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Test Result : MoveElementsFromSubAppCommandTest

0 failures
15 tests
Took 99 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 10: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 2: Create Event Connections, run Undo5 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 11: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 2: Create Event Connections, run Undo, run Redo6 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 12: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 3: move Functionblock from SubApp6 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 13: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 3: move Functionblock from SubApp, run Undo6 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 14: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 3: move Functionblock from SubApp, run Undo, run Redo7 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 15: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute all Commands interspersed with Undo and Redo9 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 1: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Verify initial State4 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 2: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 1: move Functionblock from SubApp6 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 3: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 1: move Functionblock from SubApp, run Undo26 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 4: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 1: move Functionblock from SubApp, run Undo, run Redo5 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 5: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Verify initial State3 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 6: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 1: Create Data Connections4 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 7: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 1: Create Data Connections, run Undo4 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 8: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 1: Create Data Connections, run Undo, run Redo5 msPassed
testCommand(String, StateInitializer, StateVerifier, Iterable, CommandExecutor, CommandExecutor, TestInfo) 9: Start with two FBs in SubAppNetwork : Execute until Command 2: Create Event Connections4 msPassed