving deltas:  96% (412790/428917)
Resolving deltas:  97% (416050/428917)
Resolving deltas:  97% (418500/428917)
Resolving deltas:  98% (420339/428917)
Resolving deltas:  99% (424628/428917)
Resolving deltas:  99% (428610/428917)
Resolving deltas: 100% (428917/428917)
Resolving deltas: 100% (428917/428917), done.
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z] From
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_0       -> origin/cdt_10_0
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_1       -> origin/cdt_10_1
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_2       -> origin/cdt_10_2
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_3       -> origin/cdt_10_3
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_4       -> origin/cdt_10_4
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_5       -> origin/cdt_10_5
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_6       -> origin/cdt_10_6
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_10_7       -> origin/cdt_10_7
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_0        -> origin/cdt_8_0
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_1        -> origin/cdt_8_1
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_2        -> origin/cdt_8_2
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_3        -> origin/cdt_8_3
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_4        -> origin/cdt_8_4
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_5        -> origin/cdt_8_5
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_6        -> origin/cdt_8_6
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_7        -> origin/cdt_8_7
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_8_8        -> origin/cdt_8_8
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_0        -> origin/cdt_9_0
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_1        -> origin/cdt_9_1
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_10       -> origin/cdt_9_10
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_11       -> origin/cdt_9_11
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_2        -> origin/cdt_9_2
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_3        -> origin/cdt_9_3
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_4        -> origin/cdt_9_4
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_5        -> origin/cdt_9_5
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_6        -> origin/cdt_9_6
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_7        -> origin/cdt_9_7
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_8        -> origin/cdt_9_8
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      cdt_9_9        -> origin/cdt_9_9
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      containerbuild -> origin/containerbuild
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  + 7df58ca881...96839a029d master         -> origin/master  (forced update)
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.777Z]  * [new branch]      org.eclipse.remote-master -> origin/org.eclipse.remote-master
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.784Z] [Pipeline] }
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.790Z] [Pipeline] // timeout
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.905Z] [Pipeline] checkout
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.939Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.949Z] No credentials specified
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.949Z] Warning: JENKINS-30600: special launcher org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.pipeline.ContainerExecDecorator$1@9f24a5f0; decorates RemoteLauncher[hudson.remoting.Channel@75806e5:JNLP4-connect connection from] will be ignored (a typical symptom is the Git executable not being run inside a designated container)
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.955Z] Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.952Z]  > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline/.git # timeout=10
03:26:53 [2022-07-26T07:26:53.958Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
03:26:54 [2022-07-26T07:26:54.044Z] Fetching upstream changes from
03:26:54 [2022-07-26T07:26:54.044Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
03:26:54 [2022-07-26T07:26:54.049Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1'
03:26:54 [2022-07-26T07:26:54.049Z]  > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- refs/changes/58/194858/4 # timeout=20
03:26:55 [2022-07-26T07:26:55.240Z] JENKINS-19022: warning: possible memory leak due to Git plugin usage; see:
03:26:55 [2022-07-26T07:26:55.240Z] Checking out Revision 7c6bd5bdcb4cf8c31050aeeb102250a27a157728 (refs/changes/58/194858/4)
03:26:55 [2022-07-26T07:26:55.236Z]  > git rev-parse 7c6bd5bdcb4cf8c31050aeeb102250a27a157728^{commit} # timeout=10
03:26:55 [2022-07-26T07:26:55.244Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
03:26:55 [2022-07-26T07:26:55.249Z]  > git checkout -f 7c6bd5bdcb4cf8c31050aeeb102250a27a157728 # timeout=20
03:26:58 [2022-07-26T07:26:58.659Z] Commit message: "Bug 580441: Accommodate deleted folder of source files"
03:26:58 [2022-07-26T07:26:58.663Z]  > git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD^{commit} # timeout=10
03:26:59 [2022-07-26T07:26:59.255Z]  > git rev-list --no-walk 96839a029d7de3016bd63787a55b1095d7806d4b # timeout=10
03:26:59 [2022-07-26T07:26:59.479Z] [Pipeline] }
03:26:59 [2022-07-26T07:26:59.718Z] [Pipeline] // container
03:26:59 [2022-07-26T07:26:59.899Z] [Pipeline] }
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.026Z] [Pipeline] // stage
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.177Z] [Pipeline] stage
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.178Z] [Pipeline] { (Code Formatting Checks for CDT version < 10.0)
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.339Z] Stage "Code Formatting Checks for CDT version < 10.0" skipped due to when conditional
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.340Z] [Pipeline] }
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.567Z] [Pipeline] // stage
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.689Z] [Pipeline] stage
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.690Z] [Pipeline] { (Code Formatting Checks for CDT version >= 10.0)
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.822Z] [Pipeline] container
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.823Z] [Pipeline] {
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.962Z] [Pipeline] timeout
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.962Z] Timeout set to expire after 30 min without activity
03:27:00 [2022-07-26T07:27:00.963Z] [Pipeline] {
03:27:01 [2022-07-26T07:27:01.133Z] [Pipeline] withEnv
03:27:01 [2022-07-26T07:27:01.134Z] [Pipeline] {
03:27:01 [2022-07-26T07:27:01.495Z] [Pipeline] sh
03:27:02 [2022-07-26T07:27:02.021Z] + MVN=/usr/share/maven/bin/mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/.m2/repository                         --settings /home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml ./releng/scripts/
03:27:02 [2022-07-26T07:27:02.024Z] Normalizing branding content on all features
03:27:23 [2022-07-26T07:27:23.986Z] WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.vector, jdk.incubator.foreign
03:27:32 [2022-07-26T07:27:32.118Z] Configuration Name: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-verify-code-cleanliness-pipeline/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
03:27:32 [2022-07-26T07:27:32.118Z] Starting format job ...
03:28:18 [2022-07-26T07:28:18.789Z] Done.
03:28:19 [2022-07-26T07:28:19.047Z] Removing trailing whitespace on *.java files
03:28:24 [2022-07-26T07:28:24.313Z] Removing trailing whitespace on *.properties files
03:28:24 [2022-07-26T07:28:24.313Z] Removing trailing whitespace on *.MF files
03:28:24 [2022-07-26T07:28:24.313Z] Removing trailing whitespace on *.py files
03:28:28 [2022-07-26T07:28:28.494Z] Rebuilding native/org.eclipse.cdt.native.serial JNI headers to make sure they match source
03:29:36 [2022-07-26T07:29:36.162Z] Applying enforcing formatting rules to native/org.eclipse.cdt.native.serial native source files
03:29:36 [2022-07-26T07:29:36.163Z] Rebuilding native/org.eclipse.cdt.native.serial natives to make sure they match source
03:29:36 [2022-07-26T07:29:36.163Z] Rebuilding core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.native JNI headers to make sure they match source
03:29:58 [2022-07-26T07:29:58.118Z] Applying enforcing formatting rules to core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.native native source files
03:29:58 [2022-07-26T07:29:58.118Z] Rebuilding core/org.eclipse.cdt.core.native natives to make sure they match source
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Marking Windows binaries as executable
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Removing execute permission from all files in repository
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Adding execute permission to *.bat files
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Adding execute permission to *.sh files
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Adding execute permission to *.dll files
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Adding execute permission to *.exe files
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Adding execute permission to *.jnilib files
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Adding execute permission to *.so files
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Adding execute permission to *.py files
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Tree looks clean!
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] Checking dependencies of all .dll, .exe and .so files in CDT to make
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] sure no dependencies on unexpected or newer libraries are accidentally
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.220Z] introduced.
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z] [Global flags]
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]       int ActiveProcessorCount                     = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor         = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale        = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyCollectionCostMargin   = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyInitializingSteps      = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyOutputInterval         = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight                 = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveSizeThroughPutPolicy             = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]     uintx AdaptiveTimeWeight                       = 25                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]      bool AdjustStackSizeForTLS                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]      bool AggressiveHeap                           = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]      intx AliasLevel                               = 3                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.478Z]      bool AlignVector                              = false                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]     ccstr AllocateHeapAt                           =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx AllocateInstancePrefetchLines            = 1                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx AllocatePrefetchDistance                 = 192                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx AllocatePrefetchInstr                    = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx AllocatePrefetchLines                    = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx AllocatePrefetchStepSize                 = 64                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx AllocatePrefetchStyle                    = 1                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AllowParallelDefineClass                 = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AllowRedefinitionToAddDeleteMethods      = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AllowUserSignalHandlers                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AllowVectorizeOnDemand                   = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine            = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AlwaysCompileLoopMethods                 = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AlwaysLockClassLoader                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AlwaysPreTouch                           = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AlwaysRestoreFPU                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool AlwaysTenure                             = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]     ccstr ArchiveClassesAtExit                     =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem                = 8                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]    size_t AsyncLogBufferSize                       = 2097152                                   {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx AutoBoxCacheMax                          = 128                                    {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx BCEATraceLevel                           = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool BackgroundCompilation                    = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]    size_t BaseFootPrintEstimate                    = 268435456                                 {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx BiasedLockingBulkRebiasThreshold         = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx BiasedLockingBulkRevokeThreshold         = 40                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx BiasedLockingDecayTime                   = 25000                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx BiasedLockingStartupDelay                = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool BlockLayoutByFrequency                   = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage          = 20                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool BlockLayoutRotateLoops                   = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx C1InlineStackLimit                       = 5                                      {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx C1MaxInlineLevel                         = 9                                      {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx C1MaxInlineSize                          = 35                                     {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx C1MaxRecursiveInlineLevel                = 1                                      {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx C1MaxTrivialSize                         = 6                                      {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool C1OptimizeVirtualCallProfiling           = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool C1ProfileBranches                        = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool C1ProfileCalls                           = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool C1ProfileCheckcasts                      = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool C1ProfileInlinedCalls                    = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool C1ProfileVirtualCalls                    = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool C1UpdateMethodData                       = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx CICompilerCount                          = 2                                         {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool CICompilerCountPerCPU                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool CITime                                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool CheckJNICalls                            = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool ClassUnloading                           = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark         = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool ClipInlining                             = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]     uintx CodeCacheExpansionSize                   = 65536                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool CompactStrings                           = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]     ccstr CompilationMode                          = default                                   {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z] ccstrlist CompileCommand                           =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]     ccstr CompileCommandFile                       =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z] ccstrlist CompileOnly                              =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx CompileThreshold                         = 10000                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]    double CompileThresholdScaling                  = 1.000000                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx CompilerThreadPriority                   = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx CompilerThreadStackSize                  = 1024                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]    size_t CompressedClassSpaceSize                 = 1073741824                                {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      uint ConcGCThreads                            = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx ConditionalMoveLimit                     = 3                                   {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      intx ContendedPaddingWidth                    = 128                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool CrashOnOutOfMemoryError                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool CreateCoredumpOnCrash                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool CriticalJNINatives                       = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool DTraceAllocProbes                        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.479Z]      bool DTraceMethodProbes                       = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DTraceMonitorProbes                      = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DisableAttachMechanism                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DisableExplicitGC                        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DisplayVMOutputToStderr                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DisplayVMOutputToStdout                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DoEscapeAnalysis                         = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DoReserveCopyInSuperWord                 = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DontCompileHugeMethods                   = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DontYieldALot                            = false                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     ccstr DumpLoadedClassList                      =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DumpReplayDataOnError                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DumpSharedSpaces                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool DynamicDumpSharedSpaces                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EagerXrunInit                            = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      intx EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit        = 64                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EliminateAllocations                     = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EliminateAutoBox                         = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EliminateLocks                           = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EliminateNestedLocks                     = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EnableContended                          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EnableDynamicAgentLoading                = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t ErgoHeapSizeLimit                        = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     ccstr ErrorFile                                =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ErrorFileToStderr                        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ErrorFileToStdout                        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]  uint64_t ErrorLogTimeout                          = 120                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    double EscapeAnalysisTimeout                    = 20.000000                              {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool EstimateArgEscape                        = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ExecutingUnitTests                       = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ExitOnOutOfMemoryError                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent              = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ExtendedDTraceProbes                     = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ExtensiveErrorReports                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     ccstr ExtraSharedClassListFile                 =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool FilterSpuriousWakeups                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool FlightRecorder                           = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     ccstr FlightRecorderOptions                    =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool ForceTimeHighResolution                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      intx FreqInlineSize                           = 325                                 {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    double G1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis             = 10.000000                                 {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1ConcRSHotCardLimit                     = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1ConcRSLogCacheSize                     = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1ConcRefinementGreenZone                = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1ConcRefinementRedZone                  = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis    = 300                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      uint G1ConcRefinementThreads                  = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1ConcRefinementThresholdStep            = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1ConcRefinementYellowZone               = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1ConfidencePercent                      = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1HeapRegionSize                         = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1HeapWastePercent                       = 5                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1MixedGCCountTarget                     = 8                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1PeriodicGCInterval                     = 0                                      {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool G1PeriodicGCInvokesConcurrent            = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    double G1PeriodicGCSystemLoadThreshold          = 0.000000                               {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      intx G1RSetRegionEntries                      = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      intx G1RSetSparseRegionEntries                = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      intx G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent           = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      uint G1RefProcDrainInterval                   = 1000                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1ReservePercent                         = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx G1SATBBufferEnqueueingThresholdPercent   = 60                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1SATBBufferSize                         = 1024                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]    size_t G1UpdateBufferSize                       = 256                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool G1UseAdaptiveConcRefinement              = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]      bool G1UseAdaptiveIHOP                        = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx GCDrainStackTargetSize                   = 64                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx GCHeapFreeLimit                          = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.480Z]     uintx GCLockerEdenExpansionPercent             = 5                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx GCPauseIntervalMillis                    = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx GCTimeLimit                              = 98                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx GCTimeRatio                              = 99                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t HeapBaseMinAddress                       = 2147483648                             {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool HeapDumpAfterFullGC                      = false                                  {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool HeapDumpBeforeFullGC                     = false                                  {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx HeapDumpGzipLevel                        = 0                                      {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError               = false                                  {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     ccstr HeapDumpPath                             =                                        {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount          = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx HeapMaximumCompactionInterval            = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx HeapSearchSteps                          = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t HeapSizePerGCThread                      = 43620760                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool IgnoreEmptyClassPaths                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions              = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt      = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool IncrementalInline                        = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx InitialCodeCacheSize                     = 2555904                                {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t InitialHeapSize                          = 44040192                                  {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx InitialRAMFraction                       = 64                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    double InitialRAMPercentage                     = 1.562500                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx InitialSurvivorRatio                     = 8                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx InitialTenuringThreshold                 = 7                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent           = 45                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool Inline                                   = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     ccstr InlineDataFile                           =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx InlineSmallCode                          = 2500                                {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool InlineSynchronizedMethods                = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx InteriorEntryAlignment                   = 16                                  {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx InterpreterProfilePercentage             = 33                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool JavaMonitorsInStackTrace                 = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority10_To_OSPriority             = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority1_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority2_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority3_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority4_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority5_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority6_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority7_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority8_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx JavaPriority9_To_OSPriority              = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t LargePageHeapSizeThreshold               = 134217728                                 {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t LargePageSizeInBytes                     = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff              = 40000                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool LoadExecStackDllInVMThread               = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx LoopMaxUnroll                            = 16                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx LoopOptsCount                            = 43                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx LoopPercentProfileLimit                  = 10                                  {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx LoopStripMiningIter                      = 0                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx LoopStripMiningIterShortLoop             = 0                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx LoopUnrollLimit                          = 60                                  {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx LoopUnrollMin                            = 4                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool LoopUnswitching                          = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool ManagementServer                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t MarkStackSize                            = 4194304                                   {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t MarkStackSizeMax                         = 536870912                                 {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      uint MarkSweepAlwaysCompactCount              = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx MarkSweepDeadRatio                       = 5                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx MaxBCEAEstimateLevel                     = 5                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx MaxBCEAEstimateSize                      = 150                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]  uint64_t MaxDirectMemorySize                      = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      bool MaxFDLimit                               = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx MaxGCMinorPauseMillis                    = 18446744073709551615                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx MaxGCPauseMillis                         = 18446744073709551614                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]     uintx MaxHeapFreeRatio                         = 70                                     {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]    size_t MaxHeapSize                              = 698351616                                 {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.481Z]      intx MaxInlineLevel                           = 15                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxInlineSize                            = 35                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxJNILocalCapacity                      = 65536                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxJavaStackTraceDepth                   = 1024                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxJumpTableSize                         = 65000                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxJumpTableSparseness                   = 5                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxLabelRootDepth                        = 1100                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxLoopPad                               = 11                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MaxMetaspaceExpansion                    = 5439488                                   {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio                    = 70                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MaxMetaspaceSize                         = 18446744073709551615                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MaxNewSize                               = 232783872                                 {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxNodeLimit                             = 80000                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]  uint64_t MaxRAM                                   = 137438953472                           {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx MaxRAMFraction                           = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    double MaxRAMPercentage                         = 25.000000                                 {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxRecursiveInlineLevel                  = 1                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx MaxTenuringThreshold                     = 15                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxTrivialSize                           = 6                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MaxVectorSize                            = 32                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     ccstr MetaspaceReclaimPolicy                   = balanced                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MetaspaceSize                            = 22020096                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool MethodFlushing                           = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MinHeapDeltaBytes                        = 196608                                    {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx MinHeapFreeRatio                         = 40                                     {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MinHeapSize                              = 8388608                                   {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MinInliningThreshold                     = 250                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MinJumpTableSize                         = 10                                  {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MinMetaspaceExpansion                    = 327680                                    {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx MinMetaspaceFreeRatio                    = 40                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx MinRAMFraction                           = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    double MinRAMPercentage                         = 50.000000                                 {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx MinSurvivorRatio                         = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t MinTLABSize                              = 2048                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx MultiArrayExpandLimit                    = 6                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx NUMAChunkResizeWeight                    = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t NUMAInterleaveGranularity                = 2097152                                   {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx NUMAPageScanRate                         = 256                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t NUMASpaceResizeRate                      = 1073741824                                {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool NUMAStats                                = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     ccstr NativeMemoryTracking                     = off                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool NeverActAsServerClassMachine             = false                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool NeverTenure                              = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx NewRatio                                 = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t NewSize                                  = 14680064                                  {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t NewSizeThreadIncrease                    = 5320                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx NmethodSweepActivity                     = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx NodeLimitFudgeFactor                     = 2000                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx NonNMethodCodeHeapSize                   = 5826188                                {pd product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx NonProfiledCodeHeapSize                  = 122916026                              {pd product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign                 = 4                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx ObjectAlignmentInBytes                   = 8                              {product lp64_product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t OldPLABSize                              = 1024                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]    size_t OldSize                                  = 29360128                                  {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool OmitStackTraceInFastThrow                = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z] ccstrlist OnError                                  =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z] ccstrlist OnOutOfMemoryError                       =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx OnStackReplacePercentage                 = 140                                    {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool OptimizeFill                             = false                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool OptimizePtrCompare                       = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool OptimizeStringConcat                     = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool OptoBundling                             = false                               {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      intx OptoLoopAlignment                        = 16                                     {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool OptoRegScheduling                        = true                                {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool OptoScheduling                           = false                               {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]     uintx PLABWeight                               = 75                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]      bool PSChunkLargeArrays                       = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.482Z]       int ParGCArrayScanChunk                      = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     uintx ParallelGCBufferWastePct                 = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      uint ParallelGCThreads                        = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]    size_t ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterMean           = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]    size_t ParallelOldDeadWoodLimiterStdDev         = 80                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ParallelRefProcBalancingEnabled          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ParallelRefProcEnabled                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PartialPeelAtUnsignedTests               = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PartialPeelLoop                          = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PartialPeelNewPhiDelta                   = 0                                      {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     uintx PausePadding                             = 1                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PerBytecodeRecompilationCutoff           = 200                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PerBytecodeTrapLimit                     = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PerMethodRecompilationCutoff             = 400                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PerMethodTrapLimit                       = 100                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PerfAllowAtExitRegistration              = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PerfBypassFileSystemCheck                = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PerfDataMemorySize                       = 32768                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PerfDataSamplingInterval                 = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     ccstr PerfDataSaveFile                         =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PerfDataSaveToFile                       = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PerfDisableSharedMem                     = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PerfMaxStringConstLength                 = 1024                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]    size_t PreTouchParallelChunkSize                = 4194304                                {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PreferInterpreterNativeStubs             = false                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes              = 576                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PrefetchFieldsAhead                      = 1                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes              = 576                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PreserveAllAnnotations                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PreserveFramePointer                     = false                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]    size_t PretenureSizeThreshold                   = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintClassHistogram                      = false                                  {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintCodeCache                           = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintCodeCacheOnCompilation              = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintCommandLineFlags                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintCompilation                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintConcurrentLocks                     = false                                  {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintExtendedThreadInfo                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintFlagsFinal                          = true                                      {product} {command line}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintFlagsInitial                        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintFlagsRanges                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintGC                                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintGCDetails                           = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintHeapAtSIGBREAK                      = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintSharedArchiveAndExit                = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintSharedDictionary                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintStringTableStatistics               = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintTieredEvents                        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintVMOptions                           = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool PrintWarnings                            = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     uintx ProcessDistributionStride                = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ProfileInterpreter                       = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx ProfileMaturityPercentage                = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     uintx ProfiledCodeHeapSize                     = 122916026                              {pd product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     uintx PromotedPadding                          = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     uintx QueuedAllocationWarningCount             = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]       int RTMRetryCount                            = 5                                    {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool RangeCheckElimination                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ReassociateInvariants                    = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool RecordDynamicDumpInfo                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ReduceBulkZeroing                        = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ReduceFieldZeroing                       = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ReduceInitialCardMarks                   = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool ReduceSignalUsage                        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      intx RefDiscoveryPolicy                       = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool RegisterFinalizersAtInit                 = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool RelaxAccessControlCheck                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     ccstr ReplayDataFile                           =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]      bool RequireSharedSpaces                      = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.483Z]     uintx ReservedCodeCacheSize                    = 251658240                              {pd product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool ResizePLAB                               = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool ResizeTLAB                               = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool RestoreMXCSROnJNICalls                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool RestrictContended                        = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool RestrictReservedStack                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool RewriteBytecodes                         = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool RewriteFrequentPairs                     = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool SafepointTimeout                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx SafepointTimeoutDelay                    = 10000                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool ScavengeBeforeFullGC                     = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool SegmentedCodeCache                       = true                                      {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx SelfDestructTimer                        = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     ccstr SharedArchiveConfigFile                  =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     ccstr SharedArchiveFile                        =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]    size_t SharedBaseAddress                        = 34359738368                               {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     ccstr SharedClassListFile                      =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx SharedSymbolTableBucketSize              = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     ccstr ShenandoahGCHeuristics                   = adaptive                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     ccstr ShenandoahGCMode                         = satb                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages       = true                                   {manageable} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool ShowMessageBoxOnError                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool ShrinkHeapInSteps                        = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]    size_t SoftMaxHeapSize                          = 698351616                              {manageable} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB                  = 1000                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool SplitIfBlocks                            = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx StackRedPages                            = 1                                      {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx StackReservedPages                       = 1                                      {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx StackShadowPages                         = 20                                     {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool StackTraceInThrowable                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx StackYellowPages                         = 2                                      {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx StartAggressiveSweepingAt                = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool StartAttachListener                      = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     ccstr StartFlightRecording                     =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      uint StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold          = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx StringTableSize                          = 65536                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool SuperWordLoopUnrollAnalysis              = true                                {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool SuperWordReductions                      = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool SuppressFatalErrorMessage                = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx SurvivorPadding                          = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx SurvivorRatio                            = 8                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]    double SweeperThreshold                         = 0.500000                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TLABAllocationWeight                     = 35                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TLABRefillWasteFraction                  = 64                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]    size_t TLABSize                                 = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool TLABStats                                = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TLABWasteIncrement                       = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TLABWasteTargetPercent                   = 1                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TargetPLABWastePct                       = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TargetSurvivorRatio                      = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement           = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TenuredGenerationSizeSupplement          = 80                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx TenuredGenerationSizeSupplementDecay     = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx ThreadPriorityPolicy                     = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      bool ThreadPriorityVerbose                    = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx ThreadStackSize                          = 1024                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]     uintx ThresholdTolerance                       = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier0BackedgeNotifyFreqLog               = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier0InvokeNotifyFreqLog                 = 7                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage            = 200                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier23InlineeNotifyFreqLog               = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier2BackEdgeThreshold                   = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier2BackedgeNotifyFreqLog               = 14                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier2CompileThreshold                    = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.484Z]      intx Tier2InvokeNotifyFreqLog                 = 11                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3BackEdgeThreshold                   = 60000                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3BackedgeNotifyFreqLog               = 13                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3CompileThreshold                    = 2000                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3DelayOff                            = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3DelayOn                             = 5                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3InvocationThreshold                 = 200                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3InvokeNotifyFreqLog                 = 10                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3LoadFeedback                        = 5                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier3MinInvocationThreshold              = 100                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier4BackEdgeThreshold                   = 40000                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier4CompileThreshold                    = 15000                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier4InvocationThreshold                 = 5000                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier4LoadFeedback                        = 3                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx Tier4MinInvocationThreshold              = 600                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool TieredCompilation                        = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TieredCompileTaskTimeout                 = 50                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TieredRateUpdateMaxTime                  = 25                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TieredRateUpdateMinTime                  = 1                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TieredStopAtLevel                        = 4                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool TimeLinearScan                           = false                                  {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]     ccstr TraceJVMTI                               =                                           {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TrackedInitializationLimit               = 50                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool TrapBasedNullChecks                      = false                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool TrapBasedRangeChecks                     = false                               {C2 pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TypeProfileArgsLimit                     = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]     uintx TypeProfileLevel                         = 111                                    {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent          = 90                                     {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TypeProfileParmsLimit                    = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx TypeProfileWidth                         = 2                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx UnguardOnExecutionViolation              = 0                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAES                                   = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      intx UseAVX                                   = 2                                    {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMajorCollection  = true                             {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAdaptiveGenerationSizePolicyAtMinorCollection  = true                             {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAdaptiveNUMAChunkSizing               = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAdaptiveSizeDecayMajorGCCost          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicy                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicyFootprintGoal       = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAdaptiveSizePolicyWithSystemGC        = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseAddressNop                            = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseBASE64Intrinsics                      = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseBMI1Instructions                      = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseBMI2Instructions                      = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseBiasedLocking                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseBimorphicInlining                     = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCLMUL                                 = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCMoveUnconditionally                  = false                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCodeAging                             = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCodeCacheFlushing                     = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCompiler                              = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCompressedClassPointers               = true                           {product lp64_product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCompressedOops                        = true                           {product lp64_product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCondCardMark                          = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseContainerSupport                      = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCountLeadingZerosInstruction          = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCountTrailingZerosInstruction         = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCountedLoopSafepoints                 = false                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseCounterDecay                          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.485Z]      bool UseDivMod                                = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseDynamicNumberOfCompilerThreads        = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads              = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseEmptySlotsInSupers                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseFMA                                   = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseFPUForSpilling                        = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseFastJNIAccessors                      = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseFastStosb                             = false                                {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseG1GC                                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseGCOverheadLimit                       = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseHeavyMonitors                         = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseHugeTLBFS                             = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseInlineCaches                          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseInterpreter                           = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseJumpTables                            = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseLargePages                            = false                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation        = false                                  {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks             = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseLoopCounter                           = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseLoopInvariantCodeMotion               = true                                   {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseLoopPredicate                         = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseMaximumCompactionOnSystemGC           = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseNUMA                                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseNUMAInterleaving                      = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseNewLongLShift                         = false                                {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseNotificationThread                    = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseOnStackReplacement                    = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseOnlyInlinedBimorphic                  = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseOprofile                              = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseOptoBiasInlining                      = false                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseParallelGC                            = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UsePerfData                              = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UsePopCountInstruction                   = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseProfiledLoopPredicate                 = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseRTMDeopt                              = false                                {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseRTMLocking                            = false                                {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSHA                                   = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSHM                                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      intx UseSSE                                   = 4                                    {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSSE42Intrinsics                       = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSerialGC                              = true                                      {product} {ergonomic}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSharedSpaces                          = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseShenandoahGC                          = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSignalChaining                        = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseStoreImmI16                           = false                                {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseStringDeduplication                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSubwordForMaxVector                   = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseSuperWord                             = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseTLAB                                  = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseThreadPriorities                      = true                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseTransparentHugePages                  = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseTypeProfile                           = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseTypeSpeculation                       = true                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseUnalignedLoadStores                   = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseVectorCmov                            = false                                  {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseXMMForArrayCopy                       = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseXMMForObjInit                         = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseXmmI2D                                = false                                {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseXmmI2F                                = false                                {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseXmmLoadAndClearUpper                  = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseXmmRegToRegMoveAll                    = true                                 {ARCH product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool UseZGC                                   = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      intx VMThreadPriority                         = -1                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      intx VMThreadStackSize                        = 1024                                   {pd product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      intx ValueMapInitialSize                      = 11                                     {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      intx ValueMapMaxLoopSize                      = 8                                      {C1 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      intx ValueSearchLimit                         = 1000                                   {C2 product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]      bool VerifySharedSpaces                       = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]     uintx YoungGenerationSizeIncrement             = 20                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.486Z]     uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplement            = 80                                        {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]     uintx YoungGenerationSizeSupplementDecay       = 8                                         {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]    size_t YoungPLABSize                            = 4096                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]    double ZAllocationSpikeTolerance                = 2.000000                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]    double ZCollectionInterval                      = 0.000000                                  {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]    double ZFragmentationLimit                      = 25.000000                                 {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]    size_t ZMarkStackSpaceLimit                     = 8589934592                                {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]      bool ZProactive                               = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]      bool ZUncommit                                = true                                      {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]     uintx ZUncommitDelay                           = 300                                       {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z]      bool ZeroTLAB                                 = false                                     {product} {default}
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z] openjdk version "17.0.3" 2022-04-19
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z] OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.3+7 (build 17.0.3+7)
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z] OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.3+7 (build 17.0.3+7, mixed mode, sharing)
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z] Running 'mvn verify -P baseline-compare-and-replace' to make sure all versions
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z] have been appropriately incremented. The check output is very verbose, so it is
03:30:06 [2022-07-26T07:30:06.487Z] redirected to baseline-compare-and-replace.log which is archived as part of the build artifacts.
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.123Z] Maven check all versions have been bumped appropriately appears to have completed successfully
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.129Z] [Pipeline] }
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.240Z] [Pipeline] // withEnv
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.353Z] [Pipeline] }
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.471Z] [Pipeline] // timeout
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.583Z] [Pipeline] }
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.705Z] [Pipeline] // container
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.821Z] [Pipeline] }
03:36:58 [2022-07-26T07:36:58.960Z] [Pipeline] // stage
03:36:59 [2022-07-26T07:36:59.089Z] [Pipeline] stage
03:36:59 [2022-07-26T07:36:59.090Z] [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
03:36:59 [2022-07-26T07:36:59.216Z] [Pipeline] container
03:36:59 [2022-07-26T07:36:59.217Z] [Pipeline] {
03:36:59 [2022-07-26T07:36:59.350Z] [Pipeline] archiveArtifacts
03:36:59 [2022-07-26T07:36:59.355Z] Archiving artifacts
03:37:09 [2022-07-26T07:37:09.576Z] [Pipeline] }
03:37:09 [2022-07-26T07:37:09.688Z] [Pipeline] // container
03:37:09 [2022-07-26T07:37:09.801Z] [Pipeline] }
03:37:09 [2022-07-26T07:37:09.974Z] [Pipeline] // stage
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.084Z] [Pipeline] }
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.193Z] [Pipeline] // timestamps
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.320Z] [Pipeline] }
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.425Z] [Pipeline] // withEnv
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.548Z] [Pipeline] }
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.668Z] [Pipeline] // node
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.780Z] [Pipeline] }
03:37:10 [2022-07-26T07:37:10.889Z] [Pipeline] // podTemplate
03:37:11 [2022-07-26T07:37:11.006Z] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
03:37:11 [2022-07-26T07:37:11.187Z] Finished: SUCCESS