12:16:08 [2022-09-12T16:16:08.944Z] GitHub pull request #206 of commit 0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0, no merge conflicts. 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.044Z] Setting status of 0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0 to PENDING with url https://ci.eclipse.org/cdt/job/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/149/ and message: 'Build started for merge commit.' 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] FileNotFoundException means that the credentials Jenkins is using is probably wrong. Or the user account does not have write access to the repo. 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] org.kohsuke.github.GHFileNotFoundException: https://api.github.com/repos/eclipse-cdt-cloud/cdt-gdb-adapter/statuses/0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0 {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest/commits/statuses#create-a-commit-status"} 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.interpretApiError(GitHubClient.java:540) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.sendRequest(GitHubClient.java:401) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.sendRequest(GitHubClient.java:355) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.kohsuke.github.Requester.fetch(Requester.java:76) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GHRepository.createCommitStatus(GHRepository.java:2107) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.status.GhprbSimpleStatus.createCommitStatus(GhprbSimpleStatus.java:283) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.status.GhprbSimpleStatus.onBuildStart(GhprbSimpleStatus.java:195) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbBuilds.onStarted(GhprbBuilds.java:144) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbBuildListener.onStarted(GhprbBuildListener.java:20) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at hudson.model.listeners.RunListener.lambda$fireStarted$2(RunListener.java:230) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at jenkins.util.Listeners.lambda$notify$0(Listeners.java:59) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at jenkins.util.Listeners.notify(Listeners.java:67) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at hudson.model.listeners.RunListener.fireStarted(RunListener.java:228) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.run(WorkflowRun.java:303) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:101) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.129Z] at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:442) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.130Z] Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://api.github.com/repos/eclipse-cdt-cloud/cdt-gdb-adapter/statuses/0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.130Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler$1.onError(GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler.java:54) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.130Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.detectKnownErrors(GitHubClient.java:424) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.130Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.sendRequest(GitHubClient.java:386) 12:16:10 [2022-09-12T16:16:10.130Z] ... 14 more 12:16:11 [2022-09-12T16:16:11.442Z] Obtained jenkins/pipelines/cdt/npm-builds/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify.Jenkinsfile from git https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-infra 12:16:11 [2022-09-12T16:16:11.782Z] [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline 12:16:12 [2022-09-12T16:16:12.147Z] [Pipeline] readTrusted 12:16:12 [2022-09-12T16:16:12.529Z] Obtained jenkins/pod-templates/cdt-full-pod-small.yaml from git https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-infra 12:16:12 [2022-09-12T16:16:12.531Z] [Pipeline] podTemplate 12:16:12 [2022-09-12T16:16:12.538Z] [Pipeline] { 12:16:12 [2022-09-12T16:16:12.868Z] [Pipeline] node 12:16:21 [2022-09-12T16:16:21.303Z] Created Pod: kubernetes cdt/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-149-gmgch-22mwh-0wg9z 12:16:27 [2022-09-12T16:16:27.869Z] Still waiting to schedule task 12:16:27 [2022-09-12T16:16:27.869Z]cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-149-gmgch-22mwh-0wg9z’ is offline 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.986Z] Agent cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-149-gmgch-22mwh-0wg9z is provisioned from template cdt-gdb-adapter-verify_149-gmgch-22mwh 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] --- 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] apiVersion: "v1" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] kind: "Pod" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] metadata: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] annotations: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.cdt.svc.cluster.local/cdt/job/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/149/" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] runUrl: "job/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/149/" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] labels: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] jenkins: "slave" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] jenkins/label-digest: "83cf913b315b506f2ee4a940e1b9cae98c12bd48" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] jenkins/label: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify_149-gmgch" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-149-gmgch-22mwh-0wg9z" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] namespace: "cdt" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] spec: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] containers: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - args: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - "/bin/sh" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - "-c" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - "/home/vnc/.vnc/xstartup.sh && cat" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] image: "quay.io/eclipse-cdt/cdt-infra-eclipse-full@sha256:b892f93d8b2a2acbb6045438f8771790d31b4722040ca815d391b532cc796182" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "cdt" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] resources: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] limits: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] memory: "2Gi" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] cpu: "1" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] requests: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] memory: "2Gi" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] cpu: "1" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] tty: true 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] volumeMounts: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "settings-xml" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] readOnly: true 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] subPath: "settings.xml" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "m2-repo" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "workspace-volume" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] readOnly: false 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - env: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] value: "********" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] value: "jenkins-discovery.cdt.svc.cluster.local:50000" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] value: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-149-gmgch-22mwh-0wg9z" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - name: "JENKINS_NAME" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] value: "cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-149-gmgch-22mwh-0wg9z" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] value: "/home/jenkins/agent" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - name: "JENKINS_URL" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] value: "http://jenkins-ui.cdt.svc.cluster.local/cdt/" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] image: "docker.io/eclipsecbi/jiro-agent-basic:remoting-4.13.3" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "jnlp" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] resources: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] limits: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] memory: "512Mi" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] cpu: "500m" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] requests: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] memory: "512Mi" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] cpu: "200m" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] volumeMounts: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "workspace-volume" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] readOnly: false 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] nodeSelector: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] kubernetes.io/os: "linux" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] restartPolicy: "Never" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] volumes: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - emptyDir: {} 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "m2-repo" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - name: "settings-xml" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] secret: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] items: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - key: "settings.xml" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] path: "settings.xml" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] secretName: "m2-secret-dir" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] - emptyDir: 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] medium: "" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] name: "workspace-volume" 12:16:31 [2022-09-12T16:16:31.988Z] 12:16:32 [2022-09-12T16:16:32.841Z] Running on cdt-gdb-adapter-verify-149-gmgch-22mwh-0wg9z in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify 12:16:32 [2022-09-12T16:16:32.841Z] [Pipeline] { 12:16:32 [2022-09-12T16:16:32.860Z] [Pipeline] stage 12:16:32 [2022-09-12T16:16:32.861Z] [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM) 12:16:33 [2022-09-12T16:16:33.409Z] [Pipeline] checkout 12:16:34 [2022-09-12T16:16:34.358Z] Selected Git installation does not exist. Using Default 12:16:34 [2022-09-12T16:16:34.359Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE 12:16:38 [2022-09-12T16:16:38.661Z] No credentials specified 12:16:38 [2022-09-12T16:16:38.664Z] Cloning the remote Git repository 12:16:38 [2022-09-12T16:16:38.749Z] Cloning repository https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-infra 12:16:39 [2022-09-12T16:16:39.883Z] > git init /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify # timeout=10 12:16:39 [2022-09-12T16:16:39.953Z] Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-infra 12:16:39 [2022-09-12T16:16:39.953Z] > git --version # timeout=10 12:16:39 [2022-09-12T16:16:39.956Z] > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1' 12:16:39 [2022-09-12T16:16:39.956Z] > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-infra +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 12:16:40 [2022-09-12T16:16:40.533Z] Avoid second fetch 12:16:40 [2022-09-12T16:16:40.545Z] Checking out Revision c69e4c5239703d14694ac0e47aae1a67fef5c1a6 (refs/remotes/origin/master) 12:16:40 [2022-09-12T16:16:40.469Z] > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/eclipse-cdt/cdt-infra # timeout=10 12:16:40 [2022-09-12T16:16:40.473Z] > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 12:16:40 [2022-09-12T16:16:40.540Z] > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 12:16:40 [2022-09-12T16:16:40.556Z] > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 12:16:40 [2022-09-12T16:16:40.560Z] > git checkout -f c69e4c5239703d14694ac0e47aae1a67fef5c1a6 # timeout=10 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.749Z] Commit message: "Migrate scripts to main CDT repo" 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.758Z] > git rev-list --no-walk 32c59d545441deba8471370968faf9ecfd2341b9 # timeout=10 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.875Z] [Pipeline] } 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.878Z] [Pipeline] // stage 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.889Z] [Pipeline] withEnv 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.890Z] [Pipeline] { 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.898Z] [Pipeline] timestamps 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.898Z] The timestamps step is unnecessary when timestamps are enabled for all Pipeline builds. 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.899Z] [Pipeline] { 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.994Z] [Pipeline] stage 12:16:44 [2022-09-12T16:16:44.995Z] [Pipeline] { (Git Clone) 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.221Z] [Pipeline] container 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.222Z] [Pipeline] { 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.331Z] [Pipeline] checkout 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.345Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.353Z] No credentials specified 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.353Z] Warning: JENKINS-30600: special launcher org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.pipeline.ContainerExecDecorator$1@41b5d878; decorates RemoteLauncher[hudson.remoting.Channel@1ea9e779:JNLP4-connect connection from] will be ignored (a typical symptom is the Git executable not being run inside a designated container) 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.359Z] Fetching changes from the remote Git repository 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.360Z] > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/.git # timeout=10 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.365Z] > git config remote.origin.url https://github.com/eclipse-cdt-cloud/cdt-gdb-adapter # timeout=10 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.377Z] Fetching upstream changes from https://github.com/eclipse-cdt-cloud/cdt-gdb-adapter 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.378Z] > git --version # timeout=10 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.381Z] > git --version # 'git version 2.20.1' 12:16:45 [2022-09-12T16:16:45.381Z] > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- https://github.com/eclipse-cdt-cloud/cdt-gdb-adapter +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* # timeout=10 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.541Z] Checking out Revision b411c75a68ac163ea770827f3498370b625c5a03 (refs/remotes/origin/pr/206/merge) 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.572Z] Commit message: "Merge 0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0 into bdf98e3a19bbb5970992664ae210a645c606fc23" 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.574Z] First time build. Skipping changelog. 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.580Z] [Pipeline] } 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.645Z] [Pipeline] // container 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.650Z] [Pipeline] } 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.654Z] [Pipeline] // stage 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.659Z] [Pipeline] stage 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.660Z] [Pipeline] { (Run build) 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.672Z] [Pipeline] container 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.673Z] [Pipeline] { 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.753Z] [Pipeline] timeout 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.753Z] Timeout set to expire after 20 min without activity 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.755Z] [Pipeline] { 12:16:47 [2022-09-12T16:16:47.082Z] [Pipeline] sh 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.541Z] > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/pr/206/merge^{commit} # timeout=10 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.548Z] > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 12:16:46 [2022-09-12T16:16:46.552Z] > git checkout -f b411c75a68ac163ea770827f3498370b625c5a03 # timeout=10 12:16:47 [2022-09-12T16:16:47.660Z] + yarn 12:16:47 [2022-09-12T16:16:47.921Z] yarn install v1.22.19 12:16:48 [2022-09-12T16:16:48.178Z] [1/4] Resolving packages... 12:16:48 [2022-09-12T16:16:48.436Z] [2/4] Fetching packages... 12:17:00 [2022-09-12T16:17:00.640Z] [3/4] Linking dependencies... 12:17:04 [2022-09-12T16:17:04.034Z] [4/4] Building fresh packages... 12:17:04 [2022-09-12T16:17:04.034Z] $ node install.js 12:17:04 [2022-09-12T16:17:04.342Z] npm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /tmp/yarn--1662999423790-0.5230952096310035/node but npm is using /usr/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with. 12:17:04 [2022-09-12T16:17:04.342Z] 12:17:04 [2022-09-12T16:17:04.343Z] > cdt-gdb-adapter@0.0.16-next nativebuild /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify 12:17:04 [2022-09-12T16:17:04.343Z] > node-gyp rebuild 12:17:04 [2022-09-12T16:17:04.343Z] 12:17:06 [2022-09-12T16:17:06.302Z] make: Entering directory '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/build' 12:17:06 [2022-09-12T16:17:06.302Z] CC(target) Release/obj.target/nothing/node_modules/node-addon-api/nothing.o 12:17:06 [2022-09-12T16:17:06.302Z] AR(target) Release/obj.target/node_modules/node-addon-api/nothing.a 12:17:06 [2022-09-12T16:17:06.561Z] COPY Release/nothing.a 12:17:06 [2022-09-12T16:17:06.561Z] CXX(target) Release/obj.target/pty/src/native/pty.o 12:17:07 [2022-09-12T16:17:07.127Z] SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/obj.target/pty.node 12:17:07 [2022-09-12T16:17:07.127Z] COPY Release/pty.node 12:17:07 [2022-09-12T16:17:07.127Z] make: Leaving directory '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/build' 12:17:07 [2022-09-12T16:17:07.127Z] $ yarn build 12:17:07 [2022-09-12T16:17:07.692Z] yarn run v1.22.19 12:17:07 [2022-09-12T16:17:07.692Z] $ tsc 12:17:14 [2022-09-12T16:17:14.251Z] Done in 6.65s. 12:17:14 [2022-09-12T16:17:14.251Z] Done in 26.26s. 12:17:14 [2022-09-12T16:17:14.251Z] + yarn test 12:17:14 [2022-09-12T16:17:14.509Z] yarn run v1.22.19 12:17:14 [2022-09-12T16:17:14.509Z] $ yarn test:integration && yarn test:pty && yarn test:integration-run-in-terminal && yarn test:integration-remote-target && yarn test:integration-remote-target-run-in-terminal && yarn test:integration-gdb-async-off && yarn test:integration-gdb-async-off-remote-target && yarn test:integration-gdb-non-stop 12:17:15 [2022-09-12T16:17:15.072Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.473Z] 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.473Z] GDB Backend Test Suite 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.734Z] ✔ can read a value from -gdb-show: 2ms 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.734Z] ✔ can set a value using -gdb-set: 1ms 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.734Z] 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.734Z] Suite duration: 0.343 s, Tests: 2 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.734Z] 12:17:16 [2022-09-12T16:17:16.734Z] attach remote 12:17:17 [2022-09-12T16:17:17.317Z] ✔ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 355ms 12:17:17 [2022-09-12T16:17:17.317Z] 12:17:17 [2022-09-12T16:17:17.317Z] Suite duration: 0.621 s, Tests: 1 12:17:17 [2022-09-12T16:17:17.317Z] 12:17:17 [2022-09-12T16:17:17.317Z] breakpoints 12:17:17 [2022-09-12T16:17:17.887Z] ✔ hits a standard breakpoint: 60ms 12:17:18 [2022-09-12T16:17:18.143Z] ✔ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 33ms 12:17:18 [2022-09-12T16:17:18.400Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 3ms 12:17:18 [2022-09-12T16:17:18.965Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 3ms 12:17:19 [2022-09-12T16:17:19.222Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 6ms 12:17:19 [2022-09-12T16:17:19.478Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file with space: 6ms 12:17:19 [2022-09-12T16:17:19.735Z] - reports back relocated line number 12:17:20 [2022-09-12T16:17:20.299Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated 12:17:20 [2022-09-12T16:17:20.557Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces 12:17:20 [2022-09-12T16:17:20.814Z] ✔ hits a conditional breakpoint: 36ms 12:17:21 [2022-09-12T16:17:21.378Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 50ms 12:17:21 [2022-09-12T16:17:21.637Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 33ms 12:17:21 [2022-09-12T16:17:21.895Z] ✔ resolves breakpoints: 45ms 12:17:21 [2022-09-12T16:17:21.895Z] 12:17:21 [2022-09-12T16:17:21.895Z] Suite duration: 4.569 s, Tests: 13 12:17:21 [2022-09-12T16:17:21.895Z] 12:17:21 [2022-09-12T16:17:21.895Z] Disassembly Test Suite 12:17:22 [2022-09-12T16:17:22.459Z] ✔ can disassemble: 22ms 12:17:22 [2022-09-12T16:17:22.716Z] ✔ can disassemble with no source references: 19ms 12:17:22 [2022-09-12T16:17:22.977Z] ✔ can handle disassemble at bad address: 9ms 12:17:22 [2022-09-12T16:17:22.977Z] 12:17:22 [2022-09-12T16:17:22.977Z] Suite duration: 1.083 s, Tests: 3 12:17:22 [2022-09-12T16:17:22.978Z] 12:17:22 [2022-09-12T16:17:22.978Z] evaluate request 12:17:23 [2022-09-12T16:17:23.543Z] ✔ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 2ms 12:17:23 [2022-09-12T16:17:23.800Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms 12:17:24 [2022-09-12T16:17:24.056Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 3ms 12:17:24 [2022-09-12T16:17:24.056Z] 12:17:24 [2022-09-12T16:17:24.056Z] Suite duration: 1.031 s, Tests: 3 12:17:24 [2022-09-12T16:17:24.056Z] 12:17:24 [2022-09-12T16:17:24.056Z] function breakpoints 12:17:24 [2022-09-12T16:17:24.313Z] ✔ hits the main function breakpoint: 24ms 12:17:24 [2022-09-12T16:17:24.877Z] ✔ hits the sub function breakpoint: 35ms 12:17:25 [2022-09-12T16:17:25.133Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 34ms 12:17:25 [2022-09-12T16:17:25.391Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 53ms 12:17:25 [2022-09-12T16:17:25.955Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 28ms 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.211Z] ✔ fails gracefully on unknown function: 3ms 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.468Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 5ms 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.724Z] ✔ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 31ms 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.725Z] 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.725Z] Suite duration: 2.692 s, Tests: 8 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.725Z] 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.725Z] launch 12:17:26 [2022-09-12T16:17:26.982Z] ✔ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 140ms 12:17:27 [2022-09-12T16:17:27.546Z] ✔ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 111ms 12:17:27 [2022-09-12T16:17:27.804Z] ✔ works with a space in file names: 150ms 12:17:27 [2022-09-12T16:17:27.804Z] 12:17:27 [2022-09-12T16:17:27.804Z] Suite duration: 0.976 s, Tests: 3 12:17:27 [2022-09-12T16:17:27.804Z] 12:17:27 [2022-09-12T16:17:27.804Z] launch remote 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.380Z] ✔ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 294ms 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.381Z] 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.381Z] Suite duration: 0.479 s, Tests: 1 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.381Z] 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.381Z] logpoints 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.637Z] ✔ hits a logpoint: 29ms 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.893Z] ✔ supports changing log messages: 25ms 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.894Z] 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.894Z] Suite duration: 0.7 s, Tests: 2 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.894Z] 12:17:28 [2022-09-12T16:17:28.894Z] Memory Test Suite for cdt-gdb-adapter/Memory custom request 12:17:29 [2022-09-12T16:17:29.457Z] ✔ can read memory: 6ms 12:17:29 [2022-09-12T16:17:29.719Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 1ms 12:17:29 [2022-09-12T16:17:29.976Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 3ms 12:17:29 [2022-09-12T16:17:29.976Z] 12:17:29 [2022-09-12T16:17:29.976Z] Suite duration: 1.035 s, Tests: 3 12:17:29 [2022-09-12T16:17:29.976Z] 12:17:29 [2022-09-12T16:17:29.976Z] Memory Test Suite 12:17:30 [2022-09-12T16:17:30.236Z] ✔ can read memory: 6ms 12:17:30 [2022-09-12T16:17:30.800Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 1ms 12:17:31 [2022-09-12T16:17:31.057Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:17:31 [2022-09-12T16:17:31.315Z] ✔ can write memory: 4ms 12:17:31 [2022-09-12T16:17:31.572Z] ✔ fails when trying to write to read-only memory: 5ms 12:17:32 [2022-09-12T16:17:32.137Z] ✔ Converts between hex and base64 without loss: 0ms 12:17:32 [2022-09-12T16:17:32.394Z] ✔ Throws an error if it detects ill-formed input: 2ms 12:17:32 [2022-09-12T16:17:32.394Z] 12:17:32 [2022-09-12T16:17:32.394Z] Suite duration: 2.342 s, Tests: 7 12:17:32 [2022-09-12T16:17:32.394Z] 12:17:32 [2022-09-12T16:17:32.394Z] multithread 12:17:32 [2022-09-12T16:17:32.651Z] ✔ sees all threads (all-stop): 210ms 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.229Z] ✔ sees all threads (non-stop): 248ms 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.229Z] 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.229Z] Suite duration: 0.871 s, Tests: 2 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.229Z] 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.229Z] pause 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.792Z] ✔ can be paused: 229ms 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.792Z] 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.792Z] Suite duration: 0.485 s, Tests: 1 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.792Z] 12:17:33 [2022-09-12T16:17:33.792Z] stop 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] ✔ handles segv: 148ms 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] Suite duration: 0.317 s, Tests: 1 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] util 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] ✔ compareVersions: 1ms 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] ✔ parseGdbOutput: 1ms 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.049Z] Variables Test Suite 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.306Z] ✔ can read and set simple variables in a program: 34ms 12:17:34 [2022-09-12T16:17:34.894Z] ✔ can read registers in a program: 13ms 12:17:35 [2022-09-12T16:17:35.150Z] ✔ can read and set struct variables in a program: 27ms 12:17:35 [2022-09-12T16:17:35.408Z] ✔ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 31ms 12:17:35 [2022-09-12T16:17:35.972Z] ✔ can read and set array elements in a program: 35ms 12:17:35 [2022-09-12T16:17:35.972Z] 12:17:35 [2022-09-12T16:17:35.972Z] Suite duration: 1.936 s, Tests: 5 12:17:35 [2022-09-12T16:17:35.972Z] 12:17:35 [2022-09-12T16:17:35.972Z] Variables CPP Test Suite 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.536Z] ✔ can read and set a cpp object variable: 22ms 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.793Z] ✔ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 13ms 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.793Z] 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.793Z] Suite duration: 0.844 s, Tests: 2 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.793Z] 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.793Z] 56 passing (21s) 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.793Z] 3 pending 12:17:36 [2022-09-12T16:17:36.793Z] 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.361Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/native.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/native/*.spec.js 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] pty creation 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] ✔ should be able to open a ptmx/pts pair: 86ms 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] Suite duration: 0.092 s, Tests: 1 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] 1 passing (93ms) 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] 12:17:37 [2022-09-12T16:17:37.925Z] 18 EIO: i/o error, read 12:17:38 [2022-09-12T16:17:38.182Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-run-in-terminal.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --run-in-terminal --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.111Z] 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.111Z] GDB Backend Test Suite 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.111Z] ✔ can read a value from -gdb-show: 2ms 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.111Z] ✔ can set a value using -gdb-set: 1ms 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.112Z] 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.112Z] Suite duration: 0.246 s, Tests: 2 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.112Z] 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.112Z] attach remote 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.675Z] ✔ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 336ms 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.675Z] 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.675Z] Suite duration: 0.587 s, Tests: 1 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.675Z] 12:17:39 [2022-09-12T16:17:39.675Z] breakpoints 12:17:40 [2022-09-12T16:17:40.239Z] ✔ hits a standard breakpoint: 49ms 12:17:40 [2022-09-12T16:17:40.496Z] ✔ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 52ms 12:17:41 [2022-09-12T16:17:41.060Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 4ms 12:17:41 [2022-09-12T16:17:41.316Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 4ms 12:17:41 [2022-09-12T16:17:41.879Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 6ms 12:17:42 [2022-09-12T16:17:42.137Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file with space: 7ms 12:17:42 [2022-09-12T16:17:42.394Z] - reports back relocated line number 12:17:42 [2022-09-12T16:17:42.957Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated 12:17:43 [2022-09-12T16:17:43.520Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces 12:17:43 [2022-09-12T16:17:43.777Z] ✔ hits a conditional breakpoint: 34ms 12:17:44 [2022-09-12T16:17:44.341Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 52ms 12:17:44 [2022-09-12T16:17:44.606Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 57ms 12:17:44 [2022-09-12T16:17:44.874Z] ✔ resolves breakpoints: 35ms 12:17:44 [2022-09-12T16:17:44.874Z] 12:17:44 [2022-09-12T16:17:44.874Z] Suite duration: 5.236 s, Tests: 13 12:17:44 [2022-09-12T16:17:44.874Z] 12:17:44 [2022-09-12T16:17:44.874Z] Disassembly Test Suite 12:17:45 [2022-09-12T16:17:45.438Z] ✔ can disassemble: 24ms 12:17:46 [2022-09-12T16:17:46.002Z] ✔ can disassemble with no source references: 44ms 12:17:46 [2022-09-12T16:17:46.258Z] ✔ can handle disassemble at bad address: 3ms 12:17:46 [2022-09-12T16:17:46.258Z] 12:17:46 [2022-09-12T16:17:46.258Z] Suite duration: 1.29 s, Tests: 3 12:17:46 [2022-09-12T16:17:46.258Z] 12:17:46 [2022-09-12T16:17:46.258Z] evaluate request 12:17:46 [2022-09-12T16:17:46.822Z] ✔ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 2ms 12:17:47 [2022-09-12T16:17:47.079Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms 12:17:47 [2022-09-12T16:17:47.642Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 3ms 12:17:47 [2022-09-12T16:17:47.642Z] 12:17:47 [2022-09-12T16:17:47.642Z] Suite duration: 1.247 s, Tests: 3 12:17:47 [2022-09-12T16:17:47.642Z] 12:17:47 [2022-09-12T16:17:47.642Z] function breakpoints 12:17:47 [2022-09-12T16:17:47.899Z] ✔ hits the main function breakpoint: 26ms 12:17:48 [2022-09-12T16:17:48.462Z] ✔ hits the sub function breakpoint: 28ms 12:17:48 [2022-09-12T16:17:48.719Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 37ms 12:17:49 [2022-09-12T16:17:49.282Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 51ms 12:17:49 [2022-09-12T16:17:49.540Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 41ms 12:17:50 [2022-09-12T16:17:50.104Z] ✔ fails gracefully on unknown function: 4ms 12:17:50 [2022-09-12T16:17:50.362Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 6ms 12:17:50 [2022-09-12T16:17:50.619Z] ✔ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 39ms 12:17:50 [2022-09-12T16:17:50.620Z] 12:17:50 [2022-09-12T16:17:50.620Z] Suite duration: 3.154 s, Tests: 8 12:17:50 [2022-09-12T16:17:50.620Z] 12:17:50 [2022-09-12T16:17:50.620Z] launch 12:17:51 [2022-09-12T16:17:51.182Z] ✔ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 205ms 12:17:51 [2022-09-12T16:17:51.442Z] ✔ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 179ms 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.010Z] ✔ works with a space in file names: 201ms 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.010Z] 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.011Z] Suite duration: 1.153 s, Tests: 3 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.011Z] 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.011Z] launch remote 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.296Z] ✔ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 269ms 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.296Z] 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.296Z] Suite duration: 0.46 s, Tests: 1 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.296Z] 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.296Z] logpoints 12:17:52 [2022-09-12T16:17:52.859Z] ✔ hits a logpoint: 31ms 12:17:53 [2022-09-12T16:17:53.115Z] ✔ supports changing log messages: 26ms 12:17:53 [2022-09-12T16:17:53.116Z] 12:17:53 [2022-09-12T16:17:53.116Z] Suite duration: 0.832 s, Tests: 2 12:17:53 [2022-09-12T16:17:53.116Z] 12:17:53 [2022-09-12T16:17:53.116Z] Memory Test Suite for cdt-gdb-adapter/Memory custom request 12:17:53 [2022-09-12T16:17:53.679Z] ✔ can read memory: 5ms 12:17:53 [2022-09-12T16:17:53.935Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 1ms 12:17:54 [2022-09-12T16:17:54.192Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:17:54 [2022-09-12T16:17:54.192Z] 12:17:54 [2022-09-12T16:17:54.192Z] Suite duration: 1.178 s, Tests: 3 12:17:54 [2022-09-12T16:17:54.192Z] 12:17:54 [2022-09-12T16:17:54.192Z] Memory Test Suite 12:17:54 [2022-09-12T16:17:54.755Z] ✔ can read memory: 8ms 12:17:55 [2022-09-12T16:17:55.012Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 2ms 12:17:55 [2022-09-12T16:17:55.576Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 5ms 12:17:55 [2022-09-12T16:17:55.833Z] ✔ can write memory: 4ms 12:17:56 [2022-09-12T16:17:56.397Z] ✔ fails when trying to write to read-only memory: 5ms 12:17:56 [2022-09-12T16:17:56.653Z] ✔ Converts between hex and base64 without loss: 1ms 12:17:57 [2022-09-12T16:17:57.216Z] ✔ Throws an error if it detects ill-formed input: 2ms 12:17:57 [2022-09-12T16:17:57.216Z] 12:17:57 [2022-09-12T16:17:57.216Z] Suite duration: 2.82 s, Tests: 7 12:17:57 [2022-09-12T16:17:57.216Z] 12:17:57 [2022-09-12T16:17:57.216Z] multithread 12:17:57 [2022-09-12T16:17:57.781Z] ✔ sees all threads (all-stop): 277ms 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.038Z] ✔ sees all threads (non-stop): 289ms 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.038Z] 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.038Z] Suite duration: 0.984 s, Tests: 2 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.038Z] 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.038Z] pause 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.623Z] ✔ can be paused: 326ms 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.623Z] 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.623Z] Suite duration: 0.555 s, Tests: 1 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.623Z] 12:17:58 [2022-09-12T16:17:58.623Z] stop 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] ✔ handles segv: 290ms 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] Suite duration: 0.505 s, Tests: 1 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] util 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] ✔ compareVersions: 0ms 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] ✔ parseGdbOutput: 0ms 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.216Z] Variables Test Suite 12:17:59 [2022-09-12T16:17:59.780Z] ✔ can read and set simple variables in a program: 33ms 12:18:00 [2022-09-12T16:18:00.038Z] ✔ can read registers in a program: 27ms 12:18:00 [2022-09-12T16:18:00.600Z] ✔ can read and set struct variables in a program: 71ms 12:18:01 [2022-09-12T16:18:01.164Z] ✔ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 37ms 12:18:01 [2022-09-12T16:18:01.421Z] ✔ can read and set array elements in a program: 64ms 12:18:01 [2022-09-12T16:18:01.421Z] 12:18:01 [2022-09-12T16:18:01.421Z] Suite duration: 2.315 s, Tests: 5 12:18:01 [2022-09-12T16:18:01.421Z] 12:18:01 [2022-09-12T16:18:01.421Z] Variables CPP Test Suite 12:18:01 [2022-09-12T16:18:01.984Z] ✔ can read and set a cpp object variable: 26ms 12:18:02 [2022-09-12T16:18:02.546Z] ✔ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 16ms 12:18:02 [2022-09-12T16:18:02.546Z] 12:18:02 [2022-09-12T16:18:02.546Z] Suite duration: 1.036 s, Tests: 2 12:18:02 [2022-09-12T16:18:02.546Z] 12:18:02 [2022-09-12T16:18:02.546Z] 56 passing (24s) 12:18:02 [2022-09-12T16:18:02.546Z] 3 pending 12:18:02 [2022-09-12T16:18:02.546Z] 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.109Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-remote-target.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --test-remote --timeout 5000 --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.673Z] 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.673Z] GDB Backend Test Suite 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.673Z] ✔ can read a value from -gdb-show: 2ms 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.930Z] ✔ can set a value using -gdb-set: 1ms 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.930Z] 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.930Z] Suite duration: 0.236 s, Tests: 2 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.930Z] 12:18:03 [2022-09-12T16:18:03.930Z] attach remote 12:18:04 [2022-09-12T16:18:04.497Z] ✔ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 221ms 12:18:04 [2022-09-12T16:18:04.497Z] 12:18:04 [2022-09-12T16:18:04.497Z] Suite duration: 0.416 s, Tests: 1 12:18:04 [2022-09-12T16:18:04.497Z] 12:18:04 [2022-09-12T16:18:04.497Z] breakpoints 12:18:04 [2022-09-12T16:18:04.754Z] ✔ hits a standard breakpoint: 57ms 12:18:05 [2022-09-12T16:18:05.316Z] ✔ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 75ms 12:18:05 [2022-09-12T16:18:05.574Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 3ms 12:18:05 [2022-09-12T16:18:05.833Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 3ms 12:18:06 [2022-09-12T16:18:06.398Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 7ms 12:18:06 [2022-09-12T16:18:06.654Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file with space: 22ms 12:18:06 [2022-09-12T16:18:06.910Z] - reports back relocated line number 12:18:07 [2022-09-12T16:18:07.474Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated 12:18:07 [2022-09-12T16:18:07.730Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces 12:18:08 [2022-09-12T16:18:08.294Z] ✔ hits a conditional breakpoint: 47ms 12:18:08 [2022-09-12T16:18:08.550Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 50ms 12:18:09 [2022-09-12T16:18:09.112Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 78ms 12:18:09 [2022-09-12T16:18:09.384Z] ✔ resolves breakpoints: 77ms 12:18:09 [2022-09-12T16:18:09.384Z] 12:18:09 [2022-09-12T16:18:09.384Z] Suite duration: 5.141 s, Tests: 13 12:18:09 [2022-09-12T16:18:09.384Z] 12:18:09 [2022-09-12T16:18:09.384Z] Disassembly Test Suite 12:18:09 [2022-09-12T16:18:09.947Z] ✔ can disassemble: 64ms 12:18:10 [2022-09-12T16:18:10.509Z] ✔ can disassemble with no source references: 35ms 12:18:10 [2022-09-12T16:18:10.766Z] ✔ can handle disassemble at bad address: 3ms 12:18:10 [2022-09-12T16:18:10.766Z] 12:18:10 [2022-09-12T16:18:10.766Z] Suite duration: 1.269 s, Tests: 3 12:18:10 [2022-09-12T16:18:10.766Z] 12:18:10 [2022-09-12T16:18:10.766Z] evaluate request 12:18:11 [2022-09-12T16:18:11.023Z] ✔ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 2ms 12:18:11 [2022-09-12T16:18:11.586Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms 12:18:11 [2022-09-12T16:18:11.842Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 3ms 12:18:11 [2022-09-12T16:18:11.842Z] 12:18:11 [2022-09-12T16:18:11.842Z] Suite duration: 1.18 s, Tests: 3 12:18:11 [2022-09-12T16:18:11.842Z] 12:18:11 [2022-09-12T16:18:11.842Z] function breakpoints 12:18:12 [2022-09-12T16:18:12.406Z] ✔ hits the main function breakpoint: 36ms 12:18:12 [2022-09-12T16:18:12.662Z] ✔ hits the sub function breakpoint: 46ms 12:18:13 [2022-09-12T16:18:13.231Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 58ms 12:18:13 [2022-09-12T16:18:13.494Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 67ms 12:18:14 [2022-09-12T16:18:14.056Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 57ms 12:18:14 [2022-09-12T16:18:14.314Z] ✔ fails gracefully on unknown function: 2ms 12:18:14 [2022-09-12T16:18:14.570Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 4ms 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.134Z] ✔ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 82ms 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.134Z] 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.134Z] Suite duration: 3.143 s, Tests: 8 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.134Z] 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.134Z] launch 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.391Z] ✔ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 189ms 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.647Z] ✔ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 11ms 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.903Z] ✔ works with a space in file names: 188ms 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.903Z] 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.903Z] Suite duration: 0.944 s, Tests: 3 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.903Z] 12:18:15 [2022-09-12T16:18:15.903Z] launch remote 12:18:16 [2022-09-12T16:18:16.466Z] ✔ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 197ms 12:18:16 [2022-09-12T16:18:16.466Z] 12:18:16 [2022-09-12T16:18:16.466Z] Suite duration: 0.393 s, Tests: 1 12:18:16 [2022-09-12T16:18:16.466Z] 12:18:16 [2022-09-12T16:18:16.466Z] logpoints 12:18:16 [2022-09-12T16:18:16.723Z] ✔ hits a logpoint: 68ms 12:18:17 [2022-09-12T16:18:17.285Z] ✔ supports changing log messages: 93ms 12:18:17 [2022-09-12T16:18:17.285Z] 12:18:17 [2022-09-12T16:18:17.285Z] Suite duration: 0.868 s, Tests: 2 12:18:17 [2022-09-12T16:18:17.285Z] 12:18:17 [2022-09-12T16:18:17.285Z] Memory Test Suite for cdt-gdb-adapter/Memory custom request 12:18:17 [2022-09-12T16:18:17.542Z] ✔ can read memory: 5ms 12:18:18 [2022-09-12T16:18:18.105Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 3ms 12:18:18 [2022-09-12T16:18:18.361Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:18:18 [2022-09-12T16:18:18.361Z] 12:18:18 [2022-09-12T16:18:18.361Z] Suite duration: 1.131 s, Tests: 3 12:18:18 [2022-09-12T16:18:18.361Z] 12:18:18 [2022-09-12T16:18:18.361Z] Memory Test Suite 12:18:18 [2022-09-12T16:18:18.923Z] ✔ can read memory: 7ms 12:18:19 [2022-09-12T16:18:19.179Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 2ms 12:18:19 [2022-09-12T16:18:19.742Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 5ms 12:18:19 [2022-09-12T16:18:19.999Z] ✔ can write memory: 4ms 12:18:20 [2022-09-12T16:18:20.263Z] ✔ fails when trying to write to read-only memory: 4ms 12:18:20 [2022-09-12T16:18:20.827Z] ✔ Converts between hex and base64 without loss: 1ms 12:18:21 [2022-09-12T16:18:21.084Z] ✔ Throws an error if it detects ill-formed input: 1ms 12:18:21 [2022-09-12T16:18:21.084Z] 12:18:21 [2022-09-12T16:18:21.084Z] Suite duration: 2.742 s, Tests: 7 12:18:21 [2022-09-12T16:18:21.084Z] 12:18:21 [2022-09-12T16:18:21.084Z] multithread 12:18:21 [2022-09-12T16:18:21.647Z] ✔ sees all threads (all-stop): 332ms 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.211Z] ✔ sees all threads (non-stop): 351ms 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.211Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.211Z] Suite duration: 1.048 s, Tests: 2 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.211Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.211Z] pause 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.467Z] ✔ can be paused: 199ms 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.724Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.724Z] Suite duration: 0.406 s, Tests: 1 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.724Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.724Z] stop 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] ✔ handles segv: 195ms 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] Suite duration: 0.389 s, Tests: 1 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] util 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] ✔ compareVersions: 0ms 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] ✔ parseGdbOutput: 0ms 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] 12:18:22 [2022-09-12T16:18:22.981Z] Variables Test Suite 12:18:23 [2022-09-12T16:18:23.544Z] ✔ can read and set simple variables in a program: 29ms 12:18:23 [2022-09-12T16:18:23.800Z] ✔ can read registers in a program: 12ms 12:18:24 [2022-09-12T16:18:24.363Z] ✔ can read and set struct variables in a program: 62ms 12:18:24 [2022-09-12T16:18:24.620Z] ✔ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 55ms 12:18:25 [2022-09-12T16:18:25.185Z] ✔ can read and set array elements in a program: 88ms 12:18:25 [2022-09-12T16:18:25.185Z] 12:18:25 [2022-09-12T16:18:25.185Z] Suite duration: 2.235 s, Tests: 5 12:18:25 [2022-09-12T16:18:25.185Z] 12:18:25 [2022-09-12T16:18:25.185Z] Variables CPP Test Suite 12:18:25 [2022-09-12T16:18:25.748Z] ✔ can read and set a cpp object variable: 32ms 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.310Z] ✔ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 24ms 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.310Z] 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.310Z] Suite duration: 1.073 s, Tests: 2 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.310Z] 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.310Z] 56 passing (23s) 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.310Z] 3 pending 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.310Z] 12:18:26 [2022-09-12T16:18:26.874Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-remote-target-run-in-terminal.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --test-remote --timeout 5000 --run-in-terminal --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.443Z] 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.443Z] GDB Backend Test Suite 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.443Z] ✔ can read a value from -gdb-show: 2ms 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.705Z] ✔ can set a value using -gdb-set: 1ms 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.705Z] 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.705Z] Suite duration: 0.237 s, Tests: 2 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.705Z] 12:18:27 [2022-09-12T16:18:27.705Z] attach remote 12:18:28 [2022-09-12T16:18:28.268Z] ✔ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 266ms 12:18:28 [2022-09-12T16:18:28.268Z] 12:18:28 [2022-09-12T16:18:28.268Z] Suite duration: 0.46 s, Tests: 1 12:18:28 [2022-09-12T16:18:28.269Z] 12:18:28 [2022-09-12T16:18:28.269Z] breakpoints 12:18:28 [2022-09-12T16:18:28.525Z] ✔ hits a standard breakpoint: 53ms 12:18:29 [2022-09-12T16:18:29.088Z] ✔ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 69ms 12:18:29 [2022-09-12T16:18:29.651Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 4ms 12:18:29 [2022-09-12T16:18:29.908Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 3ms 12:18:30 [2022-09-12T16:18:30.471Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 24ms 12:18:30 [2022-09-12T16:18:30.727Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file with space: 14ms 12:18:31 [2022-09-12T16:18:31.289Z] - reports back relocated line number 12:18:31 [2022-09-12T16:18:31.852Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated 12:18:32 [2022-09-12T16:18:32.415Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces 12:18:32 [2022-09-12T16:18:32.672Z] ✔ hits a conditional breakpoint: 58ms 12:18:33 [2022-09-12T16:18:33.235Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 67ms 12:18:33 [2022-09-12T16:18:33.798Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 80ms 12:18:34 [2022-09-12T16:18:34.361Z] ✔ resolves breakpoints: 44ms 12:18:34 [2022-09-12T16:18:34.361Z] 12:18:34 [2022-09-12T16:18:34.361Z] Suite duration: 6.1 s, Tests: 13 12:18:34 [2022-09-12T16:18:34.361Z] 12:18:34 [2022-09-12T16:18:34.361Z] Disassembly Test Suite 12:18:34 [2022-09-12T16:18:34.620Z] ✔ can disassemble: 28ms 12:18:35 [2022-09-12T16:18:35.182Z] ✔ can disassemble with no source references: 20ms 12:18:35 [2022-09-12T16:18:35.745Z] ✔ can handle disassemble at bad address: 6ms 12:18:35 [2022-09-12T16:18:35.745Z] 12:18:35 [2022-09-12T16:18:35.745Z] Suite duration: 1.471 s, Tests: 3 12:18:35 [2022-09-12T16:18:35.745Z] 12:18:35 [2022-09-12T16:18:35.745Z] evaluate request 12:18:36 [2022-09-12T16:18:36.310Z] ✔ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 2ms 12:18:36 [2022-09-12T16:18:36.873Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms 12:18:37 [2022-09-12T16:18:37.129Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 3ms 12:18:37 [2022-09-12T16:18:37.130Z] 12:18:37 [2022-09-12T16:18:37.130Z] Suite duration: 1.541 s, Tests: 3 12:18:37 [2022-09-12T16:18:37.130Z] 12:18:37 [2022-09-12T16:18:37.130Z] function breakpoints 12:18:37 [2022-09-12T16:18:37.692Z] ✔ hits the main function breakpoint: 50ms 12:18:38 [2022-09-12T16:18:38.255Z] ✔ hits the sub function breakpoint: 39ms 12:18:38 [2022-09-12T16:18:38.512Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 61ms 12:18:39 [2022-09-12T16:18:39.078Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 51ms 12:18:39 [2022-09-12T16:18:39.641Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 57ms 12:18:39 [2022-09-12T16:18:39.898Z] ✔ fails gracefully on unknown function: 3ms 12:18:40 [2022-09-12T16:18:40.461Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 6ms 12:18:40 [2022-09-12T16:18:40.737Z] ✔ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 71ms 12:18:40 [2022-09-12T16:18:40.737Z] 12:18:40 [2022-09-12T16:18:40.737Z] Suite duration: 3.544 s, Tests: 8 12:18:40 [2022-09-12T16:18:40.737Z] 12:18:40 [2022-09-12T16:18:40.737Z] launch 12:18:41 [2022-09-12T16:18:41.300Z] ✔ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 265ms 12:18:41 [2022-09-12T16:18:41.556Z] ✔ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 15ms 12:18:41 [2022-09-12T16:18:41.816Z] ✔ works with a space in file names: 257ms 12:18:41 [2022-09-12T16:18:41.816Z] 12:18:41 [2022-09-12T16:18:41.816Z] Suite duration: 1.134 s, Tests: 3 12:18:41 [2022-09-12T16:18:41.816Z] 12:18:41 [2022-09-12T16:18:41.816Z] launch remote 12:18:42 [2022-09-12T16:18:42.380Z] ✔ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 265ms 12:18:42 [2022-09-12T16:18:42.380Z] 12:18:42 [2022-09-12T16:18:42.380Z] Suite duration: 0.462 s, Tests: 1 12:18:42 [2022-09-12T16:18:42.380Z] 12:18:42 [2022-09-12T16:18:42.380Z] logpoints 12:18:42 [2022-09-12T16:18:42.943Z] ✔ hits a logpoint: 48ms 12:18:43 [2022-09-12T16:18:43.200Z] ✔ supports changing log messages: 45ms 12:18:43 [2022-09-12T16:18:43.200Z] 12:18:43 [2022-09-12T16:18:43.200Z] Suite duration: 0.9 s, Tests: 2 12:18:43 [2022-09-12T16:18:43.200Z] 12:18:43 [2022-09-12T16:18:43.200Z] Memory Test Suite for cdt-gdb-adapter/Memory custom request 12:18:43 [2022-09-12T16:18:43.762Z] ✔ can read memory: 7ms 12:18:44 [2022-09-12T16:18:44.342Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 3ms 12:18:44 [2022-09-12T16:18:44.598Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 5ms 12:18:44 [2022-09-12T16:18:44.598Z] 12:18:44 [2022-09-12T16:18:44.598Z] Suite duration: 1.408 s, Tests: 3 12:18:44 [2022-09-12T16:18:44.598Z] 12:18:44 [2022-09-12T16:18:44.598Z] Memory Test Suite 12:18:45 [2022-09-12T16:18:45.161Z] ✔ can read memory: 9ms 12:18:45 [2022-09-12T16:18:45.417Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 2ms 12:18:45 [2022-09-12T16:18:45.980Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 9ms 12:18:46 [2022-09-12T16:18:46.542Z] ✔ can write memory: 5ms 12:18:47 [2022-09-12T16:18:47.105Z] ✔ fails when trying to write to read-only memory: 5ms 12:18:47 [2022-09-12T16:18:47.361Z] ✔ Converts between hex and base64 without loss: 1ms 12:18:47 [2022-09-12T16:18:47.924Z] ✔ Throws an error if it detects ill-formed input: 2ms 12:18:47 [2022-09-12T16:18:47.924Z] 12:18:47 [2022-09-12T16:18:47.924Z] Suite duration: 3.174 s, Tests: 7 12:18:47 [2022-09-12T16:18:47.924Z] 12:18:47 [2022-09-12T16:18:47.924Z] multithread 12:18:48 [2022-09-12T16:18:48.487Z] ✔ sees all threads (all-stop): 369ms 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.055Z] ✔ sees all threads (non-stop): 407ms 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.055Z] 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.055Z] Suite duration: 1.217 s, Tests: 2 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.055Z] 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.055Z] pause 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.650Z] ✔ can be paused: 359ms 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.650Z] 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.650Z] Suite duration: 0.538 s, Tests: 1 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.650Z] 12:18:49 [2022-09-12T16:18:49.650Z] stop 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.214Z] ✔ handles segv: 298ms 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] Suite duration: 0.515 s, Tests: 1 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] util 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] ✔ compareVersions: 0ms 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] ✔ parseGdbOutput: 0ms 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] Suite duration: 0.001 s, Tests: 2 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.215Z] Variables Test Suite 12:18:50 [2022-09-12T16:18:50.471Z] ✔ can read and set simple variables in a program: 34ms 12:18:51 [2022-09-12T16:18:51.041Z] ✔ can read registers in a program: 41ms 12:18:51 [2022-09-12T16:18:51.981Z] ✔ can read and set struct variables in a program: 61ms 12:18:52 [2022-09-12T16:18:52.238Z] ✔ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 66ms 12:18:52 [2022-09-12T16:18:52.802Z] ✔ can read and set array elements in a program: 60ms 12:18:52 [2022-09-12T16:18:52.802Z] 12:18:52 [2022-09-12T16:18:52.802Z] Suite duration: 2.712 s, Tests: 5 12:18:52 [2022-09-12T16:18:52.802Z] 12:18:52 [2022-09-12T16:18:52.802Z] Variables CPP Test Suite 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.365Z] ✔ can read and set a cpp object variable: 37ms 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.929Z] ✔ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 29ms 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.929Z] 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.929Z] Suite duration: 1.177 s, Tests: 2 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.929Z] 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.929Z] 56 passing (27s) 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.929Z] 3 pending 12:18:53 [2022-09-12T16:18:53.929Z] 12:18:54 [2022-09-12T16:18:54.492Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-gdb-async-off.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js --test-gdb-async-off 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.055Z] 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.055Z] GDB Backend Test Suite 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.312Z] ✔ can read a value from -gdb-show: 2ms 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.312Z] ✔ can set a value using -gdb-set: 1ms 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.312Z] 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.312Z] Suite duration: 0.234 s, Tests: 2 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.312Z] 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.312Z] attach remote 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.875Z] ✔ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 181ms 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.875Z] 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.875Z] Suite duration: 0.376 s, Tests: 1 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.875Z] 12:18:55 [2022-09-12T16:18:55.875Z] breakpoints 12:18:56 [2022-09-12T16:18:56.134Z] ✔ hits a standard breakpoint: 40ms 12:18:56 [2022-09-12T16:18:56.391Z] ✔ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 52ms 12:18:56 [2022-09-12T16:18:56.650Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 3ms 12:18:57 [2022-09-12T16:18:57.214Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 3ms 12:18:57 [2022-09-12T16:18:57.471Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 6ms 12:18:57 [2022-09-12T16:18:57.729Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file with space: 6ms 12:18:57 [2022-09-12T16:18:57.986Z] - reports back relocated line number 12:18:58 [2022-09-12T16:18:58.550Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated 12:18:58 [2022-09-12T16:18:58.807Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces 12:18:59 [2022-09-12T16:18:59.063Z] ✔ hits a conditional breakpoint: 42ms 12:18:59 [2022-09-12T16:18:59.627Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 33ms 12:18:59 [2022-09-12T16:18:59.882Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 31ms 12:19:00 [2022-09-12T16:19:00.139Z] ✔ resolves breakpoints: 52ms 12:19:00 [2022-09-12T16:19:00.139Z] 12:19:00 [2022-09-12T16:19:00.139Z] Suite duration: 4.545 s, Tests: 13 12:19:00 [2022-09-12T16:19:00.139Z] 12:19:00 [2022-09-12T16:19:00.139Z] Disassembly Test Suite 12:19:00 [2022-09-12T16:19:00.702Z] ✔ can disassemble: 22ms 12:19:00 [2022-09-12T16:19:00.959Z] ✔ can disassemble with no source references: 18ms 12:19:01 [2022-09-12T16:19:01.217Z] ✔ can handle disassemble at bad address: 2ms 12:19:01 [2022-09-12T16:19:01.217Z] 12:19:01 [2022-09-12T16:19:01.217Z] Suite duration: 1.07 s, Tests: 3 12:19:01 [2022-09-12T16:19:01.217Z] 12:19:01 [2022-09-12T16:19:01.217Z] evaluate request 12:19:01 [2022-09-12T16:19:01.779Z] ✔ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 2ms 12:19:02 [2022-09-12T16:19:02.036Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 2ms 12:19:02 [2022-09-12T16:19:02.292Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 3ms 12:19:02 [2022-09-12T16:19:02.292Z] 12:19:02 [2022-09-12T16:19:02.292Z] Suite duration: 1.044 s, Tests: 3 12:19:02 [2022-09-12T16:19:02.292Z] 12:19:02 [2022-09-12T16:19:02.292Z] function breakpoints 12:19:02 [2022-09-12T16:19:02.855Z] ✔ hits the main function breakpoint: 26ms 12:19:03 [2022-09-12T16:19:03.114Z] ✔ hits the sub function breakpoint: 37ms 12:19:03 [2022-09-12T16:19:03.371Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 33ms 12:19:03 [2022-09-12T16:19:03.934Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 49ms 12:19:04 [2022-09-12T16:19:04.190Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 28ms 12:19:04 [2022-09-12T16:19:04.446Z] ✔ fails gracefully on unknown function: 4ms 12:19:04 [2022-09-12T16:19:04.703Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 5ms 12:19:05 [2022-09-12T16:19:05.266Z] ✔ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 31ms 12:19:05 [2022-09-12T16:19:05.266Z] 12:19:05 [2022-09-12T16:19:05.266Z] Suite duration: 2.716 s, Tests: 8 12:19:05 [2022-09-12T16:19:05.266Z] 12:19:05 [2022-09-12T16:19:05.266Z] launch 12:19:05 [2022-09-12T16:19:05.522Z] ✔ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 137ms 12:19:05 [2022-09-12T16:19:05.779Z] ✔ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 113ms 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.035Z] ✔ works with a space in file names: 148ms 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.035Z] 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.035Z] Suite duration: 0.974 s, Tests: 3 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.035Z] 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.035Z] launch remote 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.600Z] ✔ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 188ms 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.600Z] 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.600Z] Suite duration: 0.361 s, Tests: 1 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.600Z] 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.600Z] logpoints 12:19:06 [2022-09-12T16:19:06.856Z] ✔ hits a logpoint: 25ms 12:19:07 [2022-09-12T16:19:07.113Z] ✔ supports changing log messages: 61ms 12:19:07 [2022-09-12T16:19:07.113Z] 12:19:07 [2022-09-12T16:19:07.113Z] Suite duration: 0.741 s, Tests: 2 12:19:07 [2022-09-12T16:19:07.113Z] 12:19:07 [2022-09-12T16:19:07.113Z] Memory Test Suite for cdt-gdb-adapter/Memory custom request 12:19:07 [2022-09-12T16:19:07.676Z] ✔ can read memory: 6ms 12:19:07 [2022-09-12T16:19:07.932Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 2ms 12:19:08 [2022-09-12T16:19:08.189Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:19:08 [2022-09-12T16:19:08.190Z] 12:19:08 [2022-09-12T16:19:08.190Z] Suite duration: 1.011 s, Tests: 3 12:19:08 [2022-09-12T16:19:08.190Z] 12:19:08 [2022-09-12T16:19:08.190Z] Memory Test Suite 12:19:08 [2022-09-12T16:19:08.446Z] ✔ can read memory: 6ms 12:19:09 [2022-09-12T16:19:09.007Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 2ms 12:19:09 [2022-09-12T16:19:09.264Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:19:09 [2022-09-12T16:19:09.520Z] ✔ can write memory: 4ms 12:19:09 [2022-09-12T16:19:09.777Z] ✔ fails when trying to write to read-only memory: 5ms 12:19:10 [2022-09-12T16:19:10.355Z] ✔ Converts between hex and base64 without loss: 0ms 12:19:10 [2022-09-12T16:19:10.612Z] ✔ Throws an error if it detects ill-formed input: 2ms 12:19:10 [2022-09-12T16:19:10.612Z] 12:19:10 [2022-09-12T16:19:10.612Z] Suite duration: 2.307 s, Tests: 7 12:19:10 [2022-09-12T16:19:10.612Z] 12:19:10 [2022-09-12T16:19:10.612Z] multithread 12:19:10 [2022-09-12T16:19:10.869Z] ✔ sees all threads (all-stop): 213ms 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.432Z] ✔ sees all threads (non-stop): 260ms 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.432Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.432Z] Suite duration: 0.878 s, Tests: 2 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.432Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.432Z] pause 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.688Z] ✔ can be paused: 145ms 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.688Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.688Z] Suite duration: 0.319 s, Tests: 1 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.688Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.688Z] stop 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] ✔ handles segv: 132ms 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] Suite duration: 0.331 s, Tests: 1 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] util 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] ✔ compareVersions: 0ms 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] ✔ parseGdbOutput: 1ms 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] 12:19:11 [2022-09-12T16:19:11.945Z] Variables Test Suite 12:19:12 [2022-09-12T16:19:12.509Z] ✔ can read and set simple variables in a program: 20ms 12:19:12 [2022-09-12T16:19:12.765Z] ✔ can read registers in a program: 27ms 12:19:13 [2022-09-12T16:19:13.022Z] ✔ can read and set struct variables in a program: 27ms 12:19:13 [2022-09-12T16:19:13.586Z] ✔ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 30ms 12:19:13 [2022-09-12T16:19:13.842Z] ✔ can read and set array elements in a program: 31ms 12:19:13 [2022-09-12T16:19:13.842Z] 12:19:13 [2022-09-12T16:19:13.842Z] Suite duration: 1.875 s, Tests: 5 12:19:13 [2022-09-12T16:19:13.842Z] 12:19:13 [2022-09-12T16:19:13.842Z] Variables CPP Test Suite 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.404Z] ✔ can read and set a cpp object variable: 19ms 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.660Z] ✔ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 27ms 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.661Z] 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.661Z] Suite duration: 0.872 s, Tests: 2 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.661Z] 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.661Z] 56 passing (20s) 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.661Z] 3 pending 12:19:14 [2022-09-12T16:19:14.661Z] 12:19:15 [2022-09-12T16:19:15.223Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-gdb-async-off-remote-target.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js --timeout 5000 --test-gdb-async-off --test-remote 12:19:15 [2022-09-12T16:19:15.786Z] 12:19:15 [2022-09-12T16:19:15.786Z] GDB Backend Test Suite 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.042Z] ✔ can read a value from -gdb-show: 2ms 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.042Z] ✔ can set a value using -gdb-set: 0ms 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.042Z] 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.042Z] Suite duration: 0.232 s, Tests: 2 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.042Z] 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.042Z] attach remote 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.605Z] ✔ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 243ms 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.605Z] 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.605Z] Suite duration: 0.434 s, Tests: 1 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.605Z] 12:19:16 [2022-09-12T16:19:16.605Z] breakpoints 12:19:17 [2022-09-12T16:19:17.171Z] ✔ hits a standard breakpoint: 74ms 12:19:17 [2022-09-12T16:19:17.431Z] ✔ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 49ms 12:19:17 [2022-09-12T16:19:17.688Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 3ms 12:19:18 [2022-09-12T16:19:18.251Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 4ms 12:19:18 [2022-09-12T16:19:18.508Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 6ms 12:19:18 [2022-09-12T16:19:18.765Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file with space: 18ms 12:19:19 [2022-09-12T16:19:19.329Z] - reports back relocated line number 12:19:19 [2022-09-12T16:19:19.586Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated 12:19:20 [2022-09-12T16:19:20.149Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces 12:19:20 [2022-09-12T16:19:20.407Z] ✔ hits a conditional breakpoint: 74ms 12:19:20 [2022-09-12T16:19:20.970Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 79ms 12:19:21 [2022-09-12T16:19:21.227Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 63ms 12:19:21 [2022-09-12T16:19:21.818Z] ✔ resolves breakpoints: 82ms 12:19:21 [2022-09-12T16:19:21.818Z] 12:19:21 [2022-09-12T16:19:21.818Z] Suite duration: 5.154 s, Tests: 13 12:19:21 [2022-09-12T16:19:21.818Z] 12:19:21 [2022-09-12T16:19:21.818Z] Disassembly Test Suite 12:19:22 [2022-09-12T16:19:22.086Z] ✔ can disassemble: 29ms 12:19:22 [2022-09-12T16:19:22.649Z] ✔ can disassemble with no source references: 20ms 12:19:22 [2022-09-12T16:19:22.906Z] ✔ can handle disassemble at bad address: 2ms 12:19:22 [2022-09-12T16:19:22.906Z] 12:19:22 [2022-09-12T16:19:22.906Z] Suite duration: 1.33 s, Tests: 3 12:19:22 [2022-09-12T16:19:22.906Z] 12:19:22 [2022-09-12T16:19:22.906Z] evaluate request 12:19:23 [2022-09-12T16:19:23.470Z] ✔ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 3ms 12:19:23 [2022-09-12T16:19:23.726Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 1ms 12:19:24 [2022-09-12T16:19:24.294Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 2ms 12:19:24 [2022-09-12T16:19:24.294Z] 12:19:24 [2022-09-12T16:19:24.294Z] Suite duration: 1.193 s, Tests: 3 12:19:24 [2022-09-12T16:19:24.294Z] 12:19:24 [2022-09-12T16:19:24.294Z] function breakpoints 12:19:24 [2022-09-12T16:19:24.550Z] ✔ hits the main function breakpoint: 35ms 12:19:25 [2022-09-12T16:19:25.113Z] ✔ hits the sub function breakpoint: 47ms 12:19:25 [2022-09-12T16:19:25.368Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 64ms 12:19:25 [2022-09-12T16:19:25.625Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 47ms 12:19:26 [2022-09-12T16:19:26.187Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 44ms 12:19:26 [2022-09-12T16:19:26.443Z] ✔ fails gracefully on unknown function: 3ms 12:19:26 [2022-09-12T16:19:26.701Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 4ms 12:19:27 [2022-09-12T16:19:27.265Z] ✔ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 76ms 12:19:27 [2022-09-12T16:19:27.265Z] 12:19:27 [2022-09-12T16:19:27.265Z] Suite duration: 3.063 s, Tests: 8 12:19:27 [2022-09-12T16:19:27.265Z] 12:19:27 [2022-09-12T16:19:27.265Z] launch 12:19:27 [2022-09-12T16:19:27.828Z] ✔ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 185ms 12:19:27 [2022-09-12T16:19:27.828Z] ✔ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 10ms 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.390Z] ✔ works with a space in file names: 196ms 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.391Z] 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.391Z] Suite duration: 0.993 s, Tests: 3 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.391Z] 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.391Z] launch remote 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.647Z] ✔ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 193ms 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.647Z] 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.647Z] Suite duration: 0.394 s, Tests: 1 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.647Z] 12:19:28 [2022-09-12T16:19:28.647Z] logpoints 12:19:29 [2022-09-12T16:19:29.210Z] ✔ hits a logpoint: 83ms 12:19:29 [2022-09-12T16:19:29.466Z] ✔ supports changing log messages: 34ms 12:19:29 [2022-09-12T16:19:29.466Z] 12:19:29 [2022-09-12T16:19:29.466Z] Suite duration: 0.827 s, Tests: 2 12:19:29 [2022-09-12T16:19:29.466Z] 12:19:29 [2022-09-12T16:19:29.466Z] Memory Test Suite for cdt-gdb-adapter/Memory custom request 12:19:30 [2022-09-12T16:19:30.028Z] ✔ can read memory: 5ms 12:19:30 [2022-09-12T16:19:30.284Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 2ms 12:19:30 [2022-09-12T16:19:30.867Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:19:30 [2022-09-12T16:19:30.867Z] 12:19:30 [2022-09-12T16:19:30.867Z] Suite duration: 1.217 s, Tests: 3 12:19:30 [2022-09-12T16:19:30.867Z] 12:19:30 [2022-09-12T16:19:30.867Z] Memory Test Suite 12:19:31 [2022-09-12T16:19:31.124Z] ✔ can read memory: 6ms 12:19:31 [2022-09-12T16:19:31.692Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 1ms 12:19:31 [2022-09-12T16:19:31.949Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 12ms 12:19:32 [2022-09-12T16:19:32.511Z] ✔ can write memory: 4ms 12:19:33 [2022-09-12T16:19:33.073Z] ✔ fails when trying to write to read-only memory: 4ms 12:19:33 [2022-09-12T16:19:33.330Z] ✔ Converts between hex and base64 without loss: 0ms 12:19:33 [2022-09-12T16:19:33.893Z] ✔ Throws an error if it detects ill-formed input: 1ms 12:19:33 [2022-09-12T16:19:33.893Z] 12:19:33 [2022-09-12T16:19:33.893Z] Suite duration: 3.028 s, Tests: 7 12:19:33 [2022-09-12T16:19:33.893Z] 12:19:33 [2022-09-12T16:19:33.893Z] multithread 12:19:34 [2022-09-12T16:19:34.149Z] ✔ sees all threads (all-stop): 333ms 12:19:34 [2022-09-12T16:19:34.713Z] ✔ sees all threads (non-stop): 354ms 12:19:34 [2022-09-12T16:19:34.713Z] 12:19:34 [2022-09-12T16:19:34.713Z] Suite duration: 1.052 s, Tests: 2 12:19:34 [2022-09-12T16:19:34.713Z] 12:19:34 [2022-09-12T16:19:34.713Z] pause 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.276Z] ✔ can be paused: 187ms 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.276Z] 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.276Z] Suite duration: 0.399 s, Tests: 1 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.276Z] 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.276Z] stop 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] ✔ handles segv: 183ms 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] Suite duration: 0.376 s, Tests: 1 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] util 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] ✔ compareVersions: 1ms 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] ✔ parseGdbOutput: 1ms 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] 12:19:35 [2022-09-12T16:19:35.532Z] Variables Test Suite 12:19:36 [2022-09-12T16:19:36.095Z] ✔ can read and set simple variables in a program: 49ms 12:19:36 [2022-09-12T16:19:36.351Z] ✔ can read registers in a program: 14ms 12:19:36 [2022-09-12T16:19:36.914Z] ✔ can read and set struct variables in a program: 41ms 12:19:37 [2022-09-12T16:19:37.476Z] ✔ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 91ms 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.041Z] ✔ can read and set array elements in a program: 94ms 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.041Z] 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.041Z] Suite duration: 2.299 s, Tests: 5 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.041Z] 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.041Z] Variables CPP Test Suite 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.301Z] ✔ can read and set a cpp object variable: 33ms 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.866Z] ✔ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 25ms 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.867Z] 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.867Z] Suite duration: 1.056 s, Tests: 2 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.867Z] 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.867Z] 56 passing (23s) 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.867Z] 3 pending 12:19:38 [2022-09-12T16:19:38.867Z] 12:19:39 [2022-09-12T16:19:39.429Z] $ cross-env JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=test-reports/integration-gdb-non-stop.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 JUNIT_REPORT_PACKAGES=1 mocha --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter dist/integration-tests/*.spec.js --test-gdb-non-stop 12:19:39 [2022-09-12T16:19:39.992Z] 12:19:39 [2022-09-12T16:19:39.992Z] GDB Backend Test Suite 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.249Z] ✔ can read a value from -gdb-show: 3ms 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.250Z] ✔ can set a value using -gdb-set: 1ms 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.250Z] 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.250Z] Suite duration: 0.247 s, Tests: 2 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.250Z] 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.250Z] attach remote 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.811Z] ✔ can attach remote and hit a breakpoint: 203ms 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.812Z] 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.812Z] Suite duration: 0.389 s, Tests: 1 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.812Z] 12:19:40 [2022-09-12T16:19:40.812Z] breakpoints 12:19:41 [2022-09-12T16:19:41.068Z] ✔ hits a standard breakpoint: 32ms 12:19:41 [2022-09-12T16:19:41.325Z] ✔ handles breakpoints in multiple files: 39ms 12:19:41 [2022-09-12T16:19:41.890Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on unknown file: 3ms 12:19:42 [2022-09-12T16:19:42.147Z] ✔ fails gracefully on breakpoint on bad line in otherwise good source: 3ms 12:19:42 [2022-09-12T16:19:42.403Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file: 5ms 12:19:42 [2022-09-12T16:19:42.660Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying breakpoints in a file with space: 12ms 12:19:42 [2022-09-12T16:19:42.915Z] - reports back relocated line number 12:19:43 [2022-09-12T16:19:43.479Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated 12:19:43 [2022-09-12T16:19:43.735Z] - maintains gdb breakpoint when relocated - files with spaces 12:19:43 [2022-09-12T16:19:43.991Z] ✔ hits a conditional breakpoint: 33ms 12:19:44 [2022-09-12T16:19:44.553Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint with >: 32ms 12:19:44 [2022-09-12T16:19:44.810Z] ✔ hits a hit conditional breakpoint without >: 40ms 12:19:45 [2022-09-12T16:19:45.066Z] ✔ resolves breakpoints: 54ms 12:19:45 [2022-09-12T16:19:45.066Z] 12:19:45 [2022-09-12T16:19:45.066Z] Suite duration: 4.494 s, Tests: 13 12:19:45 [2022-09-12T16:19:45.066Z] 12:19:45 [2022-09-12T16:19:45.066Z] Disassembly Test Suite 12:19:45 [2022-09-12T16:19:45.636Z] ✔ can disassemble: 23ms 12:19:45 [2022-09-12T16:19:45.892Z] ✔ can disassemble with no source references: 18ms 12:19:46 [2022-09-12T16:19:46.148Z] ✔ can handle disassemble at bad address: 3ms 12:19:46 [2022-09-12T16:19:46.148Z] 12:19:46 [2022-09-12T16:19:46.148Z] Suite duration: 1.06 s, Tests: 3 12:19:46 [2022-09-12T16:19:46.148Z] 12:19:46 [2022-09-12T16:19:46.149Z] evaluate request 12:19:46 [2022-09-12T16:19:46.711Z] ✔ should evaluate a simple literal expression: 3ms 12:19:46 [2022-09-12T16:19:46.968Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of expression without a frame: 2ms 12:19:47 [2022-09-12T16:19:47.224Z] ✔ should reject evaluation of invalid expression: 2ms 12:19:47 [2022-09-12T16:19:47.224Z] 12:19:47 [2022-09-12T16:19:47.224Z] Suite duration: 1.018 s, Tests: 3 12:19:47 [2022-09-12T16:19:47.224Z] 12:19:47 [2022-09-12T16:19:47.224Z] function breakpoints 12:19:47 [2022-09-12T16:19:47.481Z] ✔ hits the main function breakpoint: 32ms 12:19:48 [2022-09-12T16:19:48.044Z] ✔ hits the sub function breakpoint: 24ms 12:19:48 [2022-09-12T16:19:48.300Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> responses (e.g. multiple static functions with same name): 42ms 12:19:48 [2022-09-12T16:19:48.556Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> function changes: 54ms 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.118Z] ✔ handles <MULTIPLE> mixed with line breakpoints: 30ms 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.374Z] ✔ fails gracefully on unknown function: 3ms 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.631Z] ✔ maintains breakpoint order when modifying function breakpoints: 5ms 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.887Z] ✔ deletes breakpoints in gdb when removed in IDE: 27ms 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.887Z] 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.887Z] Suite duration: 2.747 s, Tests: 8 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.887Z] 12:19:49 [2022-09-12T16:19:49.887Z] launch 12:19:50 [2022-09-12T16:19:50.450Z] ✔ can launch and hit a breakpoint: 140ms 12:19:50 [2022-09-12T16:19:50.707Z] ✔ reports an error when specifying a non-existent binary: 115ms 12:19:50 [2022-09-12T16:19:50.962Z] ✔ works with a space in file names: 159ms 12:19:50 [2022-09-12T16:19:50.963Z] 12:19:50 [2022-09-12T16:19:50.963Z] Suite duration: 0.984 s, Tests: 3 12:19:50 [2022-09-12T16:19:50.963Z] 12:19:50 [2022-09-12T16:19:50.963Z] launch remote 12:19:51 [2022-09-12T16:19:51.525Z] ✔ can launch remote and hit a breakpoint: 232ms 12:19:51 [2022-09-12T16:19:51.525Z] 12:19:51 [2022-09-12T16:19:51.525Z] Suite duration: 0.409 s, Tests: 1 12:19:51 [2022-09-12T16:19:51.525Z] 12:19:51 [2022-09-12T16:19:51.525Z] logpoints 12:19:51 [2022-09-12T16:19:51.782Z] ✔ hits a logpoint: 41ms 12:19:52 [2022-09-12T16:19:52.042Z] ✔ supports changing log messages: 25ms 12:19:52 [2022-09-12T16:19:52.042Z] 12:19:52 [2022-09-12T16:19:52.042Z] Suite duration: 0.707 s, Tests: 2 12:19:52 [2022-09-12T16:19:52.042Z] 12:19:52 [2022-09-12T16:19:52.042Z] Memory Test Suite for cdt-gdb-adapter/Memory custom request 12:19:52 [2022-09-12T16:19:52.613Z] ✔ can read memory: 5ms 12:19:52 [2022-09-12T16:19:52.870Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 2ms 12:19:53 [2022-09-12T16:19:53.128Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:19:53 [2022-09-12T16:19:53.128Z] 12:19:53 [2022-09-12T16:19:53.128Z] Suite duration: 1.022 s, Tests: 3 12:19:53 [2022-09-12T16:19:53.128Z] 12:19:53 [2022-09-12T16:19:53.128Z] Memory Test Suite 12:19:53 [2022-09-12T16:19:53.384Z] ✔ can read memory: 6ms 12:19:53 [2022-09-12T16:19:53.947Z] ✔ handles unable to read memory: 1ms 12:19:54 [2022-09-12T16:19:54.204Z] ✔ can read memory with offset: 4ms 12:19:54 [2022-09-12T16:19:54.461Z] ✔ can write memory: 5ms 12:19:54 [2022-09-12T16:19:54.717Z] ✔ fails when trying to write to read-only memory: 5ms 12:19:54 [2022-09-12T16:19:54.974Z] ✔ Converts between hex and base64 without loss: 1ms 12:19:55 [2022-09-12T16:19:55.538Z] ✔ Throws an error if it detects ill-formed input: 2ms 12:19:55 [2022-09-12T16:19:55.538Z] 12:19:55 [2022-09-12T16:19:55.538Z] Suite duration: 2.32 s, Tests: 7 12:19:55 [2022-09-12T16:19:55.538Z] 12:19:55 [2022-09-12T16:19:55.538Z] multithread 12:19:55 [2022-09-12T16:19:55.793Z] ✔ sees all threads (all-stop): 244ms 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.356Z] ✔ sees all threads (non-stop): 244ms 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.356Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.356Z] Suite duration: 0.849 s, Tests: 2 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.356Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.356Z] pause 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.616Z] ✔ can be paused: 139ms 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.616Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.616Z] Suite duration: 0.36 s, Tests: 1 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.616Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.616Z] stop 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] ✔ handles segv: 144ms 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] Suite duration: 0.336 s, Tests: 1 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] util 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] ✔ compareVersions: 0ms 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] ✔ parseGdbOutput: 1ms 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] Suite duration: 0.002 s, Tests: 2 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] 12:19:56 [2022-09-12T16:19:56.873Z] Variables Test Suite 12:19:57 [2022-09-12T16:19:57.436Z] ✔ can read and set simple variables in a program: 20ms 12:19:57 [2022-09-12T16:19:57.693Z] ✔ can read registers in a program: 12ms 12:19:58 [2022-09-12T16:19:58.256Z] ✔ can read and set struct variables in a program: 52ms 12:19:58 [2022-09-12T16:19:58.512Z] ✔ can read and set nested struct variables in a program: 31ms 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.074Z] ✔ can read and set array elements in a program: 37ms 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.074Z] 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.074Z] Suite duration: 1.947 s, Tests: 5 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.074Z] 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.074Z] Variables CPP Test Suite 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.335Z] ✔ can read and set a cpp object variable: 19ms 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.898Z] ✔ can read and set nested variables from a cpp object: 13ms 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.898Z] 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.898Z] Suite duration: 0.861 s, Tests: 2 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.898Z] 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.898Z] 56 passing (20s) 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.899Z] 3 pending 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.899Z] 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.899Z] Done in 165.57s. 12:19:59 [2022-09-12T16:19:59.899Z] + yarn pack 12:20:00 [2022-09-12T16:20:00.155Z] yarn pack v1.22.19 12:20:00 [2022-09-12T16:20:00.717Z] success Wrote tarball to "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/cdt-gdb-adapter-v0.0.16-next.tgz". 12:20:00 [2022-09-12T16:20:00.717Z] Done in 0.58s. 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.053Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.059Z] [Pipeline] // timeout 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.063Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.067Z] [Pipeline] // container 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.072Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.077Z] [Pipeline] // stage 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.082Z] [Pipeline] stage 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.083Z] [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions) 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.090Z] [Pipeline] container 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.091Z] [Pipeline] { 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.096Z] [Pipeline] junit 12:20:01 [2022-09-12T16:20:01.100Z] Recording test results 12:20:02 [2022-09-12T16:20:02.755Z] [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found. 12:20:02 [2022-09-12T16:20:02.759Z] [Pipeline] archiveArtifacts 12:20:02 [2022-09-12T16:20:02.763Z] Archiving artifacts 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.554Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.560Z] [Pipeline] // container 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.570Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.574Z] [Pipeline] // stage 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.579Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.583Z] [Pipeline] // timestamps 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.587Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.591Z] [Pipeline] // withEnv 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.596Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.600Z] [Pipeline] // node 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.604Z] [Pipeline] } 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.609Z] [Pipeline] // podTemplate 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.613Z] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.681Z] Setting status of 0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0 to SUCCESS with url https://ci.eclipse.org/cdt/job/cdt-gdb-adapter-verify/149/ and message: 'Build finished. ' 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] FileNotFoundException means that the credentials Jenkins is using is probably wrong. Or the user account does not have write access to the repo. 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] org.kohsuke.github.GHFileNotFoundException: https://api.github.com/repos/eclipse-cdt-cloud/cdt-gdb-adapter/statuses/0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0 {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest/commits/statuses#create-a-commit-status"} 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.interpretApiError(GitHubClient.java:540) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.sendRequest(GitHubClient.java:401) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.sendRequest(GitHubClient.java:355) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.Requester.fetch(Requester.java:76) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GHRepository.createCommitStatus(GHRepository.java:2107) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.status.GhprbSimpleStatus.createCommitStatus(GhprbSimpleStatus.java:283) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.extensions.status.GhprbSimpleStatus.onBuildComplete(GhprbSimpleStatus.java:241) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbBuilds.onCompleted(GhprbBuilds.java:205) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbBuildListener.onCompleted(GhprbBuildListener.java:28) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at hudson.model.listeners.RunListener.lambda$fireCompleted$0(RunListener.java:207) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at jenkins.util.Listeners.lambda$notify$0(Listeners.java:59) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at jenkins.util.Listeners.notify(Listeners.java:67) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at hudson.model.listeners.RunListener.fireCompleted(RunListener.java:205) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.finish(WorkflowRun.java:627) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.access$800(WorkflowRun.java:138) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun$GraphL.onNewHead(WorkflowRun.java:1049) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowExecution.notifyListeners(CpsFlowExecution.java:1518) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsThreadGroup$3.run(CpsThreadGroup.java:509) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsVmExecutorService$1.run(CpsVmExecutorService.java:38) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at hudson.remoting.SingleLaneExecutorService$1.run(SingleLaneExecutorService.java:139) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at jenkins.util.ContextResettingExecutorService$1.run(ContextResettingExecutorService.java:28) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at jenkins.security.ImpersonatingExecutorService$1.run(ImpersonatingExecutorService.java:68) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://api.github.com/repos/eclipse-cdt-cloud/cdt-gdb-adapter/statuses/0b3cdf3247f9b26dc8cd40b0fa24a4a96cfeecd0 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler$1.onError(GitHubConnectorResponseErrorHandler.java:54) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.detectKnownErrors(GitHubClient.java:424) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] at org.kohsuke.github.GitHubClient.sendRequest(GitHubClient.java:386) 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.871Z] ... 25 more 12:20:03 [2022-09-12T16:20:03.926Z] Finished: SUCCESS