Started by user Frederic Gurr Running as Frederic Gurr Running in Durability level: PERFORMANCE_OPTIMIZED [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline [Pipeline] echo [WARNING] label option is deprecated. To use a static pod template, use the 'inheritFrom' option. [Pipeline] podTemplate [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] node Still waiting to schedule task There are no nodes with the label ‘my-agent-podCreated Pod: kubernetes cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Scheduled] Successfully assigned cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx to okdnode-21 [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][AddedInterface] Add eth0 [] [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Pulling] Pulling image "maven:alpine" [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Pulled] Successfully pulled image "maven:alpine" in 6.389889774s [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Created] Created container maven [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Started] Started container maven [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Pulled] Container image "" already present on machine [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Created] Created container jnlp [Normal][cbi/my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx][Started] Started container jnlp Agent my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx is provisioned from template my-agent-pod-thdm5 --- apiVersion: "v1" kind: "Pod" metadata: annotations: buildUrl: "http://jenkins-ui.cbi.svc.cluster.local/cbi/job/jiro_custom_container_test_pipeline/8/" runUrl: "job/jiro_custom_container_test_pipeline/8/" labels: jenkins: "slave" jenkins/label-digest: "138f65105f5cdc059253961c36a46c19eb0d2751" jenkins/label: "my-agent-pod" name: "my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx" spec: containers: - command: - "cat" image: "maven:alpine" name: "maven" tty: true volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/settings.xml" name: "settings-xml" readOnly: true subPath: "settings.xml" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/.m2/repository" name: "m2-repo" - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false - env: - name: "JENKINS_SECRET" value: "********" - name: "JENKINS_TUNNEL" value: "jenkins-discovery.cbi.svc.cluster.local:50000" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME" value: "my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx" - name: "JENKINS_NAME" value: "my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx" - name: "JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR" value: "/home/jenkins/agent" - name: "JENKINS_URL" value: "http://jenkins-ui.cbi.svc.cluster.local/cbi/" image: "" name: "jnlp" resources: limits: {} requests: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "100m" volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent" name: "workspace-volume" readOnly: false nodeSelector: "linux" restartPolicy: "Never" volumes: - emptyDir: {} name: "m2-repo" - name: "settings-xml" secret: items: - key: "settings.xml" path: "settings.xml" secretName: "m2-secret-dir" - emptyDir: medium: "" name: "workspace-volume" Running on my-agent-pod-thdm5-nv4tx in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jiro_custom_container_test_pipeline [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Run maven) [Pipeline] container [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh + mvn -version Apache Maven 3.6.1 (d66c9c0b3152b2e69ee9bac180bb8fcc8e6af555; 2019-04-04T19:00:29Z) Maven home: /usr/share/maven Java version: 1.8.0_212, vendor: IcedTea, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "linux", version: "5.12.7-300.fc34.x86_64", arch: "amd64", family: "unix" [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // podTemplate [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS