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Started 7 yr 1 mo ago
Took 6 min 48 sec

#3 (Mar 24, 2017, 8:53:50 AM)

  1. added a reqIF handler (details)
  2. fixed naming conventions to match the standard ones, removed .DS_Store (details)
  3. Fix version of OSGI bundle of ReqIF handler (details)
  4. updated handler to check if object is a reqif SpecificationHierachy (details)
  5. Added explicit dependency to org.eclipse.equinox.event (details)
  6. Now include icons for UI in build (details)
  7. Added repository description (details)
  8. Updated pom.xml for testsuite (details)
  9. fix: fixed so bin is included in bundle (details)
  10. tests: removed need to have default VM (details)
  11. tests: added missing dependencies (details)
  12. added PRO-R dependency to the target platform (details)
  13. added reqif plugin to the feature so that it is included in the update (details)
  14. Transfers for SelectionView can now be defined with extension point (details)
  15. Addedd a getDisplayName method in the artifactHandler interface to allow (details)
  16. fix: fixed updated package name for EMFHelper (details)
  17. Fix on getText method and implemented resolve artifact for IFile handler (details)
  18. fix: extension point used for tests now confirms to interface (details)
  19. Fixed deprecated message for ViewerSorter by replacing with a (details)
  20. Added display name and unique ID to the trace metamodel, updated (details)
  21. Undo changes wrongly introduced by previous commit (details)
  22. add handler annotation interface (details)
  23. implement cdt annotation interface (details)
  24. implement jdt annotation interface (details)
  25. add cdt and jdt handler tests to build (details)
  26. add annotation example to TraceCreationHandler (details)
  27. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  28. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  29. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  30. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  31. moved the code to make tests run in one thread on Mac to the parent pom (details)
  32. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  33. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  34. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  35. Added Zest View (details)
  36. 506898: [Feature] Add source code annotations if traceability link to (details)
  37. Fixed matrix bug and added a test for the matrix (details)
  38. Addressed the comments from the previous push: replaced the String (details)
  39. Configured the OfficeTransferType as an extention. (details)
  40. Switched the Apache POI dependency from version 3.9.0 to version 3.10.1 (details)
  41. Filtered the poi-ooxml jar to exlude SheetDataWriter and (details)
  42. Office-Support: allows viewing details of items from Excel and Word (details)
  43. Office-support: hides context menu otions in Office View depending on (details)
  44. Office-support: Added a preference page (details)
  45. Office-support: Preference page fix (details)
  46. PropertiesTester fix: fixed inf. loop when creating a trace (details)
  47. Office: added readable names to OfficeObjects in trace links (details)
  48. Added MS Office support as a feature (details)
  49. Office feature fix (details)
  50. Office: fixed NPE when opening some xml files (details)
  51. Office: Replaced selectSheet popup with dynamic context menu (details)
  52. Office: changed the artefact uri delimiter from / to \:: (details)
  53. 2 Office fixes: no and empty Excel sheets foolproofing. (details)
  54. Office: added message when word file is empty of fields (details)
  55. Office: added option to change word field-ID in preferences (details)
  56. Fixed papyrus class cast bug (details)
  57. fix 511819: include extension point schemas in binary builds (details)
  58. Bugfix: Changed the resolveArtifact method to return IFile instead of (details)
  59. fix: removed non-existent src directory from documentation plugin (details)
  60. use getDisplayName method for the matrix and graphical PlantUML View (details)
  61. Fixed the escape string for EMF elements as well (details)
  62. Added resolveArtifact() implementation for OfficeHandler (details)
  63. Harmonised naming of plug-ins and vendor entry (details)
  64. Renamed extension points to follow naming conventions (details)
  65. Removed unnecessary files (details)
  66. Fixes to the files (details)
  67. 508880: [Fix] Use implicit dependencies to avoid forcing the (details)
  68. Split HudsonHandler into TestElementHandler and BuildElementHandler (details)
  69. Add generic IArtifactHandler, convert all handlers accordingly (details)
  70. refactor TraceCreationHandler into ui/non-ui parts (details)
  71. Models are not API. They should be accessed from adapters. (details)
  72. Allow display of plantUML graph and matrix from selecting graphical (details)
  73. refactored TraceCreationHelper to ArtifactHelper and TraceHelper (details)
  74. 508880: [Fix] Use implicit dependencies to avoid forcing the (details)
  75. 508880: [Fix] Use implicit dependencies to avoid forcing the (details)
  76. 508880: improved structure of features (details)
  77. fix preference store location (details)
  78. Added a PHP Handler (details)
  79. removed the unnecessary handler feature project (details)
  80. Corrected spelling of category description (details)
  81. split into core/generic/ui features (details)
  82. Google Sheets support added (details)
  83. Office plugin code revision (details)

Started by user Salome Maro

Revision: 25ce616dad36b36f99785c7c2ec82198c5b52c7f
  • origin/develop